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To think a balloon launch is a really thoughtless way for a school to raise funds?

51 replies

ShatnersBassoon · 25/05/2012 17:11

I didn't know organisations still did these, I thought they were something that only happened years ago when we were still spraying CFCs about with gay abandon and running our cars on 4*.

The potential environmental impact of hundreds of burst balloons strewn across miles seems pretty awful to me. It will be hazardous to wildlife at worst and an eyesore at best.

It's the school's big and exciting jubilee event and they're charging £1 per balloon. Good fundraiser, no doubt about it.

Should I ask the school whether they'd considered the litter that this event will create? Even giving them the benefit of the doubt and believing the balloons will be biodegradable latex, there are still going to be pieces of rubber that will take months (at least) to completely disappear landing in waterways, in people's gardens etc etc.

Not to mention the world helium shortage Shock

So AIB an U eco-warrior? I need to know before I make a dick of myself by raising my concerns.

OP posts:
ArielThePiraticalMermaid · 26/05/2012 16:28

Trestle, why on earth would condemn any kind of campaign which gets people interested in the environment and wildlife? Being concerned about the environment is not an exclusive club you know - any kind of awareness raised amongst the general population is a good thing. And stopping balloon releases isn't like trying to tackle the North Pacific Trash Gyre, or the mountains of rubbish in shantytowns which children pick through to try and earn some pennies. It's very easy to feel helpless when you see images of those. Stopping balloon releases in this country is something we could do easily for the good of our environment, our wildlife, our farm animals and ourselves. Why would you want to denigrate people's interest and efforts? Confused

ShatnersBassoon · 26/05/2012 08:04

You've lost me Trestle. Do you think a balloon release is bad, but that only some people are experienced enough in trying to prevent environmental hazards to speak out? Anyone else who has never led an anti-litter campaign should keep their mouths shut?

OP posts:
GrimmaTheNome · 25/05/2012 23:42

Trestle: Because its a deliberate act arranged by a school. Its easy to stop, so it should be stopped and replaced with a harmless alternative. Its something the OP, as an individual (or any of us in her position) can do - so why pour cold water on it? Hmm

If you've suggestions for other, better, ways people can help combat litter please do share!

edam · 25/05/2012 23:37

Trestle - because this kind of litter is particularly damaging to marine animals, especially endangered species such as turtles?

Trestle · 25/05/2012 23:29

(and yes I have, before you ask!)

Trestle · 25/05/2012 23:29

... and by counter I mean campaign and speak up, not just the odd litter pick? Still can't understand why this balloon thing is getting blown up (pun intended) out of proportion to all the other litter?

Trestle · 25/05/2012 23:27

"I'm not a hypocrite. I've never wilfully littered before, and I never intend to."

But have you ever done anything to counter other people's litter before? And will you do so in the future?

chixinthestix · 25/05/2012 23:21

Lots of good info here to pass onto the school - do make a stand and complain - even if they don't cancel this one, I bet they won't do another!

ShatnersBassoon · 25/05/2012 23:07

I'm not a hypocrite. I've never wilfully littered before, and I never intend to. So you're wrong in saying I never have been and never will be interested in litter/the environment. I choose not to create litter every single day, as do most people.

Not littering isn't an interest I have had since I heard about the balloon release, it's a habit I don't intend to break and a habit I encourage in others.

OP posts:
ShatnersBassoon · 25/05/2012 23:06

I'm not a hypocrite. I've never wilfully littered before, and I never intend to. So you're wrong in saying I never have been and never will be interested in litter/the environment. I choose not to create litter every single day, as do most people.

Not littering isn't an interest I have had since I heard about the balloon release, it's a habit I don't intend to break and a habit I encourage in others.

OP posts:
babylann · 25/05/2012 22:51

It's a shame. When I was an oblivious child, letting my balloon go at the school event was so much fun.

Trestle · 25/05/2012 22:49

The "useful purpose" of the balloons would be fun and excitement, the same as a lot of other things which end up recycled/binned/as litter.

I'm not condoning any litter in any way. But what I don't understand is why people would suddenly become so interested in litter and the environment just for this one occasion, when they never have been before and probably won't be in the future Confused Hmm

GrimmaTheNome · 25/05/2012 22:19

All littering is totally unnecessary, Grimma.
yes - but at least some things may at least have served some useful purpose beforehand. There's no purpose to this that can't be achieved by better means (like gremlins idea)

exexpat · 25/05/2012 21:17

Trestle, although obviously balloons only account for a fraction of overall litter, because they fly, they reach places that might otherwise not be littered, like fields, rivers and the sea.

The way I look at it is, if a school suggested a 'fun' activity which involved scattering little bits of plastic and rubber all over farms and beaches, everyone would quite rightly be appalled. Just because you are scattering it indirectly doesn't make it any better.

violetwellies · 25/05/2012 21:03

YANBU, I'm amazed that schools are still doing That sort of thing.

ArielThePiraticalMermaid · 25/05/2012 20:53

Litter is not just visual is it? I'm not keen on the idea of wildlife munching away on small pieces of latex.

Trestle · 25/05/2012 20:53

All littering is totally unnecessary, Grimma.

gremlindolphin · 25/05/2012 20:45


When our school suggested doing this I ran a "virtual balloon race" - get a large colourful map of the world (WH Smith or similar sell good posters) divide it into equal squares depending on the number you would like to sell and put A-whatever along the top, 1 to whatever down the side - get the head or someone similar to chose a square and write that down in an evelope and leave it in the school safe. Then sell a square - the person who chose the same one as is written in the envelope is the winner!

We explained why we were doing this and all the children (of course) thought it was much better.

The eco action team did some info posters and became quite evangelical about it and litter in general.

GrimmaTheNome · 25/05/2012 20:45

Its also totally unecessary littering. And something involving schoolkids has to be a good place to start.

ShatnersBassoon · 25/05/2012 20:31

But this is littering I'm being given advance notice of! Surely it would be wrong to let it go simply because there are people polluting on a grander scale elsewhere. It isn't OK just because some things are worse.

OP posts:
Trestle · 25/05/2012 20:18

YANBU but I should think it only accounts for 0.000000000001 % of all the litter in this country. So if I wanted to campaign against litter or support an environmental cause there are probably more effective places to start.

FiveHoursSleep · 25/05/2012 18:51

Our school has used these guys in the past and on first glance they seem to check out.


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ArielThePiraticalMermaid · 25/05/2012 18:26

Sorry - last one from me Blush

This is what I was looking for. OP, please show the school this. And the other parents. Good luck :)

Slubberdegullion · 25/05/2012 18:26


Nothing killjoy about protecting the environment and wildlife, in fact I'm pretty sure that they are issues that most school children are quite 'up' on these days.

I would absolutely be taking this up with the school. I'm quite sure they can think of an alternative fundraiser.

ArielThePiraticalMermaid · 25/05/2012 18:19

Sorry, just saw exexpat's post, saying much the same thing about the MCS.

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