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To eat dinner with hairdryer on ?

41 replies

MmmnoodlesoupIsDueXmasEve · 31/01/2013 19:08

As its the only way I can eat without ds screaming wih colic :(

As soon as I turn it off he starts to stir and gets worked up again. No point to this thread really, just tired.

OP posts:
spiderlight · 01/02/2013 12:15

I feel your pain! For the first five months or so of DS's life, I only got to go to the loo/eat/have a cuppa if the Dyson was on right next to his Moses basket. We tried recording the Dyson. We tried womb sound CDs. We tried white noise. No joy. It HAD to be the actual Dyson. He eventually graduated to Jean Michel Jarre and then to Gregorian chanting Confused Very eclectic child.

Fakebook · 01/02/2013 12:10

Yanbu! We used to use a specific white noise sound on YouTube for DS from 6 weeks old. He wouldn't listen to anything else. Then when he was about 9 months I found a new app on iPhone that had a whole variety of sounds that you could combine together. DS liked the ocean and thunder sounds combined. Now he's 12 months it doesn't work for him anymore.

Could you record the sound of the hair dryer and put it on loop on your phone or iPod?

Flobbadobs · 01/02/2013 11:48

I knew exactly what you were on about when I saw the title. I did the same but with the hoover!
Do whatever works and gets you some peace x

TranceDaemon · 01/02/2013 11:42

I had a free white noise app for my iPhone - worked bloody wonders it did!

MmmnoodlesoupIsDueXmasEve · 01/02/2013 08:21

I definitely think it is his witching hour :) he's quite happy the rest of the day and we go out and do things. Thank you for your support, going to get a radio today and try that tonight.

OP posts:
TarkaTheOtter · 31/01/2013 21:46

I wouldn't give up dairy yet. No one knows what causes colic but it is quite normal in babies who can tolerate dairy too. Get past 8 weeks first and then worth a try as colic should start to ease up at this time.

Empty feeling breasts in the evening is quite normal, and means your baby is getting milk with a higher fat content. Have a look at this if you want some reassurance about supply.

For what it's worth, from my nct group the baby (sadly not mine) who seemed to be the most colicky in the early weeks is now the best sleeper and generally a very content baby and has been since about 3 months (now 1 year).

Joannezipan · 31/01/2013 21:36

My friend put her baby in his car seat in front of the dishwasher so she could cook and eat.

fieldfare · 31/01/2013 21:28

Radio 2 seemed to work for my dd and it wasn't hideous to listen to at 2 am while doing a bf :)
It could just be that that time of day is his "witching hour". Sleeping while he sleeps is great, try not to get anxious about the housework etc though, it really is unimportant. They're so tiny for such a short time. :)

Shenanagins · 31/01/2013 21:27

I would try to borrow a swing chair before buying one as we had one and my ds hated it?

MmmnoodlesoupIsDueXmasEve · 31/01/2013 21:17

Hmm will keep an eye out for dairy in my diet then ad will definitely look that up on youtube!

The white noise apps don't seem to work but ill try a radio.

OP posts:
GirlOutNumbered · 31/01/2013 21:14

Exactly the same for me jacque.... If I accidentally eat a bit of dairy now, he has a bad nights sleep.

JacqueslePeacock · 31/01/2013 21:12

My DS was very unhappy only at night - turned out to be a allergy to cows milk protein being passed through my breast milk. I didn't eat much dairy but there is hidden milk in many things, and it was really upsetting him. I gave up dairy (and soy - the proteins are very similar) and he was transformed! Might be worth a try. He grew out of the allergy before 9 months and has been fine since.

In the meantime, we found the "baby got colic" white noise sound/video on YouTube worked wonderfully - even better than the hairdryer! It sounds very strange, full of bizarre noises, but it worked without fail. Have a look for it, and remember you are supposed to play it quite loud.

janji · 31/01/2013 20:59

There are apps that have home electrics sounds on them. Maybe worth a try?

usualsuspect · 31/01/2013 20:55

I used to put the hoover on, it was the only thing that calmed my DS.

You have to do whatever works.

MmmnoodlesoupIsDueXmasEve · 31/01/2013 20:53

fieldfare I would love time to myself but its only when he's asleep, and then I either sleep or do housework as I get anxious when things pile up. He's not great with DP, always wants me etc plus I breastfeed every hour or so

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MmmnoodlesoupIsDueXmasEve · 31/01/2013 20:51

Yy to tumble dryer, maybe ill put his Moses basket in the bathroom tomorrow evening while I eat something :)

Was going to get a swing but everyone said get a bouncy chair, which he hates as he wants cuddles a lot. I'm thinking he would love a swing because when I sway him, it really soothes him.

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MmmnoodlesoupIsDueXmasEve · 31/01/2013 20:49

Thank you all so much for suggestions, made me teary.

I eat hardly any dairy and definitely nothing spicy at all at the moment. Plus if it was something to do with his gut being upset, surely he would be colicky all day? He's v content during the day. I've read newborns do get fussy at night, maybe overstimulated by then?

I do try to nap when he naps so think I am making enough milk. He feeds on demand and seems happy and full up.

He's just like a different baby at night.

Will definitely buy a cheap radio off amazon, thank you

OP posts:
NotSoNervous · 31/01/2013 20:44


Tumble dryer works wonders for my DD not my electricity bill though desperate times call for desperate measures

MamaBear17 · 31/01/2013 20:33

My dd was lactose sensitive and that was the cause of her colic. I failed at bf - couldnt produce milk so was told to 'top up' with formula. Tried like hell to get bf established but ended up exclusively ff from about 4 weeks. Colic had started at about 4 days. Colief drops made a huge amount of difference to her though - we discovered them at about 9 weeks and within a week she was almost like a different baby. You could try reducing the dairy that you consume and see if it makes a difference? You can use colief when bf but it requires expressing some milk and can be a bit of a faff. It does get better, and when it does it becomes brilliant. I spent many a meal walking up and down with dd in a baby sling and taking little tiny bites of cold food! I feel your pain xx

TheApprentice · 31/01/2013 20:33

H there, I had to click on this thread when I saw this title - I remember this so well. Its just awful!! But DS1 is 6 years old now, and it all seems a distant dream! Colic is terrible.

I don't know if you can beg, borrow or steal one of those electric baby swings - we bought one with money we were given after ds was born (they are quite pricey) and it was a life-saver for us. It was the ONLY way we could get him to sleep at night! DH would put him in it at bedtime (I would be sleeping by then) and once he'd fallen asleep he would lift him and put him in his basket. Mind you , it would only work if we put it on the fastest speed.......

marriedinwhite · 31/01/2013 20:30

It will pass. Silly question, but are you getting enough rest in the day time. With hindsight (mine are 14 and 18 now) when I look back I think in the early evenings my milk supplies were low and nothing seemed to work until they sucked themselves silly and exhausted all evening and then after two hours sleep at 2am my boobs were filling up again. That feed got them through to a good sleep and by morning I was totally full again, they had a good slurp and were happy until late afternoon when supplies were running low again.

Is tough - growth spurt - catching up - making extra supplies, etc..

GirlOutNumbered · 31/01/2013 20:27

Hello. I gave up dairy and the colic passed within a couple of weeks. I am still dairy free now, but it's worth it for good nights sleep.


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TarkaTheOtter · 31/01/2013 20:24

Ps. It will pass! Particularly this frustrating colicky phase where you can't seem to do anything to help.

TarkaTheOtter · 31/01/2013 20:22

Just buy a cheap fm plug in radio rather than a new hair dryer and find a part of the spectrum that has no radio station in your area (87.5 works here). I still use it to help my nearly one year old sleep as it drowns out any noise we make downstairs.
It has so many advantages over the hair dryer - it won't burn out, not a fire risk if left unattended, adjustable volume etc and if you get a plug in one it doesn't need batteries like most of the white noise gadgets on the market.

Shenanagins · 31/01/2013 20:18

Oh do what you need to do to get through it. Hairdryer worked for my ds who had reflux. I also took to standing outside the door where i could still hear him but just not as bad in order to get some sanity.

but trust me on this it does get easier.

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