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to have not hurried for table hawks?

113 replies

howmuchwouldyoutake · 02/11/2013 22:43

I am totally willing to be told i was being unreasonable.

DP was working today so nipped into town with DS. DS fell asleep in his buggy so i nipped legged it shit hot into a coffee shop.

I sat at one of the tiny, just big enough for two tables with a scone and a posh coffee and had been there maybe 10 minutes (so still had half left) when a couple approached with a tray and asked if i'd be long. I said 'yes, sorry, a little while' and went back to the trashy mag i was reading thinking that they'd move on.

Nope - she asked how long! I repeated i'd be a little while and he said 'well we'll wait here'. Then they stood right over me for a good 5 minutes watching me stuff my face until a table came free over the other side (which i pointed out - they were too busy hovering next to me)

Cafe was busy. No other tables but they didn't ask anyone else, just hovered. My table was really tiny so i didn't offer to share. Not a big deal in the scheme of it but totally spoilt my treat. Wibu not to have hurried?

OP posts:
MrsOakenshield · 04/11/2013 16:52

how can you possibly spread jam on top of cream? The jam is heavier as well, surely, so obviously it's scone (to rhyme with gone), jam, cream.

I'm not pro baggsying, but that's just dreadfully rude. It sounds like you had baggsied and bought before they queued so it's not as though they thought there was a free table but then you nipped into it, cos then they could have just sat down at it anyway while you were still queuing!

MrsOakenshield · 04/11/2013 16:53

oh, and the scone has to be at least warm. Cold scones are yeuch.

everlong · 04/11/2013 16:58

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

YouTheCat · 04/11/2013 17:08

I really want a scone now.

I've had to settle for my gone-wrong-Christmas cake.

notso · 04/11/2013 17:10

YANBU aggressive lurking should not be tolerated,
It's ok to bag a table,
It's annoying to take a table for four if there's only one of you and there are plenty of tables for one or two and sit sipping a coffee hogging the free wifi,
It's scone to rhyme with cone,
Butter, jam then cream,
Cheese scones are delicious.

DameDeepRedBetty · 04/11/2013 17:21

Yanbu, they were clearly sad bonkers gits. Waitress service solves most table hogging issues.

Cheese scones are the work of the devil.

MrsOakenshield, you don't SPREAD the jam on top of the cream on your scone, you DOLLOP it with a spoon.

EldritchCleavage · 04/11/2013 17:44

Scones with raisins/currants/sultanas - WRONG

What the motherfucking blazes is wrong with you people?

Cheese scones for savoury treat

Plain scones for cream teas.

Fruit scones eaten with butter only.

And those of you who have butter as well on a cream tea are decadent wankers responsible for the obesity crisis.

OP, you were not unreasonable, they were very bad-mannered and I really dislike the way some people think they can intimidate women. If you were a man sitting with a baby they would not have done this, I'm pretty sure.

SirChenjin · 04/11/2013 20:03

Actually - scones should have coconut and cherries in them and should be eaten with butter. No other form of scone (rhymes with gone) should exist.

CrapBag · 04/11/2013 20:08

YANBU. I would have pretended I didn't know they stayed there and taken as long as possible to read my magazine. They were very rude.

dubstarr73 · 04/11/2013 20:08

Scone == bone

CrystalTits · 04/11/2013 20:15

Sorry Eldritch, you lost me at "what the motherfucking blazes...". Phrase of the day!

RealAleandOpenFires · 04/11/2013 21:16

Its scone for 1.
Scoone for 2 or more.


StealthPolarBear · 04/11/2013 21:23

Butter. Just butter. Cream and jam is for Paddington.

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