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to still fancy Ben Affleck?

58 replies

Maebe · 25/02/2013 16:48

Especially with a beard?

I remember when Armageddon came out and we all fancied him, we even had a poster of him up on the wall at university ('cos that's not sad or anything...)

And over a decade later... Yep, still would.

Anyone else? Or an old crushes still stirring the heart strings a decade or more later?

OP posts:
ProbationProbationProbation · 27/02/2013 09:34

His acceptance speech I thought was awesome. For me that finally outweighed his brief moment of madness with marriage hungry J Lo. Him and Jennifer Garner just seem so unfazed by Hollywood and so family oriented. YaNNNNbu

Never thought i'd forgive him for J Lo.

drownangels · 27/02/2013 11:55

So what's the bad thing that BA did with J-LO then?

Snazzynewyear · 01/03/2013 21:05

Having just been to see Argo, I am now a convert. Never found him attractive before. With the beard and seventies hair, though, he is hot. Have liked his husband/dad ethic for a few years though. My DH has a thing for Jennifer Garner so I'm sure we could come to some fantasy world kind of accommodation...

Are there any more chances to see the Oscars ceremony? I was hoping E! or similar might rerun it over the weekend.

HazeltheMcWitch · 01/03/2013 21:09

'Twas me who said he was a serial shagger. He is.

In other Affleck news, Casey is married to one of Joachin Phoenix's sisters. Summer IIRC.

everlong · 01/03/2013 21:22

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HazeltheMcWitch · 01/03/2013 21:24

Er - work connections.

CheerfulYank · 01/03/2013 22:12

I've heard Casey gets around.

A friend of mine met him and Summer...said friend works in a national park and they were there camping with their kids.

ClartyCarol · 01/03/2013 23:41

Armageddon is on the tell right now. I'd take Brucey over Desperate Dan Ben Affleck anytime.

Ben Affleck's mouth doesn't close properly and he looks pretty gormless to me.

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