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to discreetly mention that 'discreet' has a discrete meaning from 'discrete'?

146 replies

IHeartKingThistle · 30/01/2013 22:52

The one you want for breastfeeding is 'discreet.'

'Discrete' means 'separate from'.

As you were. Except for, you know, the discrete thing.

No wish to offend!

OP posts:
DianaTrent · 30/01/2013 23:47

Yes, this annoys me. Every time I read about someone not being 'discrete' I always think of some poor soul living life forever joined as part of a continuum.

DontEvenThinkAboutIt · 30/01/2013 23:47

My papers were still = My stationery was stationary

imogengladhart · 30/01/2013 23:48

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PureQuintessence · 30/01/2013 23:49

Hence Discriminate / Discrimination as opposed to discretate and discremation and icecream, etc.

apostropheuse · 30/01/2013 23:53

learned not learnt

Actually learnt is the traditional way of spelling it in "British" English.

Now both spellings seem to be acceptable.

PureQuintessence · 30/01/2013 23:53

See, when you are a forriner, you learn all these things the hard way.


Me (arriving late to a lecture) "I am sorry I am late, I was held by Professor Pink"
Dr Blue: "Oh, that must have been very nice" "But I think you will find you were held up by Professor Pink"


Me (arriving late to a lecture having seen my gp): "I am sorry I am late, I have been to see my doctor about my nasal constipation"

Professor Red: "Oh poor you, that sounds dreadful, you do mean congestion, dont you?"

PureQuintessence · 30/01/2013 23:54

Isnt learned a noun rather than past tense of a verb?

As in, my learned friend?

apostropheuse · 30/01/2013 23:57

Surely that would be an adjective?

HoratiaWinwood · 30/01/2013 23:58

That would be an adjective.

StationEry comes from. stationEr. ConfectionEry comes from a confectionEr.

GeorgianMumto5 · 30/01/2013 23:59

This ellipsis thing... I still don't geddit. Was the example I just gave correct?

WilsonFrickett · 31/01/2013 00:00

Learned and learnt both now acceptable British usage. Just make sure you're consistent. Don't get burned. Or burnt.

WilsonFrickett · 31/01/2013 00:04

Nope Georgian but honestly, no-one gets it right in day to day usage. I had to brush up on it for a recent project. The key strokes are as I gave above - space after the word, space between each full stop, space before the next character.

So like this . . . Do you see?

PureQuintessence · 31/01/2013 00:08

Of course, Apostrophy! Another example for me to bag!

YellowTulips · 31/01/2013 00:15

Question: How many of you have read "Eats, Shoots and Leaves"?

Next Question: How may of you a) understood all of it b) retained the information you learned....

Frostyfoxy · 31/01/2013 00:19

I also get very confused with passed and past. Sometimes I think I've cracked it and then it all goes blank again! Confused

JustAHolyFool · 31/01/2013 00:21

I HATED Eats, Shoots and Leaves.

Full of errors, and actually I hate grammar prescriptivism.

BoysAreLikeDogs · 31/01/2013 00:22

Staunch support is needed when one has to stanch a wound.

conantg · 31/01/2013 00:34

Well done OP. YANBU.

MrsMeeple · 31/01/2013 01:02
AuntieVenom · 31/01/2013 01:30

Re the learned vs learnt debate, in English (as in Queen's English)

"learned": a present participle that performs the role of an adjective by qualifying a following noun.
"learnt": a past participle that performs the role of a adjective by qualifying a noun.

These words will be participles only if used along with a helping verb, also called an auxiliary verb like "to be" or "to have". If used without an auxiliary verb, there is a possibility that the word "learnt" is actually a verb and not a participle. This depends entirely upon the sentence structure.

Both these words are derived from the infinitive of the verb "to learn". While "learned" refers to a current state of acquired knowledge of the accusative noun, in this case the the noun following the word "learned"; the word "learnt" refers to a past incident that caused the accusative noun to become aware of something or gain some knowledge.

"Stephen Hawkins is a learned man." [present participle: "learned"; auxiliary verb: "is" (to be)]
"I have learnt a lot of thing by attending this class." [past participle: "learnt"; auxiliary verb: "have" (to have)]
"I learnt about it last night." [verb: "learnt"; auxiliary verb: none, not required, because "learnt" is a verb in it's own right]

If the sentence "I learnt about it last night." sounds confusing as to why "learnt" is a verb, try rephrasing it as "I did learn about it last night.". Although there is a subtle difference between the two sentences, they convey the same meaning.

SaggyOldPregnantCatpuss · 31/01/2013 01:36

You all have far too much time on your hands! Grin

SaggyOldPregnantCatpuss · 31/01/2013 01:37

Although... I have to say, if you commit a crime, you arent hung. You are hanged!


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cumfy · 31/01/2013 01:46


sashh · 31/01/2013 04:31

OK where is the MNetter who wanted to know what she could do apart from teach English?

Oi, over here, we need you

YouCanCallMeBetty · 31/01/2013 06:55

Has anyone mentioned having a sneak peek at the Peak District?

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