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To go and eat a big bowl of cereal at this time of night?

19 replies

TastesLikePanda · 08/03/2013 21:52

...because I am absolutely Starving!!!

Went to the gym after work, for 45 minutes. I haven't been for ages so trying to get back into the routine of it all again. Then had a big bowl of salad for dinner...

stealth boast about going to the gym really

OP posts:
FamiliesShareGerms · 08/03/2013 22:54

I love cereal for dinner when DH is away supper

MissSparrow · 08/03/2013 22:53

YABU simply for choosing crunchy nut over the far superior (IMHO) ordinary cornflake! Grin

TastesLikePanda · 08/03/2013 22:15

Crunchy nut all consumed... I wish I'd bought another box while I was at the shop buying bloody salad ingredients.
OP posts:
InkleWinkle · 08/03/2013 22:12

IMO 'this time of night' is the best time for a big bowl of cereal Grin

LadyPessaryPam · 08/03/2013 22:11

This is why I only have Allbran in the cupboard. You have to be feckin desperate to pig out on that.

Snazzynewyear · 08/03/2013 22:06

TastesLikePanda yay, sandwich twin! I don't have crisps in the house so have done without. But also love the crisp version.

BettyStogs · 08/03/2013 22:04

YANBU. DH and I have cereal pretty much every evening after DS is in bed. I have sensible cereal (muesli) for breakfast then we buy things like crunchy nut cornflakes specifically for evenings.

bananananacoconuts · 08/03/2013 22:00

crunchy nut consumed about half an hour ago here and i've done nothing all day except look after poorly children!

TastesLikePanda · 08/03/2013 22:00

Ooh -snazzy! I love salad cream sandwiches, with salt and vinegar crisps! Mmmmm...

OP posts:
HildaOgden · 08/03/2013 22:00

I'd love some frosties with really cold milk.I have neither Sad

ChocolateCoins · 08/03/2013 21:59

I'm all cosy in bed, but going to have to get up and make some cereal now! Thanks!

I'm pregnant though, so it's allowed.

SPsFanjoTheBigStickyHaribo · 08/03/2013 21:59

I've had crunchy nut!

Nothing better then cereal on a night

IneedAgoldenNickname · 08/03/2013 21:59

I'd love a big bowl of shreddies with loads of sugar but I'm out of milk :(

TastesLikePanda · 08/03/2013 21:58

See - this is why I love Mumsnet!

Crunchy nut cornflakes, here I come!

OP posts:
KikkiK · 08/03/2013 21:57

YANBU. I have just had an extremely small bowl of coco pops. So small I am going to have another one!

Mrsaurtherpendragon · 08/03/2013 21:54

I'm off coco pops for me :)

Snazzynewyear · 08/03/2013 21:54

Eat what you want! I am about to have another slice of bread, butter and salad cream. I do not care that this is weird. Hope it makes you feel better about your cereal!

ScottyDoc · 08/03/2013 21:53

Go for it! I'm itching to get out of my cosy bed and eat a bowl of crunchy nut!

LadyPessaryPam · 08/03/2013 21:53

You can justify it on roughage grounds, just claim constipation. That's what I do.

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