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to find long names annoying?

74 replies

fallingsun · 12/11/2012 10:08

well not long names per se, just parents who insist their child be called Frederick instead of Fred or Freddie, Alexandra instead of Al or Alex. Fair enough, they get to choose the name, but the indisters of the unabbreviated names always seem very pretentious and their children often precocious 'oh maximillian just got an 'A' in ancient Greek and he's only five, he's very advanced you see'.

Aibu? Disclaimer, this thread is light hearted!

OP posts:
Convict224 · 12/11/2012 11:48

My ex has a 2 syllable name . It's an Irish name but easy to pronounce. He usually gets called by the first syllable only or by the English variation of his name, which isnt his name(iyswim). He has even been addressed as a completely different name by a colleague who had never heard of his name and decided to call him something completely different. He is puzzled why he people do this and would prefer to be called by his real name.
Our sons, however, are known by their order of birth. Number One and Number Two. Number Two wishes very much he had been the first born......

steppemum · 12/11/2012 12:11

my name is one that is often shortened (think catherine and cathy) I have never ever been known by the shortened version. I used to get really annoyed with teachers who assumed that it was 'cathy' and some people I met just abreviate it without thinking.

My name is 'catherine' and not 'cathy' If it was 'cathy' I would tell you.
FWIW I really like some long names and hate their short versions. But one of my dds has name which can be shortened, because the long version is dutch and the short version english. She chooses to use the short version in Uk and long version with dutch rellies.

dd2 has a name that doesn't get shortened, but I call her a nickname version of it. My friends used the nickname version one day, dd2 gave her magnificent death stare and said My Name is XXXXX not XY and stalked off.

GwendolineMaryLacey · 12/11/2012 12:12

Fucking hell, we really are scraping the barrel about things to be annoyed about these days. Is it possible that MN has, at last, run full circle.

JenFawkes · 12/11/2012 12:37

It's annoyed me since I was old enough to know my name. How silly of me to want to be called by my name and not something else

Rollmops · 12/11/2012 12:39

I detest shortened, weird names such as Jo-Jo and TJ etc. In fact I'm afraid I wouldn't allow DTs invite any TJs et al into our house, not that they know any.
[utter snob]

goldenlula · 12/11/2012 12:41

I have a name that can be shortened, other than 2 friends in my adult life, no one has shortened it. Ds2 has a name that is commonly shortened, we do not shorten it and at 4 if anyone else shortens it he tells them politely that he is not the shortened version, but the longer one. He told a TA at school this a couple of weeks ago. We chose his name because that is the name we liked and as far as I can see it is the version I will always use, if he decides his friends can shorten it in the future that is his choice, but not the choice of randoms to decide they want to shorten it. His name is only 5 letters anyway.
To those saying it is up to the child, yes it is to a degree but seeing as people have tried shortening ds2's name since before he could talk, how is that down to the child? He didn't suddenly sit up and say call me 'x', they asked me his name, I told them , they then shortened it (this was only a couple of people). Also, at pre school ds2 corrected his teachers, they spoke to me and I told them he was known by his long name. They then persisted in using the shortened version and then complained that he didn't listen when they called him ect. It wasn't any surprise, seeing as they were not using the name he was used to!

GateGipsy · 12/11/2012 12:43

I hate when people call me Gip it sounds like a disease.

Fakebook · 12/11/2012 12:44

YABU. I have a long name and used to be known by a shortened version in primary and middle school. I HATED it because it wasn't my name! My name is what it is on my birth certificate not something else because people are too lazy to learn my full name. When I started secondary school I made sure everyone knew to call me by my long name and its been like that ever since.

laughtergoodmedicine · 12/11/2012 12:46

yes, long names can be a bit annoying. Maybe royals with 4 or 5 christian names plus a title.

gazzalw · 12/11/2012 12:46

You choose the names for your DCs that you like but if they are long you have to accept that people will derive diminutives for them. But I think it is totally unacceptable for people to assume that they can just shorten names without asking a person if they mind/find it acceptable.

goldenlula · 12/11/2012 12:49

Actually, my name can be shortened in two ways, either the beginning or the end. I don't mind the first part shortening, but anyone shortening to the second part is promptly corrected (with the exception of small children who all seem to pick up on the second part first).

ChaoticismyLife · 12/11/2012 13:05

It's personal choice really. If a child is too young to make the decision then it's up to the parents, once a child is old enough then it's their choice.

My DS wouldn't even realise you were talking to him if you lengthened his name.

My DD happily shortens her name.

Me, I get called a variety of names, some of which aren't even related to my name. I answer to most things...well so long as it's nice Grin

sarahtigh · 12/11/2012 14:32

I know a Rebecca who hates becky even when she was 6 a teacher tried calling her Becky she simply would not answer, pointing out she did not answer as no-one called her name, she is still mostly called Rebecca though occasionally becs by herself and close friends it is perfectly ok for her not to like becky and refuse to answer to it and for my parents to insist teachers etc called her Rebecca,

it would have been slightly different if she had wanted to be called Becky

my DD has name that can be shortened I quite like it and if she want that when older she can, at present she says it that way as can't at 2 say the "th" sound at end, at nursery I insist she is called full name, once she can say her full name and is used to it, if she then chooses shorter version that will be fine

her name is only 2 syllables so NU to insist on full name,

however someone who insists everyone calls there DD Jemima margaret rose and use all 3 names is probably BU

JenaiMarrHePlaysGuitar · 12/11/2012 14:39

People get terribly precious about it, which is daft really.

fallingsun · 12/11/2012 14:43

Ok so I'm bu. Perhaps I've just been tainted by some of the people I've met, like the mother with a 35 yo son who still insists he has to be called Frederick even though he hates it and wants to be called Fred...

My ds has a longer name that I like the abbreviated version of too, as is my name, so I'm quite relaxed whether people use the long or short version, no insistence on either...

OP posts:
ScaredySquirrel · 12/11/2012 14:46

Sashh I had to ask my australian au pair to stop shortening my newborn baby's name - it is Cecily and she insisted on calling her Cess!
(she calls all the rest of my children Darl, which is pretty bad too imo).

in answer to the OP, I think until the child is old enough then it's up to the parents. then the child decides. i call one of my children her long name all the time, but no one else does now. Until then if I decide my child is called Alexander rather than Alex then my choice goes I think.

fedupofnamechanging · 12/11/2012 14:51

YABU. My dd has a long name - I spent ages choosing it and I expect other people not to alter it to something they prefer.

If my dd decides to abbreviate her name, when she is older, that's her business - it's her name, after all. But while she is little, I expect people to use the name I chose.

Alisvolatpropiis · 12/11/2012 14:55

YABU - the long version is their name.

Annunziata · 12/11/2012 14:56

It's their name, and none of your business!

FryOneFatManic · 12/11/2012 15:00

I have a long name. Only a very few people can call me by my preferred short version. To everyone else I insist on the full name. That's because it's my name and I don't like most of the shortened versions at all. I have even refused to answer someone who tried to use a horrible short version.

Blu · 12/11/2012 15:05


It is taking liberties to shorten someone's name and call them something different to how they have been introduced. Really rude. Any person who calls me at work with something to sell or a favour to request and takes it upon themself to decide what short version of my name to use gets no further.

Once a child is old enough to decide they can inhabit a nn of their choice, but it isn't up to other parents to decide how to address someone else's child.

blackeyedsusan · 12/11/2012 15:06

one of dd's friends is called a 4 syllable name.dd is a 3 syllable name and we shortened it. we have always said it is her choice hat she goes with in the end. (think elizabeth/liz/beth sort of combos but not that)

ds has a name that we were going to keep long. it did not last. I am too lazy!


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zukiecat · 12/11/2012 15:36

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Mrsjay · 12/11/2012 15:43

yab a little U I have a long name and i really hate the short version although people do call me it and I am not that keen but never say anything cos it is a long name and my mum would dissaprove if anybody shortened it , I am a bit funny about double barrel names though and the child gets called the full double barrel ,

ToriaPumpkin · 12/11/2012 15:47

I hated having my name shortened so much that I found an alternative shortening and made people use it. Strangely now I tend to get my full name as people get confused by the shortening!

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