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37 replies

cheeseandchive · 02/03/2013 12:53

that referencing Wikipedia is NOT ok at university level?!

OP posts:
LondonInHighHeeledBoots · 02/03/2013 14:40

We had lecturers who used to ref Wiki at uni, if they are going to, so am I (no, I'm not its terrible science but ffs! Chemistry Masters' lecturers)

I do use it as a journal finder though.

Grumpla · 02/03/2013 14:45

Haha Westie 's DH has the right idea there!

cheeseandchive · 02/03/2013 14:52

Blimey, London, at Masters level!?!

Yeah, tempted to follow Westie's DH's lead!

OP posts:
Familyguyfan · 02/03/2013 14:59

It is one of the things I hate the most. It's lazy and unreliable and yet students do it year after year. Use a book!!!

MissMogwi · 02/03/2013 15:05

I'm a third year student and I would be amazed at anyone referencing Wiki at this point!

We were told in first year it is not an acceptable source, so anyone using it three years down the line is desperate and/or just can't be arsed.

There are loads of online databases which are listed on the university website, so there's no excuse.

MrsLouisTheroux · 02/03/2013 15:16

Hmm, a bit like me reading Brodies notes instead of actual book for Eng. Lit. exam? Ok, I get your point! Grin

cheeseandchive · 02/03/2013 15:44

I don't mind what people do for their own exams, MrsLouis, it's when it's group work that is pees me off! Why should I be down-graded just because someone else CBA and I can't make them.

Wine very much needed

OP posts:
MissMogwi · 02/03/2013 15:44

Arrgh, I hate group marking. Recipe for rage IMO. Grin

Still18atheart · 02/03/2013 15:46

Third year student who has never referenced wikipedia only to have a lecturer to have copied and pasted his entire lecture from that website of the devil

livinginwonderland · 02/03/2013 15:49

yanbu. i haven't been allowed to use wikipedia for research or school work since i was about thirteen, so first year of upper/high school.

TheFallenNinja · 02/03/2013 16:12

Also. Typing words into google isn't "research"

MiaowTheCat · 02/03/2013 18:19

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