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To ask who will be better off on universal credits?

30 replies

Dollyboo · 07/02/2013 22:46

Just being nosey! Serious responses only please!

OP posts:
IneedAsockamnesty · 08/02/2013 13:32

The only people who will be better off under UC are those who don't currently work but then move into work.

The figures on amounts of money will not be changing unless your subject to one of the reforms coming in.

Rooneyisalwaysmoaning · 08/02/2013 12:59

I think ninja meant that for tha double barrelled thread

Feminine · 08/02/2013 12:57

I live in a 'test' area. I'm quite nervous!

LovesGSD · 08/02/2013 12:55

I've just checked the tax credit website as I only get very little child tax and it says it'll take up to 4 years before child tax credit stops so I'm not going to worry about itSmile

ssd · 08/02/2013 12:00

ninja, eh? Confused

diaimchlo · 08/02/2013 10:47

The general information is that no-one will be better off under Universal Credit. They have had to delay the whole system due to loads of IT glitches so as of yet there is not a definite on anything to do with it.

People who are already in receipt of benefits will be left for 2 weeks with no income due to UC being paid monthly..... It is another Government fiasco.

JingleMum · 08/02/2013 10:18

Certainly not me....

The whole system is a disaster waiting to happen. Apparantly self employed people need to submit accounts on a MONTHLY basis!! Anyone who is SE will know this is ridiculous, some months you need to pay out for stock etc.. They aren't taking into account your yearly profit/earnings. Some months I don't make NMW because of high expenses, but the following month i'll make a decent profit, so it evens out. Someone please tell me how the fuck they think this will work? You need to be earning NMW after expenses every month? If so, the majority of us self employed will be fucked.

They are twats, he's a dictator, get them out.

TheFallenNinja · 08/02/2013 10:16

Xw and I did this with ours, she took great delight in dropping my surname from the kids when she split.

Wouldn't do it again.

ssd · 08/02/2013 10:12
expatinscotland · 08/02/2013 10:11

'I might be wrong about this as I don't fully understand it but I think people who aren't entitled to any benefits at all might be better off because there might be more money for other things that they are entitled to such as the NHS and schools.'

PMSL! Spews tea at screen. You mean the NHS and education system the Tories are dismantling to privatise?

ssd · 08/02/2013 10:06

no one will be better off

especially those who now don't even bother to apply for tc as they need to jump through hoops to get it now, just because they earn min wage...yes I said earn!!

maybe it makes the women whose dh's earn above 60k and now dont get child benefit feel a bit better about things, as if they have to do with less (holidays and lattes) the the lowest paid can do with less as well (heating and food)

BeyondTheLimitsOfAcceptability · 08/02/2013 10:01

So when are they letting us know how it works? Cause I'd like as much notice as possible if I'm gonna be down say £100 a month so I can magic some money out of thin air in the meantime to allow for it

TheSecondComing · 08/02/2013 09:24

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

madbutnotbad · 08/02/2013 07:48

I actually visited my local CAB on Wednesday about UC and was told they had no idea what anyone would get as it was still being amended. I used the online calculator and it said my family would get 3 times what we get now so I'm guessing that its wrong!

manicinsomniac · 08/02/2013 07:41

I might be wrong about this as I don't fully understand it but I think people who aren't entitled to any benefits at all might be better off because there might be more money for other things that they are entitled to such as the NHS and schools.

Isabeller · 08/02/2013 05:10

I think universal credit is going to be an enormous disaster.

If it actually functions (which I have real doubts about) there's only one situation I can see might improve and that's people who are really struggling now and either claiming nothing or only a fraction of the benefits they are entitled to. I've met people who just couldn't cope with the system as it is now for quite a few reasons.

It's just possible having everything rolled into one will mean that some people in this position will get more help.

I'm not convinced that it will cost less than the current system because I think the direct and indirect impact is going to be appallingly expensive.

sashh · 08/02/2013 04:55

Either the government or no one.

PomBearWithAnOFRS · 07/02/2013 23:15

I have no idea, but I suspect the true answer to your question is "Nobody" :(

LittleTyga · 07/02/2013 23:12

Dolly - as far as I understand I don't think the final figures have been revealed so nobody knows how much anyone will get.

All your benefits will be paid in one monthly amount - Rent, CT, CTC, CB all one lump sum. But I don't think the final details are available yet?

IneedAsockamnesty · 07/02/2013 23:08

Very few people will be better off especially not if you already work.

What exactly do you need to know?

TheSecondComing · 07/02/2013 23:06

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

Whoknowswhocares · 07/02/2013 23:06

Nobody. I assume that's why they want to bring it in


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Dollyboo · 07/02/2013 23:04

So anyone that does understand it please shed light ......

OP posts:
LouMae · 07/02/2013 23:03

I don't think it's designed to give people more money is it? I got the impression it was all about saving money.

Dollyboo · 07/02/2013 23:03

So anyone that does understand it please shed light ......

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