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33 replies

LongDeadMotherofHorrors · 02/07/2013 20:59

Noun - text
Verb - to text
Conjugation of verb in past: "she texted me", not "she text me"

OP posts:
Hissy · 02/07/2013 21:58

It's texted to those old enough to remember grammar.


MsPickle · 02/07/2013 22:35

I suspect that many people are actually using "text'd" when you hear "text" as a past form.

And all words, be they noun, adjective or verb (or variations thereof) are invented...Grin

KobayashiMaru · 02/07/2013 22:38

Does the pedant in you not notice you have posted in AIBU without actually asking any AIBU?

WafflyVersatile · 03/07/2013 00:07

because it sounds like it already has 'ed on the end.


for the record I don't like it either.

Maybe we could start using ''tex'ed'' in our own communications and others will follow.

Similar with 'should have'. People say 'should've'. People hear 'should of' so then they write 'should of'.

Jan49 · 03/07/2013 01:29

Surely it isn't really "texted" since it doesn't exist as a verb (or does it?) But "text" as a past tense sounds wrong too. I think "sending a text" is much better. But I do sometimes say "I'll text you". Hmm So who decides whether it can be used as a verb or not?

AudrinaAdare · 03/07/2013 01:34

I text my DD on Mondays.
I am texting my DD.
I have texted my DD.

Seems fine to me.

Text SPEAK is not okay. It isn't verbal, it's written. It should be called something else. No, I don't know what.

MsPickle · 03/07/2013 08:05

Jan-the hive mind decides! For example, Hoover fought (and lost) to have us all use 'vacuum' as the verb to protect their brand of Hoover.

Google on the other hand are delighted to be a verb...

LongDeadMotherofHorrors · 03/07/2013 13:47

Kobayash....I think that's a gotcha! I'll pay more attention to detail in the future. Blush

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