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To do Mr and Mrs at a hen do despite brides protestations?

29 replies

Passthesaltdear · 05/03/2013 19:12

Im arranging a hen do for a BF, she wants a few games but specified NO Mr and Mrs quiz (bah humbug) Personally I love this game and am thinking to go ahead with it regardless...AIBU?
Anyway, I would be very grateful if you could share with me the most hilarious and successful hen game you have played to help me plan a weekend to remember.
I was thinking of providing a few packs of toilet paper and sellotape and getting teams to create a wedding dress on a nominated person out of said materials...what do you think?

OP posts:
FinallyMrsFC · 05/03/2013 19:43

Glad you liked it! I still read mine.

Also, you could make a playlist of all the songs on your iPhone, to be played when you are getting ready/when you get home!

OrangeLily · 05/03/2013 19:49

I love hen do games! I'm always gutted if there's none!

The toilet paper one but give them a few more resources like coloured tissue to make flowers, newspaper to make the puffy skirt and so on.

I love Mr and Mrs Quiz but I also like wedding related pictionary too.

The ask the hen questions with the bride guessing is great too.

When the night gets going a bit play Never Have I Ever....

Round in a circle "Never Have I Ever.... Rode an elephant/had a threesome/broken my leg/snogged the best man" . If anyone has ever done it they drink their drink. Passes on to the next person. Is fantastic fun!

Passthesaltdear · 05/03/2013 19:49

@Plummyjam Great idea thanks. That's exactly the sort of thing I need, there are 20 of us, most of us don't know each other and spending a weekend together, so we need ice breakers

OP posts:
WhoKnowsWhereTheTimeGoes · 05/03/2013 20:18

I'd just watch out on the embarrassing things you've seen the bride do, she might not really want that (I'd hate it). Actually I'd hate it to be about me at all. I'm beginning to remember why I didn't have a hen night

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