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Or do you let yr DC behave like this?

38 replies

Clary · 27/10/2012 23:00

Out with DD at an event this pm which included food; we sat with another family we know quite well. Chat etc was fine, but I was amazed by the behaviour of the children.

They are bright kids and their parents seem pleasant but I was taken aback when the 7yo pushed back her plate and declared she couldn't eat the beans they were yukky, like a toddler really; then started pinging them on to the table - when I put them back on the edge of her plate she cried out and threw them on the table again.

Then she put pepper on my plate - at this point her dad remonstrated rather feebly "Don't do that Daisy" the other kids who are 13 and 10 thought it was hilarious and started putting salt and pepper into everyone's drinks. Very little was done, mum raises her eyebrows and says "goodness they are wild". One of the kids even took me to task for the way I said glass (with a short vowel thanks - I am from the northern wastes of the East Mids, as are they!).

I hope my DC behave better in adult company - certainly they are no angels and don't always use knife and fork but at least they don't throw food on the tablecloth or put salt in someone's drink!

Gosh sorry for rant, just wanted some assurance that I am not expecting too much from today's kids Smile

OP posts:
toomuchmonthatendofthemoney · 28/10/2012 00:40


mathanxiety · 28/10/2012 00:34

Children don't behave that badly unless the parents make absolutely no effort, ever, to rein them in.

They all sound positively horrible. I would steer well clear of them all in future. The parents will reap what they sow as the children get older. Sadly, others will also be on the receiving end of the harvest too.

lisaro · 28/10/2012 00:26

They sound revolting, sadly. If it was having an impact on myself or my children (as it was on you) then I would have said something.

LineRunner · 28/10/2012 00:24

I would love to say to such a miscreant, 'And you're a child? Goodness, but you are behaving like a particularly cuntish adult. Where did you learn to do that?'

Not sure I'd get away with it, though.

nancy75 · 28/10/2012 00:03

Sorry the younger child being 7 is not excuse, my dd is 7, she would never behave like this and if she did she would be taken home so fast her feet wouldn't touch the ground. I would not accept this behavior at any age.

Clary · 28/10/2012 00:02

Yes I think that's rude too.

I have no problem with people who are from darn sarf saying glarrrss, but basically everyone who lives here apart from people who have moved from the south of UK says glass, so to be told by a 10yo that I am saying it wrong took me aback a bit! even if I say it differently from them (tho as they are from here too I don't see how that can be) I am hardly saying it wrong

OP posts:
WorraLiberty · 28/10/2012 00:01

Oh I see what you mean OP

Oh and for the record, when he commented on your pronunciation of 'glass'...

You should have offered to shove it up his 'ahh-rse' Wink

LineRunner · 27/10/2012 23:59

What I really really hate is anyone - child or adult - commenting on someone else's accent.


It can be pronounced quite properly, in English, at least two ways.

People who comment on its pronunciation are utter bores. Or snobs. Or just rude. Parents who let their children do this are arseholes.

Clary · 27/10/2012 23:58

Well I just meant people are saying I should have got the parents to buy me a new drink, it'snot as tho it was a £3 glass of fancy wine (I wish actually!)

OP posts:
WorraLiberty · 27/10/2012 23:47

What does the price have to do with the unacceptable behaviour?

If I was drinking tap water and they put pepper in it I'd still go apeshit.

Clary · 27/10/2012 23:44

To be fair I should make it clear that it was a school event and the drinks (juice etc) were free, so we weren't out of pocket, but even then, DD was a bit fed up when she wanted another drink but all the glasses had salt or pepper in...

OP posts:
Marzipanface · 27/10/2012 23:41


There is no way my kids would behave like this.

I would have been asking the parents to purchase a fresh drink for me!

Clary · 27/10/2012 23:40

Haha no, but have never got the feeling any of them are very keen on school.

Oldest child remembered with grim relish some incident at the primary she had left 2 years ago which was a bit sad. I mean that that was the thing she recalled from her days there Sad

OP posts:
louisianablue2000 · 27/10/2012 23:38

YANBU, the seven year old saying the food is irritating but not terrible but everything else is not OK and the teenagers putting pepper in drinks would result in a 'we are leaving NOW' response from me.

Bessie123 · 27/10/2012 23:37

Is she a Steiner mum? That could explain it..?

Mrsjay · 27/10/2012 23:32

Sod being sick of fighting...if your kids are behaving like that you can't afford to be sick of fightin

this and I would have also taken them home how can any parent think putting stuff in drinks is ok is beyond me

Clary · 27/10/2012 23:32

Yeah free range is about the size of it.

OP posts:
WorraLiberty · 27/10/2012 23:29

Sod being sick of fighting...if your kids are behaving like that you can't afford to be sick of fighting.

I would have given them one warning and then stood up and told them to get their coats cos we're going home.

Mrsjay · 27/10/2012 23:28

they not she

Mrsjay · 27/10/2012 23:28

clary she sounds a bit free range Hmm

rowingboat · 27/10/2012 23:26

The seven year old girl, well could have been having a bit of a moment, my ds is 7 and obviously so are all his friends. I find this age pretty challenging as do a lot of the other mums: happy one minute, defiant and angry the next.
The older kids were being pretty rude. Perhaps the parents had had the day from hell with them already and were sick of fighting?
Shame they didn't do anything, hopefully they will next time.

Clary · 27/10/2012 23:26

LOL yes I have outed myself a bit eh? not for the first time

Still if the mum is a MN-er maybe she will teach her children some manners Grin

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prudencesmom · 27/10/2012 23:21

Awful. Unfortunately you will come across parents like this who dont care if their children are bad, and wont say or do anything.
What is the world coming to? Basic manners seem to be non existant.

WilsonFrickett · 27/10/2012 23:20

Maybe the beans were yucky though? Fair enough my DS wouldnt have started pinging them round the table, but he is incredibly fussy/inflexible about his food.

Sal100 · 27/10/2012 23:18

Wow! what horrible little children (parents)!

i would have said very loudly to my kids about their good behaviour compared to the other children at the table. and maybe told them off myself after giving the parents a look! and asked for a new drink without the pepper this time!

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