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to be panicking

5 replies

SecretCervix · 05/11/2012 19:58

We have just been told that dn has got hand foot.and mouth. My dd and dn were playing together and sharing dummies on sat. I am also 13 weeks preg. I am completely freaking out. Can anyone advise on this?

OP posts:
SecretCervix · 05/11/2012 20:12


OP posts:
BeaWheesht · 05/11/2012 20:05

And this re hf&m and pregnancy.

BeaWheesht · 05/11/2012 20:02

Check this out

BeaWheesht · 05/11/2012 20:01

I'd say chance are your dd will get it but lots of kids do and then they get better. I don't think it's a risk when pregnant but I'm sure you can google.

Not guaranteed though ds and dd both spent an entire day with my friends little boy and shared food and drinks and didn't get chickenpox even though the wee boy came out in them last night.

Panicking won't change the outcome anyways so try and chill out.

Alliwantisaroomsomewhere · 05/11/2012 19:59

Call NHS direct (if you are in England). 08454647

They are far more reliable than a bunch of strangers, most of whom are not medically trained.

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