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To not see the point of keeping a well but rashy child isolated

79 replies

bumbdeal · 06/11/2012 21:39

When they were socialising freely and infectious 5 -7 days prior to the appearance of the rash.

OP posts:
RyleDup · 08/11/2012 11:41

Choosing to vaccinate is also a huge huge decision Pagwatch, and not one to be taken lightly, as I'm sure you know. The ops total arrogance and disrespect to other childrens health has caused the burn and flog attitude. Although I guess it is apparent now thats he/she is just a dumb ass troll with nothing better to do than wind other people up.

Pagwatch · 08/11/2012 10:45

See. And that's why I hate these threads.

Chosing not to vaccinate is a huge decision. And one that should be add cautiously and seriously and with respect or the impact upon those around you.

I haven't vaccinated DD. I am not some air head and I agonise about this. I talk to everyone I can, I fret and I do the best I can whilst holding my dc to the fore of tht process.

The price for being unvaccinated is that I never let her go out if I have any reason to suspect she may be infectious. I am ultra cautious. So glib ops like this one - and the 'burn them, flog them' shit that gets posted in return drives me batty.

sashh · 08/11/2012 10:23

What SDTGisAnEvilWolefGenius said

Unless it is for medical reasons I believe unvaxinated children should not be able to access state education. If the parents choose not to vaccinate then they can go private or home ed,

Pagwatch · 08/11/2012 10:22

Yy - what MrsDeVere said.

And wnkerwankerwankerwanker

expatinscotland · 08/11/2012 10:08

What MrsdeVere said.

SDTGisAnEvilWolefGenius · 08/11/2012 09:45

Oh - and welcome to mumsnet, HariboObsessed! Thanks

SDTGisAnEvilWolefGenius · 08/11/2012 09:44

Strange - the OP seems to have vanished .....

HariboObsessed · 07/11/2012 21:40

I've been a serial lurker for months. Always thinking 'I will sign up to reply to this post..' But never do.

Well done OP, you have finally convinced me to join.

Why? Because I couldn't just read this without posting my thoughts - your blatant disregard for everyone else and their children is so disgusting that I really, really hope this was just a wind up.

Your train of thought seems so backwards that this can't actually be serious. I am shocked.

I shall now back away and go and post on the more lighthearted threads I have been lurking in. Hmm

MrsDeVere · 07/11/2012 20:43

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

drcrab · 07/11/2012 20:33

You are kidding me right?? My DS has been on steroids for the last 5 months and he's also on other immunosuppressant drugs. Drugs which they give to luekemia patients. He's started reception and is doing v well. He looks well but he's in fact quite ill. So no please do not bring your contagious bugs around. Angry

MummytoKatie · 07/11/2012 20:24

I am 10 weeks pregnant. I should be immune to rubella as I have had the jab plus before my last pregnancy I was tested. However, jabs sometimes wear off so I have no 100% guarantee.

I haven't yet had the immunity test for this pregnancy as I was showing signs of miscarriage and it is only now that it looks like our baby is sticking around so I just don't know.

Dd's nursery is at a school. I am doing the nursery run tomorrow. I haven't done it for a while as my morning sickness is awful so dh has been doing it.

Soooo - if you see a pale looking women in a black coat with a cute blonde toddler then please stay away as I really don't want to lose this baby.

McChristmasPants2012 · 07/11/2012 18:52

It's because of your poor choice not to immunise your child that's she/he may have got it in the first place.

I think it people who don't immunise should home school as they are irresponsible ( unless they have been advised against jabs)

dikkertjedap · 07/11/2012 18:46

As others have pointed out, the big difference is that before the rash broke out you did not know that your child was contagious. Now you know that there is something and unless your are absolutely sure that (s)he is not contagious it would be irresponsible to send him/her to school.

Not all children can be vaccinated. Children on chemo or who have compromised immune systems can often not be vaccinated, so you will be exposing those children. Also, there maybe teachers/other staff/other parents who are pregnant without even knowing yet - exposure to rubella if they are not immune can be devastating for the foetus.

YouOldSlag · 07/11/2012 18:44

OP- breastfeeding improves and benefits the immune system, it is not a replacement for vaccinations and doesn't prevent serious disease.

RyleDup · 07/11/2012 18:42

Oh no, bf didn't protect my 11 week old ds from cp either.

Lilithmoon · 07/11/2012 18:33

Another vote for BF not protecting my pfb when she had cp at 7 months.
OP your selfish attitude truly makes me despair.

Summerblaze · 07/11/2012 18:15

This type of selfishness really pisses me off. Its not as if your precious dc will implode if he/she doesn't go to school for a few days. If he/she goes in then this could be someones life you are taking in your hands.

My Dsis was in contact with CP during her pg from my dc and wasn't immune. She had the injection and kept her fingers crossed. Fortunately for my Dniece, she was fine but I certainly didn't think "oh, I might have passed cp on to her but now she has had the shot, I can take my dc round to breathe all over her". No, I kept them away until they were definitely not infectious.

What I don't get is why you can't keep him at home if he is rashy or does this mean you can't go for coffee with your friends get jobs done at home.

maddening · 07/11/2012 17:32

So if other poeple by chance haven't got it you can make sure they have extra chance of getting by continuing to send your child in?

CookingFunt · 07/11/2012 17:07

OP did you get your degree from Dr Google? I've never heard such selfishness in all my life.

TheHumancatapult · 07/11/2012 17:03

Sorry why should I keep my daughter at home never let her mix that's no life for a little girl . So I accept there's some risks I can not protect her against

Yes before you knew then if she caught that's hard but to deliberately expose a child then that's dam right nasty and sad that you think that little of another person that you risk exposing them

GoldenAutumn · 07/11/2012 15:14

Wow, what a wind up. Hmm

YouOldSlag · 07/11/2012 14:28

"Also attended a chickenpox party but baby immune due to breastfeeding so will have that to come" Sorry- and you are medically qualified OP?

My baby was Bfed and got CP at 8 months.

I think you are completely bonkers.


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PurpleGentian · 07/11/2012 14:26


If your child has a rash, and you don't know for sure that they're not contagious, it's extremely irresponsible to take them out in public where they may infect others.

And as you're not sure what your child has, you can't know whether they're contagious.

Just because your child is feeling well, doesn't mean that someone they infect will be fine. Even if all the people with supressed immune systems isolate themselves, they're still going to come into contact with others who go out and about in public. Nothing you can do about a child infecting others before you know child is ill, but now you know, so you should keep the child at home.

Also, I'd be keeping the other kids off school for the moment, as there's a good chance they've caught whatever the rashy child has, and could also be contagious.

YouOldSlag · 07/11/2012 14:26

Frankly I'm aghast OP.

You say you don't want to immunise as it will make your children ill. Well your children ARE ill!

How can you possibly suggest that immuno suppressed children are home schooled?

You have this kind of "too late now, so may as well as well send them into school" attitude.

It was YOUR choice not to immunise. There is not one reason on earth why other people's children/teachers/relatives should have to pay the price.

YABU times a hundred. Unbelievable.

RyleDup · 07/11/2012 14:04

I doubt she is qualified medically somehow.

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