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To think this sounds a bit dodgy?

36 replies

gertrudestein · 09/02/2013 15:16

We have had an offer accepted on a flat, our first move from rented. Everyone is very keen to move quickly. The flat had been on the market for 3 months (Oct - Jan).

I'm now starting to get cold feet ... The flat is still lovely, but there are two things concerning me:

  1. The vendors only bought the house in March 2012. So they decided to sell it 7 months later. The Estate Agent says they are moving back to France, where they're from, but he lies about everything so I have no idea whether or not this is true.
  2. Survey says the downstairs flat looked unkempt. It looked fine to me when I went round, but I did see a slightly dodgy looking bloke ring the doorbell. I'm now not sure what that means. We are going to drive by tonight to suss out the area a bit more, but I don't know what else we can do.

The Estate Agent is putting lots of pressure on us to move quickly, and for financial and practical reasons it would be good to. Are we being paranoid, or does this sound dodgy to you?
OP posts:
whois · 10/02/2013 00:17

Look round in the day time. Go read a book in the car and just check out who's around. Talk to any neighbours if they are out in their gardens (I know it's cold but they might be...) go sit in local cafes etc

More info needed before you can call dodgy.

steppemum · 10/02/2013 00:31

quick sale may be nothing to do with downstairs etc.

We have lovley house, previous owners only lived here 2 years, had 2 boys, seems a great spot for a family, they were very involved (helped at cubs etc) We wondered why they had moved and then house turned out to have some mould issues which we think we have finally got on top of, and I wondered if they had moved because of that. I started to get paranoid.

Then met someone who knew them. The previous owner had worked for big local employer. They had had several months on reduced shifts. There was talk of long term redundancy. they had moved to massively downsize (wisely as employer has laid off loads of staff in the last 2 months). They had had a large mortgage and reduced it to the lowest they coudl in case he was made redundant.

I felt much better knowing it was nothing to do with the house.

Jizjones · 10/02/2013 00:35

To be fair gertrudestein, I lived in a flat where...the upstairs neighbour set her flat on fire three weeks before Christmas (she was in the pub at the time so survived, thankfully) during a strike by the Fire service. The Army arrived with their Green Goddesses' and saved the night. On another occasion she put her paramour of the night out, he then wailed pitifully at her door 'Va, can I at least get my hash back?'. Then, finally bowing to her indomitable weed stealing prowess, retrieved his pushbike from the McDonalds Drive-Thru bushes opposite and pedalled off into his sex and drug free evening. Was truly a comedic blessing and a PITA all at the same time. Please enjoy your first time as a property owner, you may dine out on the stories for the next few years, but it is a blessing really Smile

Buzzardbird · 10/02/2013 01:48


LittleChimneyDroppings · 10/02/2013 02:02

Go and knock on the neighbours doors with a big smile. Say 'hi, we're thinking of moving in, and we were wondering what its like to live round here'. Be aware and trust your instincts.

ZillionChocolate · 10/02/2013 08:45

Before I bought a house I would have agreed withAKissIsNotAContract about unkempt not mattering. Now I think I should have taken the cat hair in the radiator as a sign that they didn't look after things properly.

Sausagedog27 · 10/02/2013 08:52

How did it go? With regard to the estate agent, I had similar when buying my first house. It was borderline harassment, especially as the delays were all down to the seller. Be very firm- say there are issues which have come up in the survey which need to be looked at. Also say please stop hounding me and ask them to not call you and to deal with your solicitor only (mine was great and had very strong words with the ea). it all got a bit much for me when mine started ringing me at work- my lovely boss had strong words with her in the end as I was in tears. I wanted to tell the then owner of her behaviour and how close I was to not proceeding due to her behaviour.

Bossybritches22 · 10/02/2013 08:54

Hope the OP is alright & didn't get dragged into the crack den? Grin

Aftereightsarenolongermine · 10/02/2013 08:54

Estate agents want their commission, & they will hound you. Get your solicitor to deal with them.

frustratedashell · 10/02/2013 09:07

I would be worried and annoyed about the estate agents harassment. Could be he just wants the sale but I cant help wondering if theres something dodgy going on. OP if it feels wrong then pull out. Go with your instincts.

BIWI · 10/02/2013 09:12

I wouldn't trust an estate agent as far as I can spit. Which isn't very far. (With apologies to any MN estate agents who I am sure are absolutely lovely and full of integrity Grin)

If the estate agent is pushing you it is because they have a deal that they are trying to complete, to get their commission. They aren't interested in your/your needs/your requirements, they only want to get their grubby mitts on the money.

This is a massive purchase for you and it's really important that you are absolutely sure that it's right.

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