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To let my 11 YO read The Hunger Games?

15 replies

AgentZigzag · 13/07/2012 21:48

DD1 rang from the shop earlier and said my mum had offered to buy her The Hunger Games book, could she have it? We'd already talked about it when the film was in the news so she knows a bit of the story.

But I haven't read it myself.

DD's in to the Twilight bollocks books and has been for about an year, and I'd heard THG was similar but a bit more involved.

I don't like to stop her reading things she's chosen, but obviously I would if I thought it was seriously over the mark.

Are the books really that 'bad' does anyone know?

It's not too late to go round, rip it out of her hand and burn it before her very eyes...

OP posts:
watermargin · 13/07/2012 22:53

I really like them and think yes go for it.

the first one is the best though :) wasn't so keen on nos 2 and 3

CaliforniaLeaving · 13/07/2012 22:49

I have read them and would let my kids at 11 years read them. I would have really enjoyed them at 11. But I used to pinch books off my mother book case and at 11 she found me ready Valley of the Dolls Shock

AgentZigzag · 13/07/2012 22:02

Oh good, thanks Smile

And thanks for the link meditrina.

I did think the film looked worth a watch, I can't be arsed don't really want to read it to find out because I'm having a phase of corset busting mummy porn getting back into historical novels, Lucrezia Borgia's much more appealing than a load of teenagers running around killing each other.

OP posts:
lauratheexplorer · 13/07/2012 21:58

It's a good book. Read!!

ByTheSea · 13/07/2012 21:54

DD2-just10 has read it. DD1-13 has been so obsessed that she wanted to see what the fuss was about. She enjoyed it.

meditrina · 13/07/2012 21:53
MrsReiver · 13/07/2012 21:53

I've read all three and love them. Like FourEyes said they're not high literature but a really good read and infinitely better than Twiglet! There's a bit of occasional gore but I think it's handled well, and shouldn't upset an 11 year old.

JeezyPeeps · 13/07/2012 21:53

They are a bit violent - but not gruesomely so.

I think i'd allow an 11yo read them - if they were reasonably mature and not prone to freaking put/having nightmares. I let mine read then, but they are a couple of years older.

FoxyRoxy · 13/07/2012 21:53

My 11yo ds has read the trilogy, he didn't find it disturbing or anything. I'd prefer him to read the books than watch the film tbh.

rhondajean · 13/07/2012 21:53

YANBU it's my DDs favourite book (s) and I think it's a bit violent/ scary but if she's level headed its a good book.

Kayano · 13/07/2012 21:52

Let her read it! strong female character, good story, fantastic comment on society and class

I love it.

wigglesrock · 13/07/2012 21:52

I've read them, I think at 11 I would have loved it, at the age of 38 I liked them a lot Grin. I'm trying to think of any big reasons that I wouldn't let my daughters read it and I can't think of any.

They're much better than the Twilight books imo.

FloraFox · 13/07/2012 21:52

My 11 year old DS read it. I read it first and thought it was fine for him. Obv it's about kids killing other kids but it's not gory.

FourEyesGood · 13/07/2012 21:52

Oh, and way better than Twilight!

FourEyesGood · 13/07/2012 21:51

They're fine. Not high literature, but pretty good and a damn sight better than a lot of teenage books. Scary but not scarring, I'd say. She'll love them!

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