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114 replies

NoWayNever · 20/10/2013 09:37 neighbours, neither of whom work have managed to buy a brand new Honda! They have four kids, so I get they "need" a bigger car, but the car is only used for the school a school that is a twenty minute walk at the most!! Why is the state paying for that?? My DH and I both work and we have one child and we would struggle to buy a new car! Things like this make me unbelievably cross! Aibu??? Rant over!!

OP posts:
Iamsparklyknickers · 20/10/2013 15:40

The absolute bastards! They should be walking to school in their bare feet grateful for a free education.

Cars!?! What a piss take.


perplexedpirate · 20/10/2013 17:16

Do you know, I saw some poor people the other day that had the audacity to be clean and well fed!!
They didn't even doff their caps as I went by, or stand in the gutter to let my better, working self pass!
Country's gone to the dogs, I tell you.

thebestbitisthelastbit · 20/10/2013 20:21

Poor OP, clearly has fallen foul of the MNrule of never speaking out of turn if you read The Mail or vote tory (or as happened here, accused of it even though no one knows for sure)! You must be new is not allowed to have an opinion that the regulars do not agree with! You will be judged harshly, beaten with the proverbial shitty stick and called names...never fear they will be berating someone else for their comment tomorrow and you will be left in peace again. And OP you are not alone in in your thoughts, lots of others think the same too, we just don`t post here for the reasons you have just experienced...

Tweasels · 20/10/2013 20:30

It's not the "mumsnet rule" though is it. It's just common decency.

"It's not allowed to have an opinion that the regulars don't agree with"

That's bullshit as well.

It's not about rules or regulars or even political leanings. It's about educating people not to make assumptions about people's lifestyles and helping people to understand that all unemployed people are not some lower class of people who aren't allowed nice things.

And yes I will judge the OP, for holding ignorant views. Obviously it's OK for you and her to judge people who don't work but it's not OK for others to judge you for holding those views.

TondelayoSchwarzkopf · 20/10/2013 20:31

Am I missing something? It's a fucking HONDA ... not a Porsche Cayenne.

Gileswithachainsaw · 20/10/2013 20:53

I'm perfectly fine with people having their own opinions.however supporting all the "getting too much "bollocks spoken by the daily mail and Tories when their cuts are putting families through hell is not ok on any level.

Heartbrokenmum73 · 20/10/2013 20:58

And OP you are not alone in in your thoughts, lots of others think the same too, we just don`t post here for the reasons you have just experienced...

Orrrrrr because the majority of MN aren't ignorant bigots and would put you straight if you did post such bollocks, as has happened on this thread!

Happy to see the intelligent MNers out in force once again today. Keep it up people!

TondelayoSchwarzkopf · 20/10/2013 21:00

If it's the Mumsnet rule that you're not allowed to have a different opinion, why haven't they deleted all the OP's posts?

SunshineSuperNova · 20/10/2013 21:06

YABU and goady.

thebestbitisthelastbit · 20/10/2013 21:32

And out come the regulars! We do not judge .......we educate! Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and not once has the OP accused everyone on benefits as being lower than her - you have put those words into her mouth. It is allowed to read a paper that has a Tory bias, it's also allowed to air a view about benefits....just not here clearly. Not everyone claiming benefits does so legitimately I am sure if the post had begun with "I think my neighbour, friend, aunty Mildred is fraudulently claiming benefit" you would have been telling her to pick up the phone!!

I think it is time to frequent a less two faced coming too NoWayNever?

ReluctantBeing · 20/10/2013 21:34


Famzilla · 20/10/2013 21:50

Jealousy is never going to get you a better car OP.

I hate this ridiculous daily mail mentality of people on benefits with loads of kid getting a golden throne to shit on the rest of us working folk with. It just doesn't happen.

I used to be friends with a single mum. She did part time hairdressing but got all her rent paid, tax credits etc. She sent her DD to private school, was going on 2 long haul holidays a year, had loads of designer clothes etc. I used to assume she just wasn't declaring her income or something as I didn't believe for 2 seconds that a life on full benefits could be anything less than a struggle to make ends meet every week.

She declared herself bankrupt a month ago. Debt the size (and price) of a house. It's horrendous how much money companies will throw at people who have no real way to pay it back.

tshirtsuntan · 20/10/2013 22:23

My car is old and cost me 750 quid, I am so glad to have it. I know so many people who may never have a car and are totally resigned to it.Anyone who has a better car than me (most drivers!) May enjoy and drive away to their hearts content safe in the knowledge I will never question where they got the wherewithal for their superior wheels Grin

LuisSuarezTeeth · 20/10/2013 23:37


Shut the door behind you. Thanks.

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