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To be so annoyed every time I look at my kindle?!

20 replies

Kayano · 08/09/2012 09:24

I JUST got it less than 2 weeks ago haven given up on the kindle fire....

And now they have released the kindle fire for just £20 more in the uk!!!

Every time I pick up my kindle now I can't stop twitching in irritation! I held out for so long on getting it and have had the WORST timing in the whole world.


I might give my kindle to someone (my mother) and get it anyway. Grrrrr

OP posts:
2rebecca · 08/09/2012 15:49

My husband is now wondering about a kindle fire. He wants it as an ipad alternative though for looking up emails etc. It doesn't look as good for reading books on, and I love the text to speech facility on my kindle that means I can listen to my book in the car with headphones. The fire has a speech ap you can buy but it sounded rubbish on itunes compared to the kindle.
I think for reading and listening to books the kindle is still superior. The fire looks an interesting gadget though.

Kayano · 08/09/2012 13:28

I had a Sony reader before my kindle and it depressed me having to plug it into the pc all the time. It's a redundant door stop atm

OP posts:
MyDogShitsMoney · 08/09/2012 13:23

Thank you peeeeenut (too many e's I think)

I am so buying a kindle.

I've got the Android app for my twat phone and really like it but hate my stupid phone.

I hadn't got as far as looking into the details. I'm sold!

Peeenut · 08/09/2012 13:20

I got my son a Kobo Wireless, they're £49.

Ullena · 08/09/2012 13:16

I have a Sony Reader...

ihearsounds · 08/09/2012 13:11

I was thinking about getting my dd's kindles. But tbh, with all these threads about how dire they are, and how they seem to break quickly, don't think I will bother. Think I will get them sony instead. Ok rather expensive, but they last. Had mine for 5 years and still going strong.

Peeenut · 08/09/2012 13:09

Yup, long as you're using the same account. We're Kobo users but I imagine it works in a very similar way.

You buy you're books via the e-reader, or website. (Last time I looked Apple wouldn't allow you to actually buy books via an App).

Download the relevant app onto your PC / phone / iPad / other tablet. When you start it up it looks for any new books you've bought and updates it.

MyDogShitsMoney · 08/09/2012 12:52

So if you've got the app any books you have will be on a new kindle when you put your details in?

Is that right? I'm confused. I'm not very bright.

Peeenut · 08/09/2012 12:43

Lamzig yes I would say that a regular Kindle is better for every day reading. We have Kobo's but the products are similar. The regular ones with e-ink are like reading print, you can read them in the sun. They also have better battery life than the tablet ones. I can't read books on my i-pad for long periods, it gives me a headache.

If you're getting an ipad download the Kindle App and you can use it to read any books you've brought, I have the Kobo and Kindle Apps on mine. Most of my e-books are Kobo but I have a couple Kindle recipe books. For me, those are best displayed on a tablet.

MyDogShitsMoney · 08/09/2012 11:10

Holy crap the new fire sounds ossom Shock

I didn't know anything about them. I reeeaaaallly want a kindle, was thinking of saving up and getting myself one for Christmas.

Tell me more about their amazingness!

Lambzig · 08/09/2012 10:41

So are you better off with a standard Kindle if you just use it for reading? DH and I are getting an i-pad for christmas, so we will have that for movies and others, but I need to replace my kindle.

Kayano · 08/09/2012 10:40

I just want it because I can do books (without being backlit)

Then flip straight to MN and goodreads (in colour and backlit) and I can view the kindle store in colour.

I want to be able to look stuff up on google and Wikipedia ASAP as I forget and only remember in the middle of the night as it is.

I just want it as a good all rounder instead of having my kindle then needing to whip out my phone to look something up etc

OP posts:
MigGril · 08/09/2012 10:35

hum but a kindle fire is like a tablet really. with a LCD display the battery life with be a lot shorter then a standard kindle. I suppose if you want it for glossy mags and movies then it's probably a cheep option. But for just books then the original kindle would be better. i'm not keen on reading books on my Smart phone and that has an OLED display so easier on the eye then an LCD. Plus if you want to read out side in the sun at all defiantly the original kindle would be much easier to read.

Kayano · 08/09/2012 10:28

You can turn the backlight off on te fire for reading but you can't on a nexus 7 and that's bad for your eyes

OP posts:
Bobyan · 08/09/2012 10:27

Apparently the nexus is better...

2rebecca · 08/09/2012 09:38

Looks more like an ipad than a kindle. Interesting but I suspect isn't as nice to read.

MorrisZapp · 08/09/2012 09:33

What are the new features?

I hate this aspect of technology. I mean, it's great that everything keeps getting smaller, better and cheaper. But v annoying when you're stranded with a house brick.

I'm still bitter about the amazing new-fangled digital camera that DP and I went halves on in the Jurassic 1999. Was the size of a bridesmaid's handbag, needed new batteries every three hours, and cost £200.

My nephews get better gear than that now as stocking fillers. Ah, innocent times.

valiumredhead · 08/09/2012 09:26

I wouldn't want a FIRE - it's really on good for magazines and the whole point of a kindle is that it's like a book and the FIRE isn't at all.

LittleMissFlustered · 08/09/2012 09:25

I'm on my fourth kindle, which is also now broken. I have given up on it and am waiting for the release of the nook instead.

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