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Man in the shop put more then I paid on my key metre - do I own up?

64 replies

ThePlEWhoLovedMe · 29/11/2012 22:36

Went to shop to top up gas key metre. When I got home i discovered he had put on double what I gave him in a mistake. Do I stay anything ? AIBU to not say anything ?

OP posts:
BunnyLebowski · 29/11/2012 23:09

Only complete eejits believe in karma.

Say precisely nada OP. Early xmas pressie Wink

Mrsjay · 29/11/2012 23:10

Karma is not a bitch that is a facebook phrase when people are pissed off, if karma existed that is,

LookAtAllTheseFucksIGive · 29/11/2012 23:29

If karma exists then who's to say that her little bonus isn't a gift for some amazing shit she's done and this is the karma god's way of hi-fiving her?

manticlimactic · 29/11/2012 23:50

I once put £50 on someones key by mistake instead of £15 as they asked. I had a stinking cold and had dragged myself into work. Couldn't reverse it so the customer got to keep it. I got a mild bollocking. The guy was a regular customer but didn't offer to pay. It was my mistake.

akaemmafrost · 29/11/2012 23:52

I wouldn't Blush.

5madthings · 29/11/2012 23:59

Keep it! You are having to pay over the odds for your electric anyway, if there is karma this is you getting something good you deserve :)

Marzipanface · 30/11/2012 00:03

It was his mistake. You didn't notice in the shop. Put it on your meter. Think of it as Lady Luck shining on you.

Do a good deed to balance it all out if you prefer!

PickledInAPearTree · 30/11/2012 00:04

Fuck karma it's bloody cold.

quoteunquote · 30/11/2012 00:08

The man that made the mistake could lose his job.

BattlingFanjos · 30/11/2012 00:37

My first thought was tell the shop, but its freezing and sodding evil bastards EDF have been charging me £85 a month on my meter just for gas so to be fair I probably wouldn't tell them! Plus they can't take the credit back it'd be put on your meter as debt and they'd drag it out. Enjoy it :)

Morloth · 30/11/2012 00:51


In my current situation then yes, I would go back. If you are broke and this is a really fortunate turn of events then fuck that.

I have a somewhat 'flexible' morality though. Wink

myfirstkitchen · 30/11/2012 02:38

keep it! co-op put £10 on my key, there was nothing on my key when I got in and when I went back they didn't give a shit!

EauRouge · 30/11/2012 03:09

Karma is bullshit.

I would still go back though, I would feel guilty if I didn't.

dawsonjunior · 30/11/2012 03:29

I've been the sales assistant to put too much money on before.

I was called into the back room and had to be interviewed and then watch myself on CCTV doing it. So yes chances are you will be CCTV too so they'll know you if you're a regular.

Money was not taken out of my wages.

Whistlingwaves · 30/11/2012 03:58

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valiumredhead · 30/11/2012 08:40


reddaisy · 30/11/2012 08:49

Keep it.

GoldenHandshake · 30/11/2012 09:03

Energy companies are thieving bastards anyway, keep it. The shop assistant will not be sacked, there are allowances for human error.

PickledInAPearTree · 30/11/2012 09:11

Bloody hell when I worked in a shop I was forever doing stuff like this and I never ever got wages docked.

What if they hadn't noticed the mistake? Op is then going in and making a fuss a d getting someone into bother for no reason.

goralka · 30/11/2012 09:14

you are already paying over the odds for your gas with a key meter, say nothing.

HorraceTheOtter · 30/11/2012 09:29

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HaudYerWheeshtFannyBaws · 30/11/2012 09:49

I wouldn't say anything and would keep it. The assistant won't get his wages docked. It's not allowed.


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Iggly · 30/11/2012 09:50

Keep it.

Would the fuckers tell you if you overpaid?


DeltaUniformDeltaEcho · 30/11/2012 10:37

I'd keep it!

roundtable · 30/11/2012 10:45

Maybe this is op's 'karma'?

Normally I'm all for telling the truth but considering energy companies are robbing us blind and getting away with it, I wouldn't lose any sleep over it. I'm sure they don't.

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