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To want Kate and Wills to call their baby...

41 replies

babybearsmummy · 05/07/2013 14:31

Channelle or Tyler

Just to put Katie Hopkins in her place?!

OP posts:
WMittens · 06/07/2013 10:34

That's all well and good, but I wonder how many royals (especially the Queen) agree to some extent with Katie Hopkins.

SquinkiesRule · 06/07/2013 01:50

They should call her London Chantal. Then tell Katie Hopkins she can't bring her kids over to play.

K8Middleton · 06/07/2013 00:41

She will be called Shania. As in Twain.

Kreecher you've got your old name on! Grin

kreecherlivesupstairs · 06/07/2013 00:22

Who is Katie Hopkins?
I think I'd like Princess Minge.
DD has a girl in her class called that. Not the Princess bit though...

CocacolaMum · 05/07/2013 23:22

I am hoping they call him or her "Legoland" if they go for Windsor as a surname.

Fakebook · 05/07/2013 23:14

Safari Joe for a boy

Lill-i-an (pronounced lill I an) for a girl

mumandboys123 · 05/07/2013 22:49

I once sat next to a toddler called Tequila on a train....I think Tequlia Sunrise over Wales would work really well...

ShellyBoobs · 05/07/2013 22:39

Why didn't you just put the complete sentence in the subject line, OP?

flipchart · 05/07/2013 22:19

kafri. Don't be silly. Katie knows everything! She doesn't need advice!

Kafri · 05/07/2013 22:03

wonder if Kate's been on MN and is taking our 'advice' Grin

Purplecatti · 05/07/2013 21:46

Chardonnay Vajazzle

NotYoMomma · 05/07/2013 21:13

I think Vicki-Mae Lexi instead of Victoria Maria Alexandria etc

titchy · 05/07/2013 20:57

Anyone for Sharlot? Or Hari?

phantomnamechanger · 05/07/2013 19:11

I think they will go for a classy, elegant name that (for the child's sake) is not too OTT, but just "different" enough that 1000s of people won't immediately copy them. And if anyone copies them but with a chavvy version of the spelling, them claims NOT to have copied cos its a diffrent name innit - that will be beyond grim.

InViennaWeWerePoetry · 05/07/2013 18:53

Now ex- DP was working in the US when Kate's pregnancy was first announced, and sent me a link to a US website he found which had published an article predicting possible royal baby names. Sadly I can't find the link now, but among the suggestions were:

Harrison for a boy, after Prince Harry.

And for a girl, either Kenya, because the baby might have been conceived there, or Spencer, after Diana. Grin

flipchart · 05/07/2013 18:51

I think they should call it Blue Nun Holly!

TheMagicKeyCanFuckOff · 05/07/2013 18:47

I think Aymei-Rouz would be pretty. I know a little girl called that as it happens (with that spelling)!

PeaceandFUCKINGLove · 05/07/2013 18:46

oops wrong fred, meant to post on the Katie Hopkins one! Grin

PeaceandFUCKINGLove · 05/07/2013 18:45

Lets face it, she couldn't even find a partner who actually wanted to be with her, so she had to resort to shagging cheating married men in fields and then ensuring that she fell pregnant in order to get them to leave their wives for her.

MrsBertMacklin · 05/07/2013 18:44

I actually had an idea on this, but it would be a lot of work just to piss off a professional troll.

But it would be great if all the people who match her stereotype of working class oiks, could name any new babies India, Poppy or Maximillian. Or if you're prepared to go the extra mile, change your existing children's names to this by deed poll Grin

WouldBeHarrietVane · 05/07/2013 18:43

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

PeaceandFUCKINGLove · 05/07/2013 18:42

I want South East Wales! Grin


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LilacPeony · 05/07/2013 18:41

Jordyn or Jorja?

LilacPeony · 05/07/2013 18:40

It will be either Prince Kevin or Princess Maureen.

LadyIsabellaWrotham · 05/07/2013 18:38

Danaerys. I definitely want us to have a Queen Danaerys.

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