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about Christmas thread rudeness?

78 replies

froken · 19/09/2013 19:19

Recently more and more Christmas threads have been popping up in AIBU. Yes we all know it is September but the people posting obviously care about the issue they are posting about.

On every thread there allways seems to be a couple of people popping us saying "yabu to even think about christmas in September" "I don't even think about Christmas untill after 9pm on the 24th of December" and the worst "there is a Christmas thread you should post in there instead of in AIBU"

The threads are clearly marked as containing Christmas bassed issues but still some people who have a hatred of early Christmas planning open the thread, read the thread and then post a rude reply. I have seen this happen on threads with fairly sensertive content.

The idea that all Christmas bassed AIBU should be in the Christmas thread is really mean in my opinion. No one goes onto a thread where the person has written something like "AIBU to be worried that my 6 year has no friends at school?" and says "ummm you do know there is an education topic, you should post there not in AIBU"

Many people don't need to plan Christmas in advance, some people do need to plan Christmas in advance. I need to book flights, dp will need to book time off work, there are complex family issues behind who is where on Christmas day. I don't think I (and other posters who need to plan Christmas in advance) should feel like we are offending people by asking questions about our issues.

AIBU to think that if you don't want to think/read about Christmas in September then don't open threads with the word Christmas in the title?

OP posts:
sameoldIggi · 19/09/2013 20:11

There is a difference between threads such as "AIBU to not want to spend Christmas with my axe-murdering BIL again " and ones such as "AIBU to only put 5 presents in pfb's Christmas Eve hamper this year". IMO. Which is obviously what counts Grin

froken · 19/09/2013 20:13

Cardibach the people who don't want to read the Christmas threads can just look at page 2 of AIBU if they feel like there are not enough un-christmassy threads to read.

I don't think the Christmas thread people would be posting other more seasonal threads (worrying about the harvist festival?) if christmas threads were banned in September.

OP posts:
IsaacCox · 19/09/2013 20:21

YANBU. There are threads all over the place in the 'wrong' topic, no one says anything about them. I just don't open them if I'm not interested. I get pissed off with people saying to post it elsewhere all the time.

Lcbirdy · 19/09/2013 20:33

Thank you!

I am new to posting, but have been on mn for a couple of weeks. It makes me really sad (sometimes angry) for ops who are blasted by people who KNEW the subject before opening the thread. We all have choices to make. Take responsibility for your own reactions to things you CHOOSE to read.

elQuintoConyo · 19/09/2013 20:46

Just as I don't open S&B threads titled 'what are we wearing today' and post 'DH's arse as a hat' because I think they are ridiculous.

DifferentNow · 19/09/2013 21:04


Grin PMSL @ elQuintoConyo. So true.

usualsuspect · 19/09/2013 21:08


Christmas threads get on my tits.

londone17 · 19/09/2013 21:10

Yanbu. It's only 14 weeks away. I'm almost ready for it.

CatAmongThePigeons · 19/09/2013 21:15

Grin at ElQuinto

AnneUulmelmahay · 19/09/2013 21:16


Christmas is a sad or difficult time for lots, HQ agreed to create a Christmas topic so that the whole topic can be hidden by those who find it triggering or upsetting, and the jolly Christmas lovers can have an absolute ball over there.

It's just asking for a bit of kindness, mindfulness really.

That's all

LynetteScavo · 19/09/2013 21:19


If you need to book flights and time off, you don't need to discuss them in the Christmas topic.

Planning Christmas early is just silly.

When I run If I ran MN, I would remove the Christmas topic between 1th January, and 31st October.

I take full responsibility for my reaction to this thread. Hmm

LynetteScavo · 19/09/2013 21:22

Actually, I think I may well hide the Christmas topic, before, for yet another year I am convinced I am the only mother in the UK who doesn't present my DC with a hamper full of goodies on Christmas eve.

usualsuspect · 19/09/2013 21:30

My children are the only children on MN who have never had a pair of Christmas pjs.

froken · 19/09/2013 21:40

I wouldn't start an aibu to say "hi everyone, just booked my flights home for Christmas, thats all, continue with your late summer/early autumn activities" but I might start a thread that was "aibu to consider flying into London and then driving for 5 hours on Christmas eve, is it going to be traffic chaos?" because that is relevant to me right now and will influence which flight I will book.

Most of the early Christmas threads are far from jolly, most aibu to do with Christmas are actually just a family/financial/relationship aibu that just so happens to have Christmas as the backdrop.

I agree that it is a little too early to have aibu to buy a plastic Christmas tree type threads, but if people are not interested in a post it will just go unanswered.

I really wish that I could sit back and wait till early December to decide what to do for Christmas but if I did that I wouldn't have any choice because tickets would be too expensive and the family drama would be too explosive.

OP posts:
Mintyy · 19/09/2013 21:50

Yabu! Christmas threads belong in the Christmas topic and 80% of all other threads in AIBU belong in other topics.

I don't care if this makes me the thread police/uptight or anal.

Mnhq have created all these different topics and one of the great benefits of this is so that people can customise Mumsnet to see mainly what is of interest to them. With coming up to a million users now, surely 99/100 threads are of no interest to any particular user. Users should be able to customise. Otherwise it all becomes too tedious.

So I hide all Armed Forces Sweethearts threads, and all the antenatal and ttc threads, and Relationships when I don't want to be thoroughly depressed.

If I choose to hide the Christmas threads, then I expect them to stay hidden. Not crop up all over the fucking shop.

tethersend · 19/09/2013 21:56

Not just yours,,usual...

PeppiNephrine · 19/09/2013 21:57

It depends. The super early obsessing about stupid aspects of one day are annoying, and they are also symptomatic of a recent bizarre overinvolvement in Christmas that is seeping into half of the year.
Going on and on about bloody Christmas fromAugust onwards is just ruining the fun of it for a lot of people. By november we are sick of the fucking word, let alone the angst.

usualsuspect · 19/09/2013 22:02

I've never done that weirdy elf on the shelf stuff either.

Mintyy · 19/09/2013 22:02

You said it Peppi.

HorryIsUpduffed · 19/09/2013 22:02

I don't know. I agree that some Christmas threads are actually "AIBU to get stressed about this family get-together in a few months' time where I anticipate that my parents will start gaslighting me again" and it could just as easily be about a December christening or something; whereas "AIBU to spend £500 on a Christmas present for my 6mo PFB?" can fuck off to Christmas topic.

froken · 19/09/2013 22:10

Wouldn't it be better if those people looking to only readtthreads on specific topics didn't read the more general unspecified topics rather than read the aibu page, see something they are uninterested in, open the thread, read the thread and then post a reply on the thread.

Lots of issues are triggering. Some people have had traumatic births, some people have had failed marriages, some people were bullied at school, I don't believe that should prevent people from posting about birth/weddings/schools and I don't see why Christmas would be singled out and 'policed" by some posters.

OP posts:
LadyBeagleEyes · 19/09/2013 22:15

So what's the point of a Christmas topic then, if you all want to come over here.
Anyway we haven't had the Halloween is American-I don't let my children beg etc. etc, yet.
Surely that should come first.


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Mintyy · 19/09/2013 22:20

I just click hide on 95% of the Christmas threads that crop up. But after doing that 95 times, I might feel, oh I don't know, a tiny bit irritated with the other 5 threads. I wouldn't read them though! Would just wade in and suggest that people might like to take their unseasonal chat elsewhere.

AnneUulmelmahay · 19/09/2013 22:21

It's really lovely that you had a think about my post and took onboard the reasons why HQ decided to make a specific topic Smile

tethersend · 19/09/2013 22:23

Elf on the shelf? WTF is that??

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