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to expect my neighbour to weed her front garden....

65 replies

cuteboots · 07/06/2013 13:27

so I moved into the house about a year ago and I always thought that when you live in a housing assocation property you had to keep the garden up together. Obviously not in this case the weeds are awful and make the frt of the houses where we live look awful. Im talking dock leaves that have been growing for a few years and are huge . The garden at the back of house is also awful as well. Would you say something or just try and ignore?? Am I just being a bit precious ??

OP posts:
AndHarry · 07/06/2013 21:02

Another one who clicked to see if the OP was my neighbour :o I don't live in Wiltshire though, phew!

RedToothBrush · 07/06/2013 20:14

Buy her astroturf or put up with it.

BasketzatDawn · 07/06/2013 20:08

Hello, I di wonder what my neighbour looked like. Couldn't see you for the shoulder high weeds!

ladyMaryQuiteContrary · 07/06/2013 20:05

Just watch out for any cakes.

ChewingOnLifesGristle · 07/06/2013 20:03

I keep misreading this thread title. It could be worseGrin

ladyMaryQuiteContrary · 07/06/2013 20:01


She could be growing them for a reason. Does she have nettles on the back?

WestmorlandSausage · 07/06/2013 19:53

squirt weedkiller on them you don't think they are watching. Thats what my neighbour does to me... think he got into the habit of doing it when the house was empty before we bought it. Fine by me, saves me a job!

PelvicFloorClenchReminder · 07/06/2013 19:48

It's some kind of botanical shenanigans

ladyMaryQuiteContrary · 07/06/2013 19:42

Oh, that's so cool, PelvicFloor. How do they do that though? What happens? We call the white ones fairies Grin You have to blow the seeds off in one go and make a wish. If you find one floating in the breeze and catch it then you can make another one. If you can't catch it then it means that wish belongs to someone else.


VerySmallSqueak · 07/06/2013 19:40

Live and let live.

Mandy2003 · 07/06/2013 19:35

I read this as grow weed in her garden - oo-er!! I imagine there is probably a clause in her tenancy agreement about keeping the garden tidy. Your best grounds for saying anything to her would be to say that the seeds from the buggers are spreading to your property.

PelvicFloorClenchReminder · 07/06/2013 19:26
DiseasesOfTheSheep · 07/06/2013 19:25

Am I the only one who keeps thinking that her lady garden needs weeding?

'cos that really is none of our business Grin

ladyMaryQuiteContrary · 07/06/2013 19:18

Yes. But when do they change from yellow to white? I see them yellow or I see them white, never in between. Blush

PelvicFloorClenchReminder · 07/06/2013 19:15
ladyMaryQuiteContrary · 07/06/2013 19:07

What are the white weeds which release their seeds when you blow them and they drift away in the breeze? (slightly off topic, sorry)

MiaowTheCat · 07/06/2013 18:54

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

RevoltingPeasant · 07/06/2013 17:43

Jeez people. Even if it is HA. Why not leave the poor woman alone?

I am so incredibly glad I own my home. It was one of the things I hated about renting: we had a beautiful rented garden that backed onto a wood and the bottom would fill with bluebells in the spring, amongst the grass. Which we then had to mow down before a periodic inspection. Angry

Dandelions are not 'weeds' to everyone. Neither are docks. Both are traditional native plants with medicinal benefits.

Personally, I bloody hate suburban gardening, with colour-coordinated, sterile, imported flowers planted in formation, covered in pesticide and surrounded by concrete and brick. Total ecological nightmare. I find that depressing to look at.

Maybe I should wander up the street offering my neighbours some of my dandelion seeds to plant to sort out their gardens.......

Bogeyface · 07/06/2013 16:35

If it is HA then they will deal with it, if not beak out!

Tee2072 · 07/06/2013 16:28

limited I keep getting the most beautiful flowers. I have no idea what they are, but I am happy to have them!

limitedperiodonly · 07/06/2013 16:01

tee2072 I'm looking at my ivy atm. It's luscious. Don't know what variety it is, but it has leaves the size of a small hand. It's at the point where it's still tender bright green rather than tougher dark green. It's spilling off the wall and is the age where it will flower and get berries in late summer.

It's glorious, but it'll will piss off the neighbours, whose wall it's growing on, so I'll be out there with my extended clippers, but not for a month or maybe two if I can get away with it.

TheOriginalSteamingNit · 07/06/2013 15:45

YABU, mind your own.


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Justfornowitwilldo · 07/06/2013 15:41

If it's a HA property contact them and they will send out a warning.

Tee2072 · 07/06/2013 15:36

You would hate me. I mow (well, have a guy who mows) but I like the weeds. Some of them are pretty.

I also don't trim my hedges.

But I privately rent so it's no one's business anyway, except my landlord's, but he lives in Hong Kong.

limitedperiodonly · 07/06/2013 15:33

In two minds really. I'm with those people who said to offer to do it yourself or have a word with the HA.

A property developer was renovating the house next door last summer and asked if I'd be tarting up the front of my house because it would affect kerb appeal. My house didn't look terrible but it looked a bit tired. However, I've other calls on my money atm, as do many people.

So he sent his builders round to level off superficial cracks to the stucco and other weather damage, give it a lick of paint front and back, repair a broken railing and trim the rampant ivy in the back garden. Result, although the bastard didn't go for my request to replace the broken tiles on my doorstep Wink

The house next door is still on the market.

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