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To be pissed off at the abuse of the exclamation mark?

76 replies

nenevomito · 22/04/2013 12:37

Why end every sodding sentence in an exclamation mark instead of a full stop? It hurts my eyes and makes posts look silly.

The exclamation mark is a punctuation mark usually used after an interjection or exclamation to indicate strong feelings or high volume (shouting), and often marks the end of a sentence. Example: ?Watch out!?

You don't bloody well need it when talking about boring shit. I keep seeing this kind of thing.

Hi! I went to the shops today! I bought a gorgeous dress!

Totally, totally wrong.

Even worse is the need to use !!!!!!!!! Why? What's wrong with one !?

Hi!!!! I went to the shops!!!!!! I bought a dress!!!! Someone was mean to me in the changing room as I sounded just so damned excited all the time!!!!!!!

OP posts:
SPsYoniTheOneAndOnly · 22/04/2013 15:20

What?!?!?!?! Omg!!!!! That's sooooooo mean!! Why does it even bother you??? I dont get it!!!!!!


DystopianReality · 22/04/2013 15:25

How I loathe the exclamation mark....I think this is much more effective.

Merrylegs · 22/04/2013 15:28

Actually OP, if you haven't already, don't Twitter. The updates will drive you bonkers.

'Soandso has replied to your tweet!'

'You have a new follower on Twitter!'

Why the exclamation mark? To me, the subtext there is - 'I know, what are the chances eh?!'

ArbitraryUsername · 22/04/2013 15:31

?! is definitely useful for expressing strong quizzical feelings (or the state that most of us enter on reading many of the bizarre posts on AIBU).

Sallyingforth · 22/04/2013 15:34

I'm much more upset about too many apostrophe's.

ElizabethB1978 · 22/04/2013 15:35

Really bad grammar that's what it these people not have a education?

TheChimpParadox · 22/04/2013 15:38

OMG ! WTF ?!

LOL OP !!!

SoupDragon · 22/04/2013 15:39

Shouldn't it be "pissed off with the abuse of the exclamation mark" ?


nenevomito · 22/04/2013 15:51

Possibly SoupDragon, but my beef isn't with poor grammar today, it's with bloody exclamation marks! lol.

OP posts:
TheChimpParadox · 22/04/2013 15:53

We need this !!
The Question Mark ???

StoicButStressed · 22/04/2013 15:55


Suspect it should be 'pissed of with the abuse of the exclamation mark';


'to be pissed off at the mis-use of the exclamation mark'

But WTF would I know? Am simple Journo who ensures my work is correctly 'exclaimed', but also a Mamma who LOVES MN and can FRQUENTLY see - and feel/desire - the need for MAHOOSIVE us of said exclaimation mark on here... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Think OP should be more concerned with fact that our education system is appalling and some many people can't even spell or use even the most basic grammer correctly (IMHO)

StoicButStressed · 22/04/2013 15:56

use (obv) - not us

< awaits OP wrath at touchscreen typoGrin >

andubelievedthat · 22/04/2013 15:58

Do try to get out more, nightschool/debating group?????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, perhaps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

StoicButStressed · 22/04/2013 16:01

And Grin

valiumredhead · 22/04/2013 16:01

I would take your point on board if you were my English teacher and this was an English exam but it's not so eff off

drjohnsonscat · 22/04/2013 16:02

YABU. It's much better than LOL.

MrsDeVere · 22/04/2013 16:02

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

LegoAcupuncture · 22/04/2013 16:05


I have a friend on FB who uses it all the time, in everything she puts. I think it's to make her life seem more exciting.

FuckThisShit · 22/04/2013 16:36


Should it not be pissed OFF with.....?

SamuelWestsMistress · 22/04/2013 16:39

I'm an exclamation harlot! I can't help it! I'm very conscious of it and I do try to contain my overuse but so often I'm just so bloody excited!

digerd · 22/04/2013 16:47

I use it to express laughter, wow, shock, indignation, animation, wonder etc.

It or they must be taken in context.

I have used captal letters to accent/stress a word with no emotion inmlied by me. But received a reply from a man that he found it rude!! i.e Shock

digerd · 22/04/2013 16:48

!! , annoyed with my typo implied.


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Buzzardbird · 22/04/2013 16:51

Stoic Don't you mean grammar Ha, ha,ha!

Buzzardbird · 22/04/2013 16:51

Ah bollocks, forgot the ? Blush

SomethingOnce · 22/04/2013 16:53

Ellipsis abuse pisses me off, too.

It's three dots...

Wishing to indicate a long pause, or generate suspense, does not justify......................

And people who use..

Don't get me started.

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