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DH, My Birthday and The Stag Night

72 replies

Justtheonemore · 11/04/2013 07:57

I'll try and keep this as brief as possible.

It was my birthday at the weekend. My DH is best man at his friends wedding next month and therefore took charge of stag party duties. He organised a day out at the coast leaving early morning on my birthday and coming home the following day in the afternoon. Although he organised it to fall on my birthday, I understood that getting a date so all the grooms friends could attend and I didn't make a fuss at all.

So birthday morning comes around and yet again, no present (he hasn't 'had the money' to buy me one for about 5years). I was kind of expecting it however I suppose my hopes were raised as I thought because he was off for the day he would have made an effort this year. He didnt. He got up, got dressed and left just after 7am....and that was the last I heard from him. He didnt text or call all day. Maybe I should have texted him but I suppose I was expecting him to since it was my birthday. My SILs and some friends came round for a glass of wine that night, most of whom had DPs out on this stag, and they were all (without exception) receiving texts and phonecalls throughout the night.

So it comes down to this really, AIBU to be upset that despite me not making a fuss over his date choice for the day out and lack of present again he didn't think to text or phone to see if I was having a nice day, to check if our 5DC were ok, to wish me a good night (he knew friends were coming round). AIBU to feel really hurt that my friends were all receiving texts and I had to sit there and laugh it off? He thinks I'm overreacting and asking too much of him and "nothing he does will ever be good enough". I feel that's his way of turning around on me, but he does have the gift of making me doubt myself.

That was actually really long, sorry. We just have problems and I feel like the lack of effort sums up why. He doesn't agree, he thinks I expect too much of him.

So AIBU?? Sad

OP posts:
formicaqueen · 11/04/2013 22:41

He could have done many a small or free thing to celebrate you birthday despite being away.

DangerousBeanz · 11/04/2013 22:09

If my OH had done that his life would have been a misery on his return, but he wouldn't. We've also been together 13 years and He's another non-doer of birthdays, but knows i do. I'd have got a kiss and a happy b'day before he left, a card from him and dd that they might have made, a phone call through the day, and he'd have probably left a couple of bottles of cava with the girls. Skint is no excuse, A big kiss and brew in bed to acknowledge the day is free, a text to ask if you're having a good time with the girls is pennies and I get the feeling you'd have been happy with that.

To be honest he doesn't sound like a keeper babe- you deserve more, we all do, you need to let him know this kind of selfish behaviour isn't normal in a relationship and you need to understand that too.

Think about your future and how you want it to be and like Fozzie said choose a path which is good for you. good luck and lots of love Flowers

Apileofballyhoo · 11/04/2013 22:06

You truly do deserve to be happy. I don't know if you have DDs or all DSs but if you have DDs just imagine them with someone who treats them like your DP treats you, because that's what they will end up with if it's the example they see. I feel terribly sorry for you. Please get rid of this man.

Fozziebearmum2b · 11/04/2013 21:45

I'm not going to tell you to leave him-this can only be your decision, only you and he know whats going on in your relationship.

But, I am really saddened that you seem to think so little of yourself that you continue to put up with a lonely relationship. You aren't trapped, leaving a relationship like that is tough (believe me I've done it) it's the hardest thing in the world to walk away from what you know, but your choice is simple, stay and accept the relationship as it is (it's v v unlikely to change) or walk away, it would be hard but it does get better. 5 years after leaving a loveless miserable relationship (similar to yours) I've met the love of my life and am married with a baby on the way. It was hard , but well well worth all those tears and scary lonely nights.

You deserve better, but only you can decide which path is best to follow Thanks

AnyFucker · 11/04/2013 21:16

Who can help you then, love ? Only you can change things....he never will....just more of the same old shit for years and years from him. Perhaps his selfishness will manifest in him having an affair ?

What would it take, for you to draw a line ? Would that be it ? Then I hope he does it. At the moment. he might be a bastard, but he is your bastard. Don't be too sure that will always be the case...

Already, the memory of your hurt on your birthday is fading, you are starting to rationalise. Your children are also normalising his disinterest and contempt.

Imagine what that does to a growing psyche.

Justtheonemore · 11/04/2013 21:03

I don't suppose he does show me he loves me. He's never been good with emotion, I think he believes the fact that he doesn't leave shows everything?

It's surreal. If it were my friend going through the same thing, writing these posts, I'd be trying to make them see that they deserved better. I know this and yet here I am. I don't want to leave, I want him to love me enough to change, to try. Now that truly is pathetic. And yes, I'm scared of waking up 40 years down the line and realising its all been a complete waste. It truly frightens me.

And yet I'm immobile. I can't bring myself to talk to him, all the meanness and spite he can bring and somehow this time it's worse...but I can't seem to walk away.

OP posts:
Babycino81 · 11/04/2013 19:53

What a knob. You are brig very calm about the whole thing, I'd have ended up killing him! No money for a present? (Chocolate is cheap enough!) but money for a stag do???

He would be a dead man walking in my house

SugarPasteGreyhound · 11/04/2013 18:35

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

TigerSwallowtail · 11/04/2013 18:04

Yanbu, that is really quite mean. The date of your birthday hasn't changed in 5 years so I dont buy the 'too skint for a present' excuse, he could have easily planned ahead a bit and made sure he kept some money behind for a card or maybe even a small token gift.

The no text or phone call was awful, at the very least my DP would have sent a birthday text if he was away.

Jux · 11/04/2013 17:52

I do hope you were saving to get him something really big this year, because then you can spend it on a spa weekend instead, coinciding with his birthday, so you're away all day and he has to look after 5 kids.

He'll find it's not that great.

Why are you still with him if he hasn't even bought you a present for 5 years? He sounds like a selfish arse.

prettywhiteguitar · 11/04/2013 17:40

What an arsehole he is, YANBU seriously I know you have 5 kids but you would feel better emotionally without him

nkf · 11/04/2013 17:26

Not much of a sense of being cherished there is there? He does have money. He just can't find even £1 for a bunch of daffs for you. I don't know how you approach it.

And no, nothing is ever good enough. Nothing is what he did. Nothing is what he bought. And it's not good enough. Not for you.

Nanny0gg · 11/04/2013 17:20

I've just read your previous thread in Relationships.
Go back now, and read it as though it was written by someone else.
What would you say to her?

There's your answer.

I don't think for a second it would be easy, but this man is awful and he will never treat you or your DCs properly.

Don't let them grow up thinking this is all you or they deserve. it's not.

OnwardBound · 11/04/2013 17:07

OP, this reminds me of my father and my parent's relationship.

Forty odd years they were married and in that time I have never seen [or heard of] my DF buying DM a birthday present or organising any form of celebration for her. Nothing. Not even a bunch of service station carnations or a home cooked spaghetti bolagnaise.

And this goes for wedding anniversaries, Christmas, Valentine's Day... you get the picture.

Many reasons for this; he can't see the value in it, has little empathy for the fact that his DW might value a gift or small acknowledgement of her worth to him, he is a bit tight with money anyway, felt resentful towards DW and like hell he was going to do something nice for her...

DPs finally got divorced this year. This issue is one of many small 'drip drip drip' of longstanding resentments that finally got the better of a 40 year union.

OP you're not being demanding or oversensitive. It is not great that your DH did not even think to ring or text you whilst away. As you saw before you with your friend's DHs, partners usually contact each other at least once when they are away overnight. It is completely normal and natural, just to say hi and check that each other are okay. It is because they love and care about each other and want to demonstrate this.

It is soul destroying to have partner who does not care about or observe these small niceties that oil the wheels of a harmonious relationship.

It is especially upsetting when a choice is made not to observe a partner's birthday, the one day of the year when it should be all about them and their nearest and dearest are meant to give a shit.

Sad and Angry for you OP.

Please don't end up like my DM, 40 years of disregard and disrespect [on both sides tbf] ending in a bitter and acrimonious ending.

Perhaps try and speak to your DH about how this made you feel. If he still doesn't get it would he consider couple counselling so the issue can be explored in more depth between you. If he won't consider counselling I'm not sure how you can move forward from here tbh...

But good luck OP Thanks

ModernToss · 11/04/2013 16:36

YANBU. That's so hurtful. One simple call to see if you'd had a nice birthday is all it would have taken.

MumOfTheMoos · 11/04/2013 16:27

He hasn't given you a birthday present in 5 years?

That's outrageous.

AnyFucker · 11/04/2013 16:14


OhLori · 11/04/2013 16:11

Perhaps a good question to ask yourself is How does he show his love?

AnyFucker · 11/04/2013 16:10

You have together for 13 years, you say

"together" implies a partnership

That is not what this is

zipzap · 11/04/2013 16:02

Maybe for his next birthday you should organise to go away for the entire weekend, leaving him to look after them so that if he wants to celebrate the most he can do is invite a few friend's around and have a few drinks rather than a huge piss up.

Oh and make sure that you leave him with no present or card, and don't contact him at all. Plus invest heavily in time and enthusiasm beforehand in organising your time away and see how he likes it.

Yadnbu - he is. And as others have said, it does raise a red flagabout how he thinks about you and your position in his life. At the moment it sounds like you are a convenient housekeeper, cook, child minder and bed warmer enabling him to go out and live his life as he wants, with no consideration for you or your life.

CSIJanner · 11/04/2013 15:36

I would say LTB but I think that would be harder to do than a random person typing on a screen. I think whilst you had got used to him just ignoring you and the family unless it suited him, the fact hat everyone else around you on Saturday night were at least getting one text or call to see how they were, and there were you the birthday girl with nowt pushed the truth home.

Emotionally though, I think you and the children might be off better without, as it doesn't sound from what you've told us, that he does much for the family at all. And if he's got no money now for presents etc, imagine how skint he'll be with paying maintainance for 5 kids!

ItYoniTakesAMinuteGirl · 11/04/2013 15:22

If you don't want to LTB (its a big step) please say you will stop doing anything for him. Don't acknowledge his birthday at all, other than to take the dc out & ignore him. Plan their birthdays w/out even mentioning it he prob won't even notice it is their birthday and have a good time. Start doing nothing for him & see if he thinks that's good enough...


Honestly, if my DH ignored my 2 dc's birthdays or didn't come to their party without a SERIOUSLY good reason, I would be considering very strongly how good a father he was and whether he was worth having around...


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AmberLeaf · 11/04/2013 15:16


He sounds worse than thoughtless, he sounds as though he is deliberately making a statement that you are not that important to him.

Horrible horrible man.

You sound so nice and you are really worth more than this.

It is him not you.

MrsTerryPratchett · 11/04/2013 14:57

It's worth saying twice. Sad

HumphreyCobbler · 11/04/2013 14:55

should read final post before writing nearly that same thing...Blush

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