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Good for you Miley - payback time for Robin Thicke

41 replies

MCos · 02/09/2013 00:05

Have you seen the Robin Thicke video for Blurred Lines? All those girls being so submissive and all over him?? Yuch!!!!! Girl Power, NOT.

Good for you Miley Cyrus - you took control and whooped his ass. You were no 'good girl' - that's for sure. And after watching that original Robin Thicke video again - THAT's A GOOD THING!!!


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noobieteacher · 02/09/2013 01:31

Late night brainwave - I think actually this is all about dodgy videos being banned before a certain hour - this is relatively new but if probably just starting to affect the business. I can't think how, but I can imagine them all in the background saying 'yeah if the censors want to restrict our supreme but dodgy videos let's show them what they're missing - now who can we find that will do something really stupid and think it's cool? blablabla'.

Faezy · 02/09/2013 01:29

she humiliated the both of them.

noobieteacher · 02/09/2013 01:27

Oh softlysoftly where HAVE you been?

noobieteacher · 02/09/2013 01:26

I like nontroversial, invented by Madonna.

A thing that generates a lot of media noise? Publicity stunt - a bit 1970s though, need something more 21st century.

Media noise - mediophony?

softlysoftly · 02/09/2013 00:55

Ok confused as fuck now someone help me out! I avoided any knowledge of any of this but have now watched original video (omg) and the miley cyrus thing (no idea who she was).

How is her song in any way negating his? She sang with him and simulated lots of sec with him. I'm missing something Confused???

thecatfromjapan · 02/09/2013 00:54

Not "controversial", nontroversial. That is: it is a pretend, fake controversial that leaves embedded power structures in place (or more firmly entrenched).

Is there a word for things that generate a lot of media noise? There must be, I think. But I don't know it. Does anyone on mn know it?

MCos · 02/09/2013 00:50

MaMattoo - unfortunately, even thought 15 years olds are avid VMA/MTV fans, I think VMAs are aimed at the 18+ age group. They actively seek to be controversial.

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BellaTheGooseIsDead · 02/09/2013 00:48

He did look a bit uncomfortable good but I don't think she exploited him, far from it.

LessMissAbs · 02/09/2013 00:47

YouTheCat You do know this isn't real? It's like wrestling

Not everyone does...

I find the style adopted for this one a bit Americanised, a bit too obvious. But then no-one takes Miley Cyrus seriously? Surely everyone is aware it is a sarcastic kind of performance?

MCos · 02/09/2013 00:45

Waffling - no not GH - a few years older..

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MrsTerryPratchett · 02/09/2013 00:41

Just so you know, if you post links, people clink them, then advertisers make money so you have HELPED Robin Thicke. HTH.

MCos · 02/09/2013 00:40

Ok - lets put it this way - the video is REALLY terrible.
Makes Miley look good.

Anyway, that's my take. I had a severe reaction to the video. So much so, that I appreciated a young girl getting in his crotch and making him feel uncomfortable. (Even if I thought 'Oh God' when I first say the Miley take)

Look at the video.

YIKES! - just found the unrated version - much worse! blurred-lines-unrated It even has that finger!

OP posts:
Waffling · 02/09/2013 00:39

Op, are you Geri Halliwell?

MaMattoo · 02/09/2013 00:37

Good for miltey as the publicity, both negative and positive has been huge.
Personally the whole tongue and twerking business makes me sick.
And yada yada but along with celebrity comes responsibility. That was not a family friendly music awards night!! Imagine a 15 yr old miley fan...
She does not win this one, And yabu to think she did..! She is a young person being played by a corporate power..

thecatfromjapan · 02/09/2013 00:36

"PublikrelationsTerror" -noobieteacher

Ooh. i like that. I'm definitely putting that in my Cupboard of Useful Ideas.

Thank you.

noobieteacher · 02/09/2013 00:34

Absolutely "PublikrelationsTerror" is what we are having now. On mn anyway.

noobieteacher · 02/09/2013 00:32

Giving someone the proverbial finger because they are sexist IS a feminist statement, but that's not what she did. She waved her arse at him provocatively, that negates any upyourses from her to him many times over.

thecatfromjapan · 02/09/2013 00:29

Someone once told me that the Baader Meinhoff had some theory about "KonsumerTerror", where consumers would rise up, as consumers, and violently react against the crap they were being sold. As consumers, the way proles would rise up as proles, etc.

I find that this Thicke stuff, the next installment of the PR "story" (the Cyrus) stuff, really gives me the rage, as a consumer.

And, reading mumsnet, I realise I am not alone.

Obviously, some people think: "Oooh ... cool." but a lot of us are just really fucking enraged by the cynical shit that is being pumped in our direction.

YouTheCat · 02/09/2013 00:29

You do know this isn't real?

It's like wrestling. Hmm

Montybojangles · 02/09/2013 00:29

I prefer the finger this lot give him in the you tube clicky link in this AIBU conversation.

Miley is a sad, public train wreck happening in slo mo :(

MCos · 02/09/2013 00:28

noobieteacher - I don't think it was a feminist statement. And not a real FU either.

But I appreciated how he was not so comfortable with an in-your-face female.

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LittleBearPad · 02/09/2013 00:26

I'm not sure there is one - how about feminism? At least that stands for something. Girl power was marketing crap.


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noobieteacher · 02/09/2013 00:25

Hmm I would have to watch the video again to check. But I can't bear to.

YouTheCat · 02/09/2013 00:25

Yes but it was all orchestrated by their record label.

They're the one giving the finger.

MCos · 02/09/2013 00:24

YouTheCat - she most definitely gave Robin Thicke the finger! A very large foam finger...

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