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Still receiving post for previous owners of our house

27 replies

diamond211 · 08/07/2013 11:08

Our neighbours used to live in our house, but 13 years ago divided up the land and built the house they now live in.
AIBU to feeling that after 13 years they should have had time to re-directed all their post?
We still regularly get their post through our door (with our address on it), some of it junk but some clearly personal.
I alternate between taking it to them (down a long drive past their large barking dogs) and taking it back to post office with a 'no longer at this address' note on it.
If IANBU what is my obligation to keep ensuring that this post reaches them?

OP posts:
PumpkinPie2013 · 09/07/2013 12:33

13 years is really long enough!

We've been in our house 4 years, paid for redirecting when we moved from previous house and sorted out all the address changes.

The previous owners however didn't. We still get their mail now and even after 4 years it irritates me.

We used to dutifully write 'not at this address' and put it back in the post box (which isn't just round the corner as we live out in the sticks). However, the last few months I'm afraid I've started binning it or using it to light the log fire! They're obviously not that bothered about it.

PigletJohn · 09/07/2013 17:02

I'm very much in favour of dropping them a postcard saying "we have some of your mail here, please call round if you want it"

Let them do the walking. When (if) they come, ask them to give you the card back so you can use it again. And again.

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