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AIBU to buy this?

48 replies

Ginocchio · 20/07/2013 12:40

WIBU to buy this -penis- -extension- car?

I've liked them for ages, and am now in a position to be able to afford one in addition to a "proper" car.

But... I'm an accountant (in a dull industry), I drive a very dull car normally, and I've got 2 young DCs (7&4).

I'm single (separated for about a year), and I'm concerned that -women- people will think I am a massive prick (rather than that I have a massive prick) for driving one.

I'm under no illusions that it won't make make me look any cooler or more desirable; I just like them and think it would be fun to drive.

So: AIBU to get this car, on grounds that I'm having an early mid-life crisis and that I should grow up, or can I get away with it without -prospective- -partners- thinking I'm a total bellend?

I await the MN jury's decision...

OP posts:
thispunderfullife · 21/07/2013 14:50

If you like it, you can afford to run it and it's nice to drive, why not?! Enjoy it xxx

Ginocchio · 20/07/2013 16:16

WMittens, it's ok - Tidy is clearly just unable/unwilling to accept how obviously lovely the car is. It's a shame, but I'll console myself with the fact that I'm right..

OP posts:
Ginocchio · 20/07/2013 16:13

Greymoose it'd be in addition to my dull car (that I have to have for work), so no issues re size.

IThink yes, a Skyline would be my other choice.

OP posts:
KoalaFace · 20/07/2013 16:00

It'd be such a such a shame if you didn't get something you wanted and have worked hard to afford because you're worried how people will see you.

Get it, enjoy it and when you meet any ladies you are interested in just show them you're a gent and not a player.

A car putting you off someone? That sounds silly. Do you want to be with someone so ridiculous anyway?

KoalaFace · 20/07/2013 15:57

It'd be s

GoofyIsACow · 20/07/2013 15:55

Is that fs in manchester?

rescoonetwothree · 20/07/2013 15:54

Sorry posted before finished - obviously I'm not sure if its the same as that but looks like it might be squished in the back! Aside from that if you like it just get it!

IThinkOfHappyWhenIThinkOfYou · 20/07/2013 15:53

I don't like it but as I am lusting after a nissan skyline I'm hardly in a position to judge.

WMittens · 20/07/2013 15:53

It doesn't mean it's not ugly....!

No, the fact that the matter is subjective means it's not ugly; it also means it's not beautiful.

In your opinion it is ugly; my opinion is it's good-looking.

rescoonetwothree · 20/07/2013 15:51

Please look at how big the back is - especially if you met a new partner it'd mean 2 children squished in the back and they're just getting bigger - my mum got an Alfa Romeo gtv after she split from my dad and it was pointless apart from it looked nice and was fast - we dreaded getting in the back of it even if it was just one of us in the back for a short time and longer journeys were horrendous.

Not sure if this'll help at all but that's advice I wish my mum had!

TidyDancer · 20/07/2013 15:49

It doesn't mean it's not ugly....!

WMittens · 20/07/2013 15:45

If you want ugly cars, then sure, ignore my opinion.

Given that that Supra design is over 20 years old, I think it's stood the test very well. It stands up exceedingly well to the overly-creased, fussy designs that we see in modern cars.

WMittens · 20/07/2013 15:44


They get you from A to B

Well that's just plain wrong - my cars very often get me from A to A.

I understand if you drive a shit car, you don't want to spend any more time in it than you have to; it's one reason why I don't buy shit cars.

TidyDancer · 20/07/2013 15:31


If you want ugly cars, then sure, ignore my opinion.

Ginocchio · 20/07/2013 15:21

Well, it seems the consensus is that I should buy one. I'm going to print off a copy of this thread and keep it in the glovebox, for evidence...

OP posts:
Ginocchio · 20/07/2013 13:41

Tidy Shock

makes note to ignore Tidy's opinion in future as is clearly just wrong

OP posts:
TidyDancer · 20/07/2013 13:34

blood bloody

Ledkr · 20/07/2013 13:34

Who cares?
When I got divorced I bought a golf cabriolet.
I loved it and couldn't have cared less what people thought about me.
First time me and my mate had the roof down playing independent women on the stereo and the heating on full as it was April Grin great fun and great memories.
Do what you like.

TidyDancer · 20/07/2013 13:34

If you want it and can afford it, get it.

But tbh (as this is AIBU!) it's a blood ugly car!

Ginocchio · 20/07/2013 13:34

worra if we all thought rationally and sensibly about everything all time, then we'd have no need for AIBU. And then what would we talk about...?

OP posts:
worsestershiresauce · 20/07/2013 13:33

Some of the nicest people I know drive in your face cars. That one relatively speaking is pretty inoffensive. If you like it go for it, and anyone who judges you for it probably isn't worth knowing anyway.

JourneyThroughLife · 20/07/2013 13:33

It's nicer than I thought it would be - from your post I thought it was going to be really OTT but it's fine. Get one if you fancy it. Drive sensibly, not like a complete which case, what's the problem. It's a car.....


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IneedAyoniNickname · 20/07/2013 13:32

Lol Grin

Ginocchio · 20/07/2013 13:29

Ineed if you ignore the face, body, lack of bald head and accent, I'm pretty much an exact replica...

OP posts:
IneedAyoniNickname · 20/07/2013 13:26

Op do you look like Vin Diesel? Grin

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