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To think this pastry must have been made of gold?

17 replies

chipsandmushypeas · 18/10/2012 11:57

Went into a cafe yesterday, got a coffee and croissant to go.

Pain au chocolat was £4.00 to take away Shock

Still bloody bought the thing because i was starving and was intrigued, wondering if it was filled with liquid gold.

WTCU (Was the cafe unreasonable) :)

OP posts:
AmandinePoulain · 18/10/2012 13:28

Mamas and Papas also sell ridiculously priced basics. I found single babygros for £15 in there recently - and this was in the outlet store so goodness only knows what they were originally Shock

chipsandmushypeas · 18/10/2012 13:16

Mothercare are another one for overpriced goods Amandine. I went in to have a look as im pregnant and most single sleepsuits were £14-£20!!! Ridiculous.

OP posts:
susiedaisy · 18/10/2012 13:11

At £4 it would of stuck in my throat and probably choked me!!

AmandinePoulain · 18/10/2012 13:10

If it makes you feel better I did similar last week. Dd1 needed tights, dd2 was crying and we were in a hurry so I wasn't really paying attention to the ones she chose, until we got to the till and the cashier asked for £10! TEN pounds! For TWO pairs of Mothercare tights that will probably fall apart after 2 washes! Shock

Of course by then I was past the point of no return and forced to pay up but I'm still bitter about it.

chipsandmushypeas · 18/10/2012 13:02

Fakebook no i bloody wouldnt! Cant stand Costa or SB

OP posts:
squoosh · 18/10/2012 12:50

Starbucks - no
Patisserie - yes

BonaDea · 18/10/2012 12:46

Living in London I have completely lost the sense of the value of money because prices vary so wildly. I couldn't tell you what a pastry or even a pint of milk is supposed to cost. Ridiculous me.

A friend told me she went to a Pilates class which cost £25 (!!!!) the other day.

Fakebook · 18/10/2012 12:43

But the real question is, would you pay £4 for a pain au chocolat in Starbucks? Hmm? eh?

PigletJohn · 18/10/2012 12:36

cafe prices are not the same as shop prices. Never have been.

squoosh · 18/10/2012 12:24

In a café I'd pay £4 for a really nice slice of cake, and I mean something special that I couldn't buy in the supermarket or make at home.

Pain au chocolats are nice but they're not £4 for 1 nice.

Iheartpasties · 18/10/2012 12:18

four quid! g'ah! how do they get away with it! buggers!!

RubyFakeNails · 18/10/2012 12:16

Where in Hackney was this?

I thought you were going to say it was le pain quotidien, who I avoid like the plague for their overpriced faux-french shite.

WinklyFriedChicken · 18/10/2012 12:15

Ah, then YWBU to buy out of Hackney hipster cafes!

chipsandmushypeas · 18/10/2012 12:13

Bloody Hackney hipster cafes

OP posts:
chipsandmushypeas · 18/10/2012 12:12

Grin @ Taking

Well it was good (bloody right too!) but I had already handed the money over by the time I had taken in what the guy had said so didnt want to snatch my fiver back and look like a twit

OP posts:
dexter73 · 18/10/2012 12:00

£4 for a pain au chocolat Shock!!! The cafe WDBU!! Was it nice though?

TakingTheStairs · 18/10/2012 12:00

No the café wasn't unreasonable, because if they can get customers to pay that price, they will, and you did!

But tell me, did it taste like Rumpelstiltskin had made the pastry? Grin

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