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To feel sorry for the models on This Morning?

69 replies

JohnBender88 · 12/02/2013 11:55

The thought of Holmes staring and commenting on me in my undies gives me the heebie jeebies!

And yes, IABU for watching TM when he and his grinny wife are presenting.

OP posts:
MyHeadWasInTheSandNowNot · 12/02/2013 22:53

Eamon is OK, but Ruth is cringeworthy.

I wouldn't worry yourself about the models, they choose to do it and get paid well enough for it! It's not like they're being held at knifepoint is it Grin

AnyFucker · 12/02/2013 22:52

I have lost interest in the PIP controversy now < yawn >

he just isn't all that interesting, tbh

bedmonster · 12/02/2013 22:50

Okay Lori, at least EH (PDB) has some taste. Even though he reminds me of a panda who's on day release - all dopey and always looking as though he should be somewhere else.

And please could someone PM me about Pip?? I didn't get one last time and am desperate to know! I'm not a TM watcher, I missed the JS controversy, obviously not the news scandal but the Pip fury - is it googleable?

TheLateMrPamuk · 12/02/2013 22:48

Will someone please pm me? Pretty please with a cherry on top.

Lorelilee · 12/02/2013 22:47

Leave EH alone! A friend worked with him a few years ago and she was looking at some photos from a 'do' of mine - he commented on a photo of my DS saying how gorgeous he was - thus totally 'on the ball' guy .

smellysocksandchickenpox · 12/02/2013 22:45

can someone please pm me the pip thing?
thanks x

PickledInAPearTree · 12/02/2013 22:42

What about pip?

ifancyashandy · 12/02/2013 22:20

Worked with EH. Have nothing but nice things to say about him.

There you go; from a horses mouth...

PickledInAPearTree · 12/02/2013 20:54

You hear some awful things about him from people he has worked with.

But I suppose at least he dosent bother gophers. Grin

bedmonster · 12/02/2013 19:20

I need to know the Pip goss please, can someone please pm me too?
Oh, and I quite liked the red baker robe that was on tm! Missed everything but got to see eamon 'pilsbury doughboy' Holmes trying desperately to avert his eyes and not dribble. He's grim and i felt sorry for the models too!

Sparklingbrook · 12/02/2013 19:17

I think it is subject dependant Jingle. Fashion, cookery, health (life and death health today) just isn't him and he hasn't got a clue and doesn't even seem interested.

JingleMum · 12/02/2013 19:14

Is eamonn really that bad? I think he's witty & has good banter.

Sparklingbrook · 12/02/2013 18:58

Eamonn must have some sort of hold over the ITV bosses.

PickledInAPearTree · 12/02/2013 18:57

Eamon homles is satan IMO.

Sparklingbrook · 12/02/2013 18:51

Eamonn shouldn't be on the TV IMO. He is just awful, and is not the right interviewer for sensitive or health subjects. He comes across like he doesn't give a monkey's while oozing fake sincerity. Vile.

PickledInAPearTree · 12/02/2013 18:49

Is Gordon the gopher involved? Hmm

LemonBreeland · 12/02/2013 18:49

Agree that Eamon is awful. Didn't see it today but can imagine Hunniford was awful.

Can I have a pm too please.

MaggieMaggieMaggieMcGill · 12/02/2013 18:41

Me please! I want to know too!

PickledInAPearTree · 12/02/2013 18:36

Pip? Deviant?

AnyFucker · 12/02/2013 18:25

Where is my pm???

DreamsTurnToGoldDust · 12/02/2013 18:17

Shock Shock

Cortana · 12/02/2013 18:17

Yanbu can someone PM me?


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JingleMum · 12/02/2013 18:16

Will someone kindly PM me regarding pip? Grin

Pigsmummy · 12/02/2013 18:12

I have no sympathy for someone who chooses to be on TV modelling, their choice and they are being paid for it, good for them. There are millions of people watching so I don't think that the give a shite about the presenter tbh......

valiumredhead · 12/02/2013 18:03

OMG Shock

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