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To not want to buy uncovered food in shops, cafes and delicatessens

35 replies

atthewelles · 01/02/2013 15:46

Obviously things you can wash and that are going to be well cooked like vegetables and fruit are okay. But I do not want to buy bread, cakes or salads that other people have been handling or coughing and sneezing over.

AIBU to wish shops would either wrap or cover in some way these items, instead of just leaving them lying around in trays or on counters with no covering whatsoever?

OP posts:
GetOrf · 01/02/2013 16:16

I hate cupcakes.

Moominsarehippos · 01/02/2013 16:19

I am very good at playing jenga with the Wholefoods baguettes. I simply must have the bottom one in the stack with the least likelihood of contamination of cuff-snot!

ExitPursuedByABear · 01/02/2013 16:20

Aye, them were the days, when a man in brown overall used to serve over the counter.

TheCraicDealer · 01/02/2013 16:21

At this time of year, I sell pies out of open baskets
Mrs Lovett's a mn'er!

You're all being VU. I am rarely ill and put this down to my laissez faire attitude towards baked goods.

Halfling · 01/02/2013 16:27

My DS loves to poke any uncovered loaves, cake with his snot covered fingers, so YANBU.

I have to keep him on a tight leash at all times in the supermarkets.

I just wish they could put the sodding loaves behind a covered glass counter.

SaggyOldClothCatpuss · 01/02/2013 17:31

OI! I do not sell people pies!

SaggyOldClothCatpuss · 01/02/2013 17:33

Halfling, your DS would get the sharp end of my child squashing glare! Grin
Its over the top of my glasses and very scary! not

Pandemoniaa · 01/02/2013 17:39

I normally laugh in the face of germy paranoia. But I have to say that I stopped buying unwrapped cakes from the shelves at Waitrose after I'd seen rather too many examples of "rearrangement" for the sake of it. Usually by unaccompanied children who were fascinated by the opportunity to play shops with real shopping. Like I said, I'm not a germophobe but I still prefer my Bath Buns without added snot.

marjproops · 01/02/2013 17:44

was in a supermarket this morn about to buy a fresh baguette (always using the tongs provided and always go for the bottom one) when i saw someone sneeze onto the bread.

then a posh looking woman picked up a few rolls in her hands, looked at them disdainfully and put them back and didnt even buy one.

Ive seen rolls on the floor and a shopworker pick it up and put it back on the display (complained to manager about that one)

worst one? market stall food. breads and cakes where street dust, peoples breath etc all over them. cakes and buns with icing that flies are all over them in the hot weather and shockingly people STILL buy them, errr, you do know what flies DO on food, dont you?

i thought health and safety were supposed to be big on all this?

Moominsarehippos · 02/02/2013 08:51

I shall be shopping today. Will loudly mention 'cuff-snot' and see if anyone hi-5s me!

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