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To think that if you honestly think you bought a brand new Phil & Ted's Vibe WITH doubles kit for £275 then you are a twat?

164 replies

BarredfromhavingStella · 30/03/2013 23:06

Just that really, have put my lovely P&T Vibe on FB for sale (yes I know FB is shit which is why I do not have a profile & it's posted on DH page) & have had comments saying 'I'm sure I bought mine new for that price"

Of course you didn't you fuckwit, a simple google would tell you that!!!
DH refuses to put this reply much to my irritation-do you see why I don't have a FB page? Grin

OP posts:
lougle · 01/04/2013 00:02

I bought an ABC adventure triple buggy which I imported from NZ (made by Phil and Ted). I used it 3 times, then stored it in my garage for 18 months.

When I sold it on ebay, I made £200 profit on the purchase price. I was happy Grin

aquashiv · 31/03/2013 23:54

Holy Jesus Happy Easter have you all had too many additives today?

What is it about buggies that creates so much tension.

Most brands are bullshit marketing but the Phil and Ted is a good buggy.

IneedAsockamnesty · 31/03/2013 22:29

That's good news.

BarredfromhavingStella · 31/03/2013 20:43

Just put it on Gumtree & have had 2 responses already [bugrin]

OP posts:
ParadiseChick · 31/03/2013 20:34

It really is quite bizzare what people choose to get their knickers in a twist over.

BarredfromhavingStella · 31/03/2013 20:33

Bear you have just covered exactly why I chose a P&T Grin

OP posts:
propertyNIGHTmareBEFOREXMAS · 31/03/2013 20:32

I blame Tory party policies for this. No one argued about buggies or pointed fingers over RRPs before those bastards got in.

Bearfrills · 31/03/2013 20:23

I was worried about poor DS being in the bottom seat but when I stuffed myself into the seat checked it out it actually isn't that bad down there, there's more room than it looks (especially leg room), sheltered from the wind and you get a good view from either side. When DD got to about 7/8mo they used to bicker over which of them was going in the bottom. Plus DS was 2yo so walking most of the time anyway, the seat was just for him to hop in/out when he fancied a rest or it was raining or whatever. The Dot is good in that the main seat unit can be removed from the frame if not being used, so if you had the carrycot or carseat clipped onto the frame instead then the child on the bottom has a clear view anyway.

The range of decent tandem buggies on the market is limited. You can get cheaper tandems but they're generally very long and very heavy to push. I wanted something light, reasonably small (for a double) and durable because I do loads of walking. P&T was the cheapest pushchair that met my requirements, price was way down the list. I use it every day, it's been used as a double and a single for an older child and a younger child. It goes on sand, snow, grass and gravel - I'm taking it through woodland tomorrow. I was more than willing to pay the price to get the standard and quality that I expected.

Ignore the snippy whinge-bags OP, someone somewhere will always find something to moan about.

Good luck with Gumtree.

Hawkmoon269 · 31/03/2013 19:59

Lidl?! Lidl?! You think I'd allow my babies to be seen dead in a trolley from Lidl? Ridiculous.

Seriously, I used my buggy every day. For hours. I tried prams/buggies between £100 and well over £1000. There was quite a difference!

I'm using a Maclaren now (not at all rattly - light, comfy, wonderful for a toddler). If/when I need a double I probably will buy a P&T's. Don't really like the fact that one baby will be do close to the ground but I've used side by side buggies and they're just too big and bulky. And knowing how easy it is to re-sell buggies I will probably buy a new buggy if I do need a new one in the future.

OR I could nick one of those Tesco trollies with double baby seats attached... Now there's an idea Grin

crashdoll · 31/03/2013 19:57

What is up with people today? So what if someone wants to spend £500 or more on a buggy?! If I had shedloads of money and a baby I'd buy one! [buwink]

BarredfromhavingStella · 31/03/2013 19:51

Oops, I did of course mean wibbly Blush

OP posts:
BarredfromhavingStella · 31/03/2013 19:49

Thanks mrsblack , wibly & the rest of you that haven't had trouble in seeing where I'm coming from. The reaction of some people to spending a bit of cash on something that's going to get a lot of use is pretty ridiculous tbh.

Think I'll pop it on Gumtree as a few have suggested & see if I get any joy there.

OP posts:
rhondajean · 31/03/2013 19:48

Asda? You show off. What's wrong with a lidl trolley?

Some folk are all about the image aren't they.


Hawkmoon269 · 31/03/2013 19:47

Wow. I stole a trolley from asda, popped done cushions inside, a tarpaulin over the top when it rained and voila! A free buggy!

This thread has made me chuckle...

Op, I recently sold my pram (which I bought second hand) for £425. It sold in less than 10 minutes at a nearly new sale.

Some brands of buggy really do retain value.

Wibblypiglikesbananas · 31/03/2013 19:31

Gosh op, you have got a total and utter pasting here. I feel for you as anyone who knows about buying prams these days knows how much the branded makes can retail for. I think the price you're asking is absolutely fair given the retail price and the fact that you're offering extras.

I think you've fallen victim to the usual MN jealousy and 'you were stupid to spend so much' brigade. It seems like this kind of thing sadly brings out the worst in posters - not sure whether that's envy or incredulity that it is possible to spend so much. Who knows? If it's any consolation, I posted under a different name last year about another brand of pram I'd had problems with, broken wheels, crap customer service and all I got was sarcastic comments about how I shouldn't have spent so much in the first place... Lovely. I'd like to bet if we were talking about something of the same value that wasn't a pram, eg a bike, you wouldn't have had half the vitriolic comment that have appeared here.

Good luck with the sale!

MrsCampbellBlack · 31/03/2013 18:59

I sold my vibe about a year ago for nearly £300 on ebay.

It cost me twice that new and I loathed it

Good luck with getting a decent price.

Oh and I'd initially given it away to someone I thought needed it but I asked for it back when I found out she just wanted to sell it. Am sure some people will think I should have let her but I asked for it back as it wasn't quite in the spirit of what I'd intended.

BarredfromhavingStella · 31/03/2013 18:51

Yes lockets, perhaps it's because there isn't much of an item description or when it's ending?

The two I've watched this week have gone for the price I want for mine, it's in excellent condition & I'll wait until I get the amount I'm wanting.

2nd hand ones are not what I'd posted about anyway, it was stating a new one had been bought for this price.

OP posts:
lockets · 31/03/2013 18:37

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lockets · 31/03/2013 18:36

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lockets · 31/03/2013 18:36

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MrsLouisTheroux · 31/03/2013 18:34

are were

MrsLouisTheroux · 31/03/2013 18:34

But who gives a * is my point. You keep harping on about how much you bought yours for & how much they are two years ago when you bought yours. Your FB friend bought hers cheaper and thinks your second hand one is overpriced. Sorry about that.


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Twitterqueen · 31/03/2013 18:33

AIBU to be disappointed that this thread is apparently about a double pram when I only clicked on it because I thought it was about vibrators and sex? Wink

BarredfromhavingStella · 31/03/2013 18:32

I bought it as I liked the look, durability & the fact it was tandem not side by side-nothing to do with the brand. I don't buy anything because it's branded, simply because I like it.

OP posts:
Coconutty · 31/03/2013 18:32

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