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to want to go back on depo (despite OH having had the snip)

32 replies

Justforlaughs · 28/07/2013 07:09

My periods are awful. I am moody and bad tempered, but that's not the issue (not having periods won't change that Grin), my iron levels are always really low, I am very tired all the time and take iron tablets (400mg) every day. When I have a period due it is even worse, I can barely get out of bed some days. They are also VERY heavy. I go through sanitary products at the rate of knots! (TMI I know, sorry), forget mooncups and all that - tried them all. I was on Depo in the past and my periods stopped altogether, it was bliss. Now that DH has had the snip he doesn't want me to "fill my body with hormones" but AIBU to want to do it anyway?

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HPsauceonbaconbuttiesmmm · 28/07/2013 17:28

YANBU, its your body, but for a long term solution to very heavy periods its probably not the bet approach. You could try tranexamic acid, but you'd be better off discussing with your GP and maybe try a mirena coil. These provide local progesterone to the uterus and often leave you period free after a while, certainly reduce the amount and frequency dramatically.

Hope that helps.

OHforDUCKScake · 28/07/2013 17:19

Im going to the doctor tomorrow for exactly the same reason. Im due on, my face is covered in spots, covered. Ive got awful PMT, st johns wort isnt helping my periods are ridiculously heavy despite a recent op to 'fix' it. I get anemic quickly and feel like shit.

So Im going back on the pill.

McNewPants2013 · 28/07/2013 16:57

I take ibuprofen while on a period at the stated dose, it makes them much lighter but it last a day or 2 longer.

On the plus side it also helps with the cramping and discomfort.

A few months ago I didn't have any left in the house and I did notice the diffrence.

megsmouse · 28/07/2013 13:42

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

Justforlaughs · 28/07/2013 12:38

Itchywool in fairness to DH I haven't mentioned this to him, he says that he had a vasectomy to "save me from having to keep taking hormones", but he hasn't tried to stop me from going back onto depo. (I don't think he would really know what it was tbh!)

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Itchywoolyjumper · 28/07/2013 12:28

Pretty much all hormonal contraception will eventually have some kind of beneficial effect on heavy periods as one of their actions is to thin down the endometrium.
I would suggest a longer acting method to reduce the hassle of taking it backed up by something to reduce the short term bleeding disturbances that can occur when you start any method.

As far as DH goes, seeing as it appears he unilaterally decided to have a vasectomy he should desist from dictating what you can put in your body.

Justforlaughs · 28/07/2013 09:57

I'd love to be pregnant again nobody, but DH has put paid to that (he hopes! Grin)

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NobodyPutsTomArcherInTheCorner · 28/07/2013 09:55

As your dh has had the snip I'm assuming you are not looking to be having any more babies? If so, you might consider thermal ablation for your awful periods(sympathies).

I had this done and it stopped them and was wonderful. It's a quick procedure. But it destroys the lining of the uterus so you have to be sure you don't want to be pregnent again.

Justforlaughs · 28/07/2013 09:53

Tried it, Boysarelikedogs, leaked every 20 minutes or so! [must stop giving TMI emoticon]

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BoysAreLikeDogs · 28/07/2013 09:47

Slightly off topic but - mooncup? Worth a try.

Justforlaughs · 28/07/2013 09:30

My GP is leaving in a couple of weeks, so I think I will make an appointment to see the new one and see what they suggest. MAybe Depo isn't the best option DM has osteoporosis, but there seems as if there are other alternatives.

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jammiedonut · 28/07/2013 09:08

Go for it. I've been in the pill since I was 12 purely to manage my periods. Dh and I still use condoms for contraception as no method (not even a vasectomy) can be guaranteed 100% to guard against pregnancy (db was a result of an obviously botched vasectomy!). When it comes to your periods, especially as they are as debilitating as you say, I think it is extremely unfair for him to think he has any say in whether you use hormones to treat/ manage your symptoms. Just as bad to me as him denying the use of painkillers because he wouldnt want to use drugs.
If he'll listen, try to explain how it'll improve your quality of life and it's not just about avoiding pregnancy. Yanbu at all

Meringue33 · 28/07/2013 08:58

GP went mad when I confessed to her I was on depo just for periods and wasn't sexually active at the time. She said it was a massive dose of hormones and could cause osteoporosis in later life.

Tbh if it's that bad I'm not sure why it's ok to take as contraception!

However, she put me on tranxemic acid, which has massively changed my life for the better.

sashh · 28/07/2013 08:58


Is a vasectomy ever necessary?


I'm on depo and I won't be coming off it any time soon. It sounds like you are full of hormones anyway so a medical dose might be beneficial.

IrisWildthyme · 28/07/2013 08:58

YANBU - heavy periods are really debilitating and avoiding them is not unreasonable at all, but given the health risks with long-term depo use it's worth looking at other options. Go talk to your GP. There are treatments available which reduce the extent to which your womb lining builds up each month, making the period less heavy. Which treatments might work for you depend on whether you have finished your babymaking days (I guess if DH has had the snip the answer may be yes) but you need a proper consultation rather than DrMN.

Snazzyenjoyingsummer · 28/07/2013 08:35

Have you had your bone density checked? One possible side effect of depo is its adverse effect on bone density when used long term. If you have already spent some years on it I would look at alternatives. Go back to your doctor as you need better help than the iron tablets.

LadyBeagleEyes · 28/07/2013 08:31

Go for it. I stayed on depot after I separated, even when I didn't have a partner.
No periods, no PMT either.

Justforlaughs · 28/07/2013 08:30

Thanks relaxed might have a look and try those as well.

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Relaxedandhappyperson · 28/07/2013 08:28


Relaxedandhappyperson · 28/07/2013 08:27

Not really answering your question but I discovered the REALLY absorbent Lilets on here and it has made a real difference to how manageable the heaviest day is.
or did before I was put on aspiring and now it just runs out

Justforlaughs · 28/07/2013 08:22

Dahlen I could look at diet, but exercise atm is a complete nono, not just because I am lazy Grin but because my periods are so heavy that I leak everywhere if I move around, need to go to the loo at least once an hour for 2 days which makes work interesting

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Justforlaughs · 28/07/2013 08:20

Dahlen I think I came off depo about 10 years ago, had a coil fitted - total disaster, but that's another thread and now have a nearly 5 yo, so it's been a long time.

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Dahlen · 28/07/2013 08:18

I'm with your DP in that I think it's very much preferable to avoid pumping your body with artificial hormones if possible, but ultimately it's your body, your health and your fertility - you're allowed to do exactly as you please without your DH's approval. If you feel better on depo, go for it.

Incidentally, how long have you been off it? I haven't used hormonal contraception for years, and it took a good 18 months for my body to stabilise. I had some awful periods in that time. However, these days they last 2 days, are unbelievably light, no cramps, nothing.

Also, it's not a straightforward link as many women lead optimum lifestyles and still suffer, but for most women changing diet and taking regular exercise (especially during a period) can really, really help.

gamerchick · 28/07/2013 08:17

Proper little ray of sunshine aren't you sunflowers?

If the depo helps you and your periods are doing your head in then why not? I loved the depo for stopping periods.

Chippednailvarnish · 28/07/2013 08:14

waste of tax payers money - Sunflowers wouldn't an unplanned pregnancy be more expensive? And what about all the women who take the pill to help with heavy periods, is that a waste of money too?


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