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Bloody online banking...

12 replies

grumpyinthemornings · 06/11/2012 13:39

How hard is it for me to take some money from my account and put it in my friends'? Was trying to avoid leaving the house because it's bloody cold, but now I have to go to the bank anyway because bloody Natwest won't let me do it online.

Not really an AIBU, just needed a rant...

OP posts:
MammaTJ · 06/11/2012 17:22

Phone them and do it, that's how I do all first payments to anyone elses account. Then it is all on my account ready to do afterwards.

greensmoothiegoddess · 06/11/2012 17:00

I refused to use a Pinsentry (Barclays). The utter pain of it. Sure it makes the bank's processes easier from a security point of view but from a customer's point of view - the damn thing worked only sporadically. I said I would bank elsewhere if they couldn't offer me an option to not use it. So I now log in the old way - with passwords and PIN. Have had no problems whatsoever and life is so much easier. Banks need to come up with a more user-friendly option to cover security issues. And customers need to kick up more of a fuss if necessary if things don't suit.

grumpyinthemornings · 06/11/2012 16:37

Yes, it's my first time, no I don't have one of those card reader thingies. Ah well, it's done now. Never again...

OP posts:
Lueji · 06/11/2012 16:08

Well, think about it like this: the easier it is for you, the easier it is for hackers and scammers.

Is it your first time?

Tiredmumno1 · 06/11/2012 16:03

The OP hasn't said whether she has the card reader?

annh · 06/11/2012 16:01

You are sounding a bit pathetic. The card reader is very easy, follow the instructions. Leave it each time in the same place next to the computer and then it's there when you want to use it! Stop blaming NatWest when they have made it perfectly possible for you to do this, you are just choosing to make it difficult for yourself! Smile

Graciescotland · 06/11/2012 15:57

Can't you just call and do it that way instead?

Hassled · 06/11/2012 15:56

I can do it via Natwest, but I need that wacky little cardreader gizmo (which I don't understand AT ALL ) to do it, and I can never find the thing.

podgymumma · 06/11/2012 15:54

Natwest make it really easy to transfer to other people. You can also do it over the phone. Why couldn't you do it?

Isandri · 06/11/2012 15:18

PayPal :)

GhostShip · 06/11/2012 13:49

RBS do :o

NickNacks · 06/11/2012 13:42

Why can't you do it?

Yabu - I love online banking!

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