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WIBU to pay no attention to this woman when she shouted at me for being foreign....

27 replies

Caledoniacalling · 29/03/2013 12:26

Name changed as don't want to out-myself.

Yesterday I was out with DD (22 mo). We had stopped at a juice bar in a busy shopping centre and DD was standing up on a bar seat (a wooden chair).

We are not in the UK (but I am British).

A woman approached us and asked if I spoke the language - in my broken local language I said sorry but no and then in English she started to tell me that it was disgusting that I would come to their country and not respect them or their traditions. She said that they would never let children stand on chairs and I should leave the bar immediately, and that I should just go home (to my own country) because I wasn't wanted.

Taking a very deep breath, I apologised that my actions with DD had offended her, and said that I wouldn't take DD down (and that we weren't offending anyone else around) as her shoes had not been outside and were not dirty, but that I would be sure to clean the chair anyway.

She said again that foreign people were not welcome and that we all thought we were better and that we should just leave the country. Then she said again that I was offending her and should leave the juice bar.

I didn't leave, but I did ask for a cloth to clean the seat off. I felt pretty awful. WIBU?

OP posts:
anothermadamebutterfly · 30/03/2013 15:01

You get idiots everywhere, and the lady was clearly out of order. Even if you she thought children shouldn't be on standing on chairs, her behaviour just reeks of bigotry.

I lived in Eastern Europe for many years, DC were born there and DH is from there, and I speak the local language well. I once had a woman have a long rant at me because I was speaking English to the DC in a shop and they were replying in local language. This woman didn't seem to speak any English, and started ranting on about pretentious people like me who thought they were something special and were showing off by speaking a foreign language to the kids, and why wasn't speaking the local language good enough... I tried to tell her I WAS foreign, and so did my kids, but she wouldn't be quiet long enough to listen.

Some people are just slightly deranged. Both here and there.

Try to put it behind you and forget about it.

chibi · 31/03/2013 03:49

how funny, i hadn't even noticed your post. you seem upset- are you ok?

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