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To think the RBS man looks like a fat cat/an over indulged pig?

18 replies

carocaro · 23/02/2012 23:55

That's it really. Not a dynamic pair of hands really, losses posted but still bonuses given.

OP posts:
Tortington · 24/02/2012 07:46

no lets not accept being fucked up the arse by rich fuckers who constantly fuck the average working family up the arse

they are vile, and grotesque

it is through public opinion that things change. he didn't give his million pound bonus back because of a fucking conscience

verityverbiage · 24/02/2012 01:53

We can rant and rave all we want but it's never going to change.

So let's just accept it and smile.

goodasgold · 24/02/2012 01:14

When the bonuses are paid in shares, the incentive is to make the bank work so it can go back into private ownership. A lot of pension funds have interests in RBS being profitable, and if they can buy back the government shares then the government has more money. Which is good for all of us.

So I don't want to be a spokesperson for RBS, like I said I'm not a huge fan.

galletti · 24/02/2012 00:54

But why do they need to get bonuses? The top guys are on great salaries which i think they deserve. They can get the bonuses at the end of the process if they succeed. But now? No.

goodasgold · 24/02/2012 00:31

RBS shares are worth fuck all at the moment, for them to get bonuses paid in shares gives an incentive to make the bank work and the share price to increase. Not all people who work for RBS are on six figure salaries, I think they have tended to pay more generous bonuses to the shop staff and to the people who actually money for the bank.

I'm not actually a big RBS fan here or anything, its just if it fails a lot of taxpayer money is going down the drain. If it becomes profitable it is good for all of us. I hope it becomes profitable.

galletti · 24/02/2012 00:25

Do we know/can we find out - how the bonuses are split throughout the RBS. Huge numbers are quoted but how is it distributed? IE. Do the 'top bankers' get all the spoils or does it get spread around the employees? Just wonder if this maybe being misrepresented through the media? BTW, Do NOT agree with the big bonsuses for the top cats!

Tortington · 24/02/2012 00:23

twat tory fuckers

tru dat der natures end - supply and demand

NaturesEnd · 24/02/2012 00:21

The twat Tory on Question Time got my goat, "oh we have to be practical and give them bonuses to turn the bank around" erm they have fucking salaries, they should actually do the job for the salary.

I refuse to believe that banking is such a high level skill that there isn't 20 eager, qualified, enthusiastic people willing to work hard for a good salary, for every complacent fucktard willing to flit to wherever if they don't get their bonus. That whole argument that we will lose all the talent is totally false.

Fine, bonuses may be paid in shares, but to my knowledge shares are still actually worth something? Otherwise it wouldn't have cost 800 million or whatever for bonuses Confused.

aldiwhore · 24/02/2012 00:19

Thanks Custy I always seem to have a problem with your vowels...

It needs repeated though.

oh yes make a big show of giving back bonus - but then get a 600k bonus by stealth i understand,

bonuses all round - for this bank which is 82% owned by the tax payer and bleeding money with all the reorganisations

what fucking company

WHAT FUCKING INDUCSTRY would this be allowed if it were not rich fuckers kissing each others cockrings?

I am apoplectic with rage over this stuff - it makes me puke

no other industry can work like this

but a fucking bank that is arse fucking my taxes is allowed to operate in this manner

when the tories are treating poor people like shit

and ensuring that perfectly good jobs which only a few months ago were being paid at minimum wage are now being paid at fuck all

rich people get richer

seriously rich people get seriously richer off my fucking taxes


What custy said , and apocalypse repeated.... Smile

piprabbit · 24/02/2012 00:18

His mouth was saying "Losses mean we are doing well, blah, blah, bonuses fully justified, waffle, waffle, blah".
His eyes were saying "Just shoot me now".

Tortington · 24/02/2012 00:16

aldiwhore - call me custy :)

goodasgold · 24/02/2012 00:06

The problems at RBS stem really from the takeover of ABM AMro. If RBS had left that failing Dutch bank alone they would have probably been OK.

They now have to get rid of their toxic assests, at a loss. So the bank is making a loss but it is on its way to making a profit.

I feel sorry for Stephen Hester who is challenged with sorting out the mess and making the bank profitable whilst making people redundant.

When RBS is profitable it will benefit us all.

ApocalypseCheeseToastie · 24/02/2012 00:06

oh yes make a big show of giving back bonus - but then get a 600k bonus by stealth i understand,

bonuses all round - for this bank which is 82% owned by the tax payer and bleeding money with all the reorganisations

what fucking company

WHAT FUCKING INDUCSTRY would this be allowed if it were not rich fuckers kissing each others cockrings?

I am apoplectic with rage over this stuff - it makes me puke

no other industry can work like this

but a fucking bank that is arse fucking my taxes is allowed to operate in this manner

when the tories are treating poor people like shit

and ensuring that perfectly good jobs which only a few months ago were being paid at minimum wage are now being paid at fuck all

rich people get richer

seriously rich people get seriously richer off my fucking taxes


What custy said Wink

aldiwhore · 24/02/2012 00:04

custardO apologies... (and really, since we don't know each other I should have used the full name, but I can't be arsed).

aldiwhore · 24/02/2012 00:03

Exactly what Custardy said... although it wouldn't have been so coherant from me.


YABU for not doing the whole custardy rant though.

Tortington · 24/02/2012 00:01

oh yes make a big show of giving back bonus - but then get a 600k bonus by stealth i understand,

bonuses all round - for this bank which is 82% owned by the tax payer and bleeding money with all the reorganisations

what fucking company

WHAT FUCKING INDUCSTRY would this be allowed if it were not rich fuckers kissing each others cockrings?

I am apoplectic with rage over this stuff - it makes me puke

no other industry can work like this

but a fucking bank that is arse fucking my taxes is allowed to operate in this manner

when the tories are treating poor people like shit

and ensuring that perfectly good jobs which only a few months ago were being paid at minimum wage are now being paid at fuck all

rich people get richer

seriously rich people get seriously richer off my fucking taxes


CointreauVersial · 23/02/2012 23:56
auntmargaret · 23/02/2012 23:55


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