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To not know whether the ocean really has a 'midnight zone'

46 replies

Chumpster · 24/01/2013 16:18

I've heard about it a lot on Octonauts, but is it real? Does anyone know?

OP posts:
piprabbit · 27/01/2013 19:20

elfycat - you are right. Slapping a pair of ear defenders over the top of your diving helmet is not going to protect you at all from a snapping shrimp.

EndoplasmicReticulum · 27/01/2013 19:16

Oh and if anyone is after Octonaut books they usually have loads on the Book People with lots of money off.

Shellington · 27/01/2013 19:01

Grin Living
Cap' is on a bit of a power trip, most episodes, but is a likeable chap.

elfycat · 27/01/2013 18:57

I think the animal stuff on Octonauts is pretty good. Their attitude to Health and Safety and their diving safety is somewhat more suspect.....

Living · 27/01/2013 18:54

We went to a talk by a marine biologist who spends his life tracking whale sharks; our 3 year old watched the whale shark episode of octonauts the next day. Scarily accurate.

But am I the only one who feels a but uncomfortable that the rabbit sits there eating carrots next to the giant carrot animal things?

GilmoursPillow · 27/01/2013 17:02

urban thank you for the BBC link, I found it fascinating (so I at least am glad the OP posted this!)

andtheycalleditbunnylove · 27/01/2013 16:24

daughter showed me some octonauts last night - my first ever trip into the midnight zone. it was ok, but the best bit was grandaughter (14mo) deciding to sit next to me on the sofa for a few minutes. Smile

turkeyboots · 27/01/2013 14:45

The original books have made up sea monsters in them, like the "only lonely monster" and as above the "sea of shade" is an odd little story. But they are great!

EndoplasmicReticulum · 27/01/2013 14:33

If it's on the Octonauts it must be true.

Shellington · 27/01/2013 12:46

Fans here too (does it show?! Grin )

Just wanted to add, The Works has Octonauts books in atm for 99p each :)
The only one I suggest flicking through to check for suitability first is "Sea of Shade" - gorgeous pictures, weird story - the rest are all episode-based (Decorator Crab, Giant Squid etc)

ArbitraryUsername · 25/01/2013 14:09

DS2 loves the vegimals. He wishes they were real.

Arithmeticulous · 25/01/2013 13:54

I will admit that before I knew better there's been a couple of creatures on there that I scorned as being obviously completely made up Blush because some things aren't real (vegimals, Octopod/warp drive issues) and I assumed some of the creatures were also made up.

Thumbwitch · 25/01/2013 13:48

DS1 (5) loves the Octonauts. I'm pretty impressed with them too - especially when they came up with the fish-with-the-massive-name (aka the reef triggerfish)!

LunaticFringe · 25/01/2013 13:36

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sleepyhead · 25/01/2013 13:28

He's Simon Greenall who played Michael in "I'm Alan Partridge" (the Geordie ex Army guy.). I thought I could here a bit of Scottish in Cpt Barnacles, but as Simon Greenall is from the Cumberland area it's probably a short vowel northern thing.

I wonder if he did the Geordie lobsters as well?

GothAnneGeddes · 25/01/2013 00:50

Noblegiraffe - there's a bit of worthwhile triva! Wonder what his "real" voice is like?

SquinkiesRule · 25/01/2013 00:43

Dd was going on about the twilight zone, and midnight zone in the ocean the other day, she's been watching a kids TV show about it. Kratts creatures seasquwatch episode.

noblegiraffe · 25/01/2013 00:28

Captain Barnacles is voiced by the same guy who does Aleksander Meerkat. Simples.

SomeKindOfDeliciousBiscuit · 24/01/2013 23:34

DH and I love Octonauts. We assume DD thinks it's ok.

I was listening very closely and Capt. Barnacles is a Yorkshire man polar bear. The odd vowel sound slipped through and I went "aha!"


kim147 · 24/01/2013 21:13

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FarrahFawcettsFlick · 24/01/2013 21:11

If you can get this - do. It's amazing, especially episode 2 'The Deep'. A bit old for pre-schoolers, but my DS (6) loves it and it is fantastic to watch.

PeppermintCreams · 24/01/2013 21:03

If you read the original octonauts story books that the tv show is based on they have lots of made creatures.

Everything in Th tv show is real though even the octopod.


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MumWithCamera · 24/01/2013 21:01

"Are you seriously suggesting that a marine biologist of Captain Barnacles' stature would use incorrect terminology? [Shock]"

Brilliant! Grin

And I love Octonauts too. So much more interesting than Everything's Rosie, Driver Dan, and a multitude of other stuff that I can't bear to watch...

Lueji · 24/01/2013 20:47

To pronounce the name of the fish you can decompose it into sections that are also repeated:

Huma huma nuka nuka apuaa

Easy. ;)

FeistyLass · 24/01/2013 20:22

And I love the regional accents. Ds couldn't understand why I was laughing so much at the bouncer fish (not their technical name!) protecting the algae Grin

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