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To think that the school set a poor example when it comes to sickness

29 replies

mosschops30 · 13/10/2011 13:14

this is a huge bugbear of mine (being a nurse and therefore unsympathetic to nonsense).

Got a call from the school, can i please come and pick ds1 up because hes a bit pale and feels a bit sick.
So i aked if hed actually been sick and they said no but theyd like me to go pick him up Hmm

When i was at school (80s) youd have to be bleeding out of your eyes before theyd call your parents! If id been at work it wouldve been tough!
Doesnt it just set the example that you can say you feel a bit whatever and then go home?

Suprise hes spemt 20mins in bed and now 'feels better' Hmm

OP posts:
BOOareHaunting · 13/10/2011 14:22

Sadly my DS is actually unwell. He vomited again about 20 minutes ago so is confined to his bedroom for the rest of the day for 'containment'!

GalaxyWeaver · 13/10/2011 14:28

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Want2bSupermum · 13/10/2011 14:38

Here in the US the daycare take DD's temperature if she is looking off colour. If it is 100.1F or more then she must go home and can come back 24hrs after her temperature has been normal (while taking no medication). It isn't perfect but the best system I can think of. The thermometer is one of the point and click things or a strip that is placed on the forehead so less germs are passed between the children.

NatashaBee · 13/10/2011 14:39

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