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to think this price is outrageous?

29 replies

yok2t · 04/10/2011 17:11

I went into a local Snappy Snaps shop today to get passport photos for DD and myself. They didn't even have to be biometric. The assistant informed me that will be £14.99.
Me: For both of us?
Assistant: No, each.
Me: For how many photos?
Me: Shock
Needless to say I laughed at her and walked out.
We both need 4 pictures each.£60 for 8 passport pictures. Have they lost their mind?! I was too shocked to ask her if the price included air brushing. Wink I can't quite remember how much I paid last time for passport pictures but I know it wasn't that much.

OP posts:
yok2t · 05/10/2011 15:41

We went to our usual passport photo place on the way to the embassy this morning.£12.50 for 8. Job done. I feel like going back to snappy snaps and laughing at them some more. Silly people. [pootles off into sunset muttering about obscene prices of passport photos]

OP posts:
EricNorthmansMistress · 05/10/2011 08:30

£6 for 6 at the local photographers when DS was a baby.

missymarmite · 05/10/2011 08:22

People should complain to snappy snaps. They need to be told they are taking the piss!

PessimisticMissPiggy · 05/10/2011 00:42

Max Speilman charge £6 and will re-do if declined by PO or Passport Office. My DD was 6wo when she had hers taken and they were great with her.

Geordieminx · 04/10/2011 19:43

Timpsons do them too

yok2t · 04/10/2011 19:38

I keep thinking I'll do it myself and then leave it to the last minute. Blush
I guess at those prices I'll have to get more organised. I still can't believe anybody would pay £14.99 for two passport photos.The world has gone mad.

OP posts:
Insomnia11 · 04/10/2011 18:36

Or if you aren't confident to do them entirely yourself you can get them done online for the price of a booth if you have a digital camera. Places like Photobox and MyPix will make sure they are cut to the right size etc.

flaime · 04/10/2011 18:34

agree with jacksgrannie we always do our own too and never had a problem even with the strict rules.

jacksgrannie · 04/10/2011 18:31

You can take them yourself with a digital camera. Just ensure you follow the instructions to the letter and ensure the background and sizing meets with the requirements. DH has taken photos for all the family's passports (last ones last year) and printed them on to photo quality paper and they have always been accepted. We use the kitchen wall (sort of off-white) as the background.

DH is no Lord Lichfield btw.

grubbalo · 04/10/2011 18:22


You can take the pictures yourself and upload the file - gives you tips on how to take pictures yourself etc. They have always been great for us and the pictures have always been approved by the passport people as suitable.

They are v quick too.

CroissantNeuf · 04/10/2011 17:59

Thats a silly price. Shop around.

We got the DCs done at a local independent chemist- they do them digitally so you get chance to look at them on the screen and decide if they're OK or whether you need to try again because your child is closing their eyes/sticking their tongue out/gurning.

When you're happy, they print them out.
£5-6 for 4 photos IIRC

frutilla · 04/10/2011 17:57

That is the price at Snappy Snaps now. It's not a mistake...

Birnamwood · 04/10/2011 17:54

When ds was 9mths we took him to a local professional photographer who did a great pic that was accepted first time. Cost £6 for 4 photos. Might be worth you ringing local photographers to see if they do it.

hpsaucy · 04/10/2011 17:37

just had my 2 dd done last week it was £14 for 4 photos each

Theas18 · 04/10/2011 17:27

Little rightward tip- when you get passport Photo done scan them on to the pc so you can print them again.
Most non passport things will take self taken ones too

KatieMiddleton · 04/10/2011 17:26

I think we paid a tenner for DS's passport photos when he was a year old. I paid £14.99. We did get 4 each but I did leave feeling slightly violated.

asuwere · 04/10/2011 17:23

here's an interesting link to get passport photos for 15p :)

RitaMorgan · 04/10/2011 17:23

I did my ds's myself when he needed one at 9 months - took a photo standing above him lying on a bed with white sheet, and then sent it to Think it cost about a fiver for the photos.

yok2t · 04/10/2011 17:20

Well I did think I had misheard but she repeated it. It was in Fulham, maybe people are willing to pay that round here? [bonkers]

OP posts:
yok2t · 04/10/2011 17:18

Well DD is only one and I thought it would be easier to have them done there, nothing wrong with a photo booth.
The last few times I went to a place in Oxford Street because when I need them for my passport they need to be done in a very particular way( not UK).
They even did DD when she was 4 weeks old and where much cheaper.
Will be going back there tomorrow. Can't think of where I have seen a photo booth round here.

OP posts:
feelingratheroverwhelmed · 04/10/2011 17:17

I used Snappy Snaps back in Feb for DS and definitely didn't pay more than £8 for four identical photos. Sonething has gone wrong there!

Pinot · 04/10/2011 17:15


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amicissima · 04/10/2011 17:15

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mickeyjohn · 04/10/2011 17:13

!!!!! I would expect to look like Elle Mcpherson for that money!! Get to a booth where it's still a fiver for five photos!!

hocuspontas · 04/10/2011 17:13

And I thought the photo booths in Tesco were a rip-off at £5!

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