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What planet is this assclown from?

34 replies

SolidGoldBrass · 13/10/2013 22:52

About 15 years ago, I ran a writers' group with some friends. Though it's been defunct for years, it still comes up if the relevant terms are searched for, and every now and again (about once every couple of years or so) I will get an email from someone interested in joining the group. I always reply politely, explaining that it's not running any more and offering suggestions as to where else the person might go for useful advice. So I got one of these emails last week and sent the usual reply, and got another email back from the enquirer which said ' Thanks. I would like to meet you when my divorce is finalised.'

WTF? I thought, and sent another email along the lines of 'try googling local writers' groups'. And now the mad fucker has sent me an invitation to come along to court for his next divorce hearing.

In what universe is this a) an appropriate way to behave and b) likely to win a woman's heart (or fanjo)?

OP posts:
joanofarchitrave · 14/10/2013 00:50

laughing like Muttley here.

I'd email him back saying 'Many thanks for a fantastic anecdote.'

pollywollydoodle · 14/10/2013 01:36

assclowns come from uranus , obviously....

pollywollydoodle · 14/10/2013 01:40

is he hoping that this plotline will tempt you to restart your group?
ignore him and his strange date plans...

RedorBlack · 14/10/2013 05:05

And they say romance is dead! Best snap that one up quickly GrinGrinGrin

ElleBelly · 14/10/2013 06:13

Haha! Most romantic thing I've ever heard. Can you imagine the ex wife's reaction. "Let me introduce you to this total stranger I googled and invited along on this incredibly stressful and difficult day to hear the finer details of our finances and relationship history".

Pobblewhohasnotoes · 14/10/2013 07:02

Well it's an original first date I guess...

thebody · 14/10/2013 07:52

as my dm used to say, if you are too picki body you won't get anybody',!!!!! heed wise words SGB.Grin

he sounds delightful.

DropYourSword · 14/10/2013 07:56

Pffft, at least you know he's available! Sounds like a keeper!

bebopanddoowop · 14/10/2013 08:11

Hahahah that is brilliant

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