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To have now decided I HATE Gino D'Acampo for this!!

69 replies

Dryjuice25 · 08/02/2013 19:16

Apparently he said on telly "Tense meat is tough meat....that's why you should be nice to your wife before bed because you want her all nice and soft..." or something similar. WTAF!! And on a family show like this morning!! I did like the bloke before but now I have decided to hate him. That is just vile isn't it?

I don't mind drunken blokes saying this to each other at the pub. But to me, this, on telly, is rather grossly inappropriate, very offensive and outrighly vile.It conjures some really unpleasant images. I hate it. AIBU?

OP posts:
missnicolaknight · 20/05/2014 22:08

Wow i just stumbled upon this site via Google, there are a heck of a lot of misandronists on here!

Lighten up people

Dryjuice25 · 09/02/2013 17:08

SpringBulbsI know, I know, I know what it sounds like Grin but it's true. I should wait till he has a nap! but can't seem to log out when I should and have just told the world I typed with baby on my lap mum of the year me!

OP posts:
LaFataTurchina · 09/02/2013 17:08

re: the OTT accent, my mother's been in England since 1993 and she still sounds like the Dolmio lady!

I like him on This Morning, it's always on in the staffroom on my lunchbreak.

I don't mind the sleazy comments I'm used to Italian men! but I think I might have to like him a bit less now I know about the burgelering.

SpringBulbs · 09/02/2013 16:59

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Dryjuice25 · 09/02/2013 16:50

SpringBulb Of course you were!! Grin I typed this with my 7month old on my lap so missed the obvious. Blush hush blush

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SpringBulbs · 09/02/2013 16:11

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Dryjuice25 · 09/02/2013 14:29

FutTheShuckUp Your nickname! Just what I want to tell Gino, because most times he opens his mouth, shit comes out of it Grin

OP posts:
FutTheShuckUp · 09/02/2013 14:13

He is a grade A berk. He was due to do an interview with a commercial radio station but had a hissy fit and didn't go because a people carrier came to pick him up. What an utter prat

Dryjuice25 · 09/02/2013 14:11

I pity his wife though. What she might put up with! At one point he said, on telly, he massages her breasts in a certain way to make them grow!! WTAF!

To him she really must be like a peace of meat which needs to be tenderised for his own benefit. I couldn't live with someone who is openely like that and god/ fuck knows what he must be like in private.

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Dryjuice25 · 09/02/2013 14:03

SpringBulbs I have to say I'm entitled to dislike the fact he is actually a convicted burglar! I hate him for it though as knew what he was doing and didn't give a hoot about his victims who probably are still haunted by his actions and probably feel sick everytime they have an unintended glance at him on telly being offensive as he has predilection for being a vile mysogynistic person as it happens.

He is now reformed and I give him that and I wish most criminals turn a corner like he did. I commend that and good for him.

He cheats on his wife which is none of my business I give you that, behaves scuzzily like toddlerama observes and sees the similarity between tough meat and a frigid wife sigh

OP posts:
toddlerama · 09/02/2013 13:32

Gino is slime. He cheats on his wife openly and behaves scuzzily. I don't like him.

Thisisaeuphemism · 09/02/2013 13:24

I wouldn't trust him with my spatula

JeezyOrangePips · 09/02/2013 13:23

Hmmm, I can see how it could come across as sexist but as a massage therapist i know that he speaks the truth. The same could be said of a man, but as he is presumably heterosexual he's less likely to bring that up as its not part of his experience.

I find this difficult to get het up about. And I really don't like watching the guy, i tend to switch over/off if he comes on.

SpringBulbs · 09/02/2013 13:15

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Dryjuice25 · 09/02/2013 13:08

to not in*

OP posts:
Dryjuice25 · 09/02/2013 13:06

Exactly twinkle and was it 2 years wow? didn't even care to google this!
I was totally riled by the comparison of meat and woman! Vile Vile Vile.
Now, because of such a crass remark, I've relegated him in my 'love to hate list' with the likes of John Mcririck, Keith Lemon and Silvio Balesconi (sp?) and one of my vile exes! Grin

Now I wish I could tell Peter Andre not to associate himself with him as he is kind of ok and I fancy him just a little bit though I disaprove he got with a girl he knew when she was 16 or less, which makes him look like a dirty old man!

OP posts:
KatieScarlett2833 · 09/02/2013 12:47

So he doesn't live in the love of the common people Hmm

twinklesparkles · 09/02/2013 12:31

He is awful.. There's just something about him..

Annoys me so much women swooning over him and his so called family values..

He's done 2 years In prison for burglary Hmm

He doesn't seem to mention that when he's banging on about family meals and his wife/kids ect

Dryjuice25 · 09/02/2013 11:41

SaggyOld I used to like the guy but not to that extent! Grin

OP posts:
SaggyOldClothCatpuss · 09/02/2013 02:04

I watched him cook on This Morning starkers! I was all hot and bothered! Grin I was gutted last year, my boss booked us into a two day food show. I got to work there the day Gino wasnt the guest chef! I was very upset!

SPsFanjoIsAsComfyAsAOnesie · 09/02/2013 02:01

I don't mind watch Gino getting hot and sweaty in the kitchen. I also don't care if he burgled some house 20 year ago.

He is quite funny.

Is anyone else reading the thread in his voice?!

SaggyOldClothCatpuss · 09/02/2013 01:46

Hate Gino if you like, but I bloody love him! I have nothing against smut, love it even smut on daytime TV. I dont care if he was a burglar, its hardly a hanging offence compared to other popular peoples records, or if he is a fake italian. He is tv eye candy and he does it for me!

And he does have a point. Tense meat IS tough meat!


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AmberLeaf · 09/02/2013 01:41

Yeah I went right off him when I read about his burglary conviction.

Dryjuice25 · 09/02/2013 01:33

Hi all. Forgive me but I didn't actually watch the episode as I haven't watched TM for a long time. I read about this somewhere and I hated it, so I suppose it sounds worse written down in some tabloid that witnessing the actual banter.

Robinsparkle- I do agree about some of TM'S content not suitable for children.My dcs are still very small anyway so they are on cbeebies for now..
Plinkylove- I totally agree. But I did have a soft sport for him in the junglethough but now its gone.
Madam- I do like Phil despite some gaffes he has made recently following Savile revelations.
I am happy for him for turning his life around but burglary!! I know its not like murder/rape but still...
Stiff Grin
Noel Grin
Barred I dislike Keith Lemon!

I don't understand why he feels the need to be funny, then fails to and just end up desperately pathetic/offensive

OP posts:
LadyBeagleEyes · 09/02/2013 00:17

I remember him saying that, and Phil telling him off, saying he'd gone too far.
Didn't bother me at all.

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