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Why don't I see people I know anymore? Has everyone namechanged?

403 replies

Hullygully · 04/07/2013 14:40


OP posts:
limitedperiodonly · 04/07/2013 16:40

I missed Stratters the other day. A baby crow landed in my garden and was too tired to get out. It's surrounded by tall houses on all sides and it's difficult to get out of for a novice flyer - I've had crash-landed baby pigeons, one of whom was eviscerated by a cat.

It was squawking like crazy and kept trying to fly and hitting the wall and falling. It was heartbreaking. But its parents wouldn't leave it and they eventually calmed it down so it got strong enough to fly off Smile.

I thought of Mortimer.

Salmotrutta · 04/07/2013 16:40

You could swap that kindle for a typewriter you know usual...

farewellfigure · 04/07/2013 16:43

I'm here but I don't think anyone knows me much. I'm getting very addicted though. It's just so much more fun than hoovering.

Still not brave enough to post on IPOAT hall.

Hullygully · 04/07/2013 16:43

I sent tufty a message I did about her being missed an all. Maybe she'll come out to play.

OP posts:
Hullygully · 04/07/2013 16:44

We won't eat you farewell, we might put you in a corset and make you tatt, but we wouldn't eat you.

Unless we were starving

OP posts:
Tee2072 · 04/07/2013 16:47

I am about to be gone for about 3 weeks. Well, I'll be here, but I'll be posting in the middle of the night UK time as I'll be in San Francisco.

I wonder if anyone will miss me?

::Big pathetic needy eyes::

Hullygully · 04/07/2013 16:48

Ooo have a good time, are you going to go all Armistead Maupinish?

OP posts:
Shodan · 04/07/2013 16:50

I'm still here Hully.

Whether or not that's a good thing is anybody's guess. Or indeed if that same anybody knows who I was in the first place.

I nearly name-changed, but then didn't, after several seconds' agonised dithering.

Tee2072 · 04/07/2013 16:51

Yes, Hully, because it's still 1975 in America. Grin

farewellfigure · 04/07/2013 16:51

I did tatting once. But it was a long time ago. I've probably forgotten how. Is it like riding a bike (but without the pedals)?

I like Huge Jackman too. Yummy.

Hullygully · 04/07/2013 16:53

Hey shodan

Yes it is 1975. Pack a tank top.

Do not speak of The Hugh

OP posts:
thegreylady · 04/07/2013 16:57

Hully dear I know I am a spectral person of little consequence but I am here and I always look for your posts.

FunnysInLaJardin · 04/07/2013 16:57

I don't understand the IPOAT thing at all. What issit? A quiche?

Tee I am very Envy of your glam and jetsetting life. I am going to France.....Mind I did go to Derbyshire at easter, so............

farewellfigure · 04/07/2013 16:58

Has poor Hugh done something wrong? Or is he just too revered to discuss in normal conversation Hully?

Tee2072 · 04/07/2013 16:59

Glam and jetsetting? I haven't been anywhere except Dublin (I live in Belfast, Dublin is not glamorous) or London (for business and a MN piss up ) for 3 years.

And really, I'm just going home for a bit.


farewellfigure · 04/07/2013 17:00

Sorry, I mean 'he who shall not be named' Confused

Shodan · 04/07/2013 17:02

I feel all enervated today Hully so can't wave back.

TuftyFinch · 04/07/2013 17:08

Hully, Usual and Salmotrutta, I'm here... sort of. Thank you for missing me, well, remembering me. Well, you know...
Hully's right, I have been sad. I'm fine but things are a bit sad in Tuftyland.
I havn't namechanged though... is there another Tufty.

Salmotrutta · 04/07/2013 17:09

Oh hello lovely Tufty!!

Hope you are alright?

ExitPursuedByABear · 04/07/2013 17:09

It certainly isn't as much as it used to be.

Or maybe I just got tired.

Sorry to hear you are sad Tufty.

ExitPursuedByABear · 04/07/2013 17:10

Whoops. Missed the word FUN out of that post.

Now what does that tell you eh?

Salmotrutta · 04/07/2013 17:10

I have to log off for a bit but back later.

So nice to "see" you Tufty. Smile


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Salmotrutta · 04/07/2013 17:11

Oh and I'm off on hols this weekend so won't be around for a couple of weeks.

usualsuspect · 04/07/2013 17:12

Hello,Tufty, sorry for your sadness.

Nice to see you [concernedface]

TheSecondComing · 04/07/2013 17:19

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