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To wonder why the school photographer is trying to sell me a picture of my daughter with her eyes closed?

42 replies

mumbelievable · 03/10/2012 16:35

Dd got her school photos taken last week and today has come with the proofs and order form. There is only one pose for sale and it's not a nice picture at all. She has her eyes squeezed shut and is doing something wierd with her teeth. i don't want to pay £30 for it (cheapest package on offer) as i took much better pics myself on her first day of school.

But my family are upset as they wanted to get a 'proper' photo of dd. I promised them i'd give them one each out of the school photo package (this was before i'd seen the pictures. I didn't expect them to be so bad). I've told them i'm not buying but they can if they want. They've refused as it's too expensive. I've offered them copies of the ones i took but they've refused these too. Apoarantly they're not good because my wallpaper's in the background.

I'm just really annoyed now. At hometime, I glimpsed some of the other children's proofs and they're all smiling nicely in them. I mentioned to one of the other mums I'm not buying mine and she looked shocked. She said i had to buy my dd's first school photos.

AIBU not to? By the looks of it, i'll be the only mum not buying, and my family are upset by it. I don't want dd being upset when she's older either if she asks to see her primary one photo.

OP posts:
internationalvulva · 03/10/2012 17:29

What Jenny said, ESP the no flash bit, they are too harsh on most point and shoots! try for natural lightl but not sunlight as that's too harsh too, what you want is lovely diffuse light coming in from a window.
My iggest tip is instead of going to a high st place to get them printed (because they are often not the best quality) use an online company like Photobox who I use for my pro work, they are great. It could also be worth you calling the photographer and asking him direct if he had any alternatives of her that you could see. I'd certainly help out a client in those circs!

ishchel · 03/10/2012 17:29

I really don't understand why this is AIBU. Really? Did you need to ask?

WilsonFrickett · 03/10/2012 17:32

In our old school the HT used to take them so it was masses cheaper and all the money went to the school. Which you'd think would be a win-win. Until last year when he somehow forgot anything he'd ever learned about photography.

Thankfully the one of DS was funny-bad rather than bad-bad and because it was cheap I bought it. But you don't have to. In nursery we rarely did because when DH dressed DS he looked like he'd got dressed in the dark

This year (new school) they are extortionate. But DS7 looks like a captain of industry (hands crossed in front of him, head tilt, reassuring smile) so I'm buying them for the lolz.

But you don't have to.

DontSweatTheSmallStuff · 03/10/2012 17:36

Our school photographers are in soon. So far we've always had one good photo out of a selection but I'm hoping they quit the gimicky funny angle shots they tried last year. It looks crap (imho)

mertin · 03/10/2012 17:37

Three years in a row now we've had them with the top of the glasses frame over the middle of her eyes. They always seem to sit them leaning forward. Who wants a photo where you can't see their eyes? It infuriates me.

That and the xmas cards where the colours never come out and you pay £10 a pack for half an insipid looking xmas pudding.


QuintessentialShadows · 03/10/2012 17:39

Take the proofs down to the school and ask if they are aware what a bad photographer they have let in on their premises.

MammaTJisWearingGold · 03/10/2012 17:44


My DS has a droopy eye lid. It is a condition he was born with. He has had two, not very successful operations to correct it.

I made a point of taking my children in the morning, just to explain to the photographer that she had to take the time to get him to tilt his head to hide it a bit. She did not acknowledge I had spoken. I am not normally unassertive, but was just stunned in to silence.

She then proceeded to take photos of them that were just rubbish.

I cannot afford the individual ones, the ones of them together are horrible. I have better ones that I have taken myself.

complexnumber · 03/10/2012 17:44

I know this is off the OP's initial question, however I always buy the form photo, no matter how my DC look.

I do this because I love looking at my old class photo's 40+ years on trying to nameall the other kids and stuff like that, I want my DC to have the same pleasure when they 'grow up'.

Pandemoniaa · 03/10/2012 17:48

I only ever (reluctantly) bought the ones I liked although it helped that I'm a photographer so we always had professional pictures of the dcs. But my MIL was also decidedly peculiar about having an "official" school photo. Apparently they were, in some way, more "professional" than those taken by someone whose images regularly appeared in their daily newspaper. But hey ho!

Sometimes it can difficult to get a good shot in the limited time that these companies have to snap a whole school. Sometimes children aren't overly co-operative. But for all that, there's no obligation to buy. However, it'd be worth asking for a resit if the picture is ludicrously bad. Alternatively, you can take one yourself. Just keep the background absolutely plain - stick a sheet over the door - and avoid flash if possible.

andrewmarrismysecretcrush · 03/10/2012 19:16

There is absolutely no excuse for giving pics of kids with eyes closed if they are digital images. My beloved is a professional photographer and I have helped him in the past at schools. He checks every shot and if a child has closed their eyes, he deletes the file and shoots another. Consequently, he shows great pics at a very reasonable price. It makes my blood boil that 2 or 3 big companies dominate the schools market here and independent photographers don't get a look in. I hear so many parents moan that the pics are crappy/too expensive and yet the schools let the big boys back year after year.

YouMayLogOut · 03/10/2012 19:18

If your family are so fussy they should offer to hire a photographer themselves.

DoubleMum · 03/10/2012 19:23

Last year I complained to the photographers as every shot of both children was awful. Lo and behold, two other photos were sent to me - I think they had just printed the wrong ones. You could try complaining and see if the same happens.

Snog · 03/10/2012 19:27

I buy about one every 4 years, because most years they take shit photos and I can take much better ones myself. The photos are never cheap so don't pay for one unless you love it is my advice.

Take your own photo of your dc in uniform if your mum wants a "school photo"

Snog · 03/10/2012 19:29

I'm with complexnumber and always buy the whole form photos for the same reasons!

ihearsounds · 03/10/2012 19:33

Very rarely do I buy the school pics. Although the snotty family think I do lol. Decent digital camera. Sit dc in front of plain back ground. Do the school photo cheesy pose. Take a couple of shots. Photo paper from pound shop. You can buy naff cardboard frames cheaply from amazon and ebay.

DinosaursOnASpaceship · 03/10/2012 19:38

I would find out when pixiefix (or whatever they are called) are coming to mothercare or boots and take her along in her school uniform for the free photo. Then scan it and print it off so family can have copies. Professional photograph for free!

Dancergirl · 03/10/2012 19:49

Take her to Debenhams in her school uniform, you can get a lovely pic done of her for £4.99. This is what I did for my 3 dds when dd3 spoilt the photo by scowling!

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