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To not want a minute by minute account of Kate's pregnancy and little sympathy for her.

511 replies

babbas · 03/12/2012 21:15

She's rich, she has all the support in the world and will have no cooking, cleaning, vocational work or responsibilities. I really really really do not want to have daily updates on her condition or her pregnancy for the next nine months! It's so typical of everything she stands for that they have already announced she will have to be on rest for the foreseeable future. As opposed to doing what exactly??!

My best friend had HG and lost a stone in 8 days. She went to hospital and was told to pull her herself together as most women had morning sickness. No time off work, no help whatsoever.

OP posts:
EverlongLovesHerChristmasRobin · 03/12/2012 22:19

You find her utterly pointless? What an pov.

I'm sure she feels the same about you.

Pantofino · 03/12/2012 22:21

She is a human being - how can she be "utterly pointless"?

Pantofino · 03/12/2012 22:24

Yellowtip - maybe you could list the notable activities that have done in the last month, and we could compare.....

Yellowtip · 03/12/2012 22:27

Everlong that's an utterly pointless comment.

Kate is utterly pointless: hanging around, supine for 10 years, unavailable for work so that she could 'be there' for Will? Just so pointless and dim.

And that list about prettier, better educated etc. Where did that come from?!!

The pr machine is so Hmm these days that I wouldn't believe anything it puts out tbh. Most likely she's just being a little bit sick. So she gets all princessy.

Alliwantisaroomsomewhere · 03/12/2012 22:28

Who actually KNOWS that it reallly is full on horrendous HG?

Pantofino · 03/12/2012 22:31

Go the sisterhood Hmm

Yellowtip · 03/12/2012 22:31

I've done a lot more than play hockey for two minutes in high heels and a silly tartan coat and wolfed down roast beef and krispie tart, that's for sure.

If you're so keen, please explain what her point is? Enlighten me do.

Alliwantisaroomsomewhere · 03/12/2012 22:33

Sisterhood Shmisterhood.

Privilege and money outranks any bloody 'hood!

jidelgin · 03/12/2012 22:33

I'm firmly in your camp OP.
What do people want from her? Hmm, she could stand to lose the heavy black kohl rimming her eyes and she could either a) pay to park or b) pay the fine (although perhaps that doesn't apply any more if she is no longer zipping around town in her Audi)
tee hee

AfterEightMintyy · 03/12/2012 22:35

I have every sympathy for her. She must be feeling absolutely dreadful. Poor poor woman and all others who suffer with this horrible side-effect.

BrandyAlexander · 03/12/2012 22:36

You sound delightful OP Hmm

EverlongLovesHerChristmasRobin · 03/12/2012 22:38

Pointless? What to you yellow? yeah because your pov matters Hmm

KarlosKKrinkelbeim · 03/12/2012 22:38

Perhaps she will become pointful once the baby is born by helping to normalise breastfeeding by feeding her baby when out and about? Whether we like it or not, there are lots of people out there who are very silly indeed, and if she did this it probably would alter their opinions on this subject.

HarderToKidnap · 03/12/2012 22:41

Yellowtip, your posts are vile. Really, really callous. The point of her is the same as the point of anyone, her inherent worth as a human being. People don't have to achieve x amount per week to have a point to them. Your viewpoint is extremely strange. Do you usually have problems identifying with and empathising with others?

IShallCallYouSquishy · 03/12/2012 22:42

The poor woman is having a shitter of a pregnancy so far and I have upmost sympathy for anyone going through HG. I hardly think she is vomming up diamonds OP, and doubt she wants the world and its dog knowing the ins and outs of her knelt over a loo chucking her guts up. She's a newly pregnant first time mum and like others have said, probably scared and worried.


EnjoyResponsibly · 03/12/2012 22:42

You could argue that in one fell swoop this woman has raised awareness of the awfulness and seriousness of HG.

It's just possible that other women might receive a little more understanding when they suffer the same.

LucieMay · 03/12/2012 22:44

I don't oppose self made rich folk but I do oppose the monarchy on ethical grounds. Nothing against the people themselves, I think it's a shame for her, as I would think that about any young woman. All that stuff about carrying the heir to the throne is irrelevant, all human life is as important as another, their health isn't more important than anyone else's.

MrsDeVere · 03/12/2012 22:45

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

FreakySnuckerCupidStunt · 03/12/2012 22:48

I hope she feels better soon but I really, really do not want to have to listen to people speculating about her, her pregnancy and the baby for the next nine months - not that I have much choice sinceEVERYONE is going to be discussing it.

KarlosKKrinkelbeim · 03/12/2012 22:51

No, they're not, Freaky. Most people, IME, are far too busy and engaged with their own lives to give a toss. The media hype it up so they can flog product to the minority who are so terminally bored they take an interest.

autumnlights12 · 03/12/2012 22:53

there are some mean and dumb creatures on Mumsnet

Greensleeves · 03/12/2012 22:54

and some idiots


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EverlongLovesHerChristmasRobin · 03/12/2012 22:55

Of course it's going to be discussed.

There's lots of stuff in the news every day that I can switch off from.

I suggest you do the same.

FBworry · 03/12/2012 22:56
autumnlights12 · 03/12/2012 22:57

this thread Inspires me to become rampant monarchist of the highest order. Republicans are plain nasty.

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