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Blurred Lines and young girls on This Morning

35 replies

MulberryHag · 22/08/2013 18:51

Watching This Morning (AIBU?? Grin ) and they are having a family quiz/challenge session between two families.
For one part of the challenge they play the song Blurred Lines and two of the young girls (aged about 7-9 I think) get given top hats, canes and blazers and they dance about to the music while Ruth says "I love this song!" And their parents clapped, smiled and cheered them on.

Now, am I being a grumpy old fart or am I right in saying this song isn't appropriate for young girls to dance to?

Yeah, I had a bitch, but she ain't bad as you
So hit me up when you passing through
I'll give you something big enough to tear your ass in two
Swag on, even when you dress casual
I mean it's almost unbearable
Then, honey you're not there when I'm
With my foresight bitch you pay me by
Nothing like your last guy, he too square for you
He don't smack that ass and pull your hair like that
So I just watch and wait for you to salute
But you didn't pick
Not many women can refuse this pimpin'
I'm a nice guy, but don't get it if you get with me

Not sure if they bleeped the word bitch out, but I looked at the music video and it's full of naked women wearing only skin-coloured g-strings... Boobs all over the place...

Am prepared to be flamed for being an idiot but I just thought they could've chosen any other song. Sigh.

OP posts:
MulberryHag · 22/08/2013 20:17

I honestly thought i would be told I was BU!
I despair about the culture we live in these days...

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MulberryHag · 22/08/2013 20:18

And the VIDEO! Which is freely available to any little fingers that can type in a search engine.

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GameSetAndMatch · 22/08/2013 20:22

And completely agree with you too, Mulberry.

Mintyy · 22/08/2013 20:22

I think the fact that there is a sanitised version is irrelevant and the researchers should have their sorry arses whipped for choosing such an inappropriate song to feature on This Morning. With children fgs.

And Ruth Langsford should be absolutely ashamed of herself for not being fully up to speed with controversy about this recording and video.

RabbitIssue · 22/08/2013 20:28

At our school play they (12 year olds) danced to some song (don't know title or who by) about pole dancing with some guy rapping about throwing 50 dollars, I think, at the pole dancers. I was really Angry

That Fun song has really dodgy lyrics too, something about getting high in the bathroom and his girlfriend having a scar that he gave her Shock Nice!

yellowballoons · 22/08/2013 20:30

On a plus note, I would have thought that most girls that age wouldnt have a clue what they were singing about.
I remember questioning my girls when they were about 9 and 11 as I was a bit horrfied at what they were singing along to. But they were singing wrong words at time, and just didnt have a clue what it all meant. So I relaxed for a few more years.

On a minus note. Children are getting ever more worldly earlier, so no way should This Morning have done that.

ILetHimKeep20Quid · 22/08/2013 20:53

See the problem with your pearl clutching post is that the lyrics you posted are actually from the 30 second rap by pharrel.

It doesn't really constitute the lyrics.

I think the song is fun and sexual and the worst part of the video is the hashtag thing

acer12 · 22/08/2013 20:58

Ilethim yep I agree,
I like the song, it was actually the catalyst for me losing a stone of my baby weight! Grin

MulberryHag · 22/08/2013 21:11

No pearls I'm afraid, maybe I'll have some when I'm a grown up.

The rap is part of the song, it's in the video and on the radio version I've heard. Regardless, a song where woman are degraded and this is seen as acceptable is not a song I want my daughter to hear.

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Lizzylou · 22/08/2013 21:25

Or my sons.
The rap is an integral part of the song. I actually like the song, if the lyrics were less misogynistic. I gave always had a thing about Pharrell as well.
Does that mean I want my 9 and 7 yr old watching the video and seeing women objectified in that way? No.

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