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To abandon all housework this weekend and enjoy a sunshine holiday in back garden

14 replies

shebird · 02/10/2011 15:39

The ironing pile is sky high,the bathrooms disgusting. I figure this could be the last proper 'summer' day so I've opted for Rose and the back garden instead. I'll pay for this with chaos later in the week as I'm normally very organised but well worth it I reckon:)

OP posts:
Icancancatchbabies · 02/10/2011 16:22

Yanbu. I'm actually inside now but can't be added to do the housework, will have a quick tidy round tomorrow because got someone coming at 10.

MrsBuntyCulDeSacWonder · 02/10/2011 16:13

YANBU. I'm enjoying it too.

EttiKetti · 02/10/2011 16:11

go for it, we have been on the beer since midday, pizza takeout for dinner later, the kids think they are on holiday again :o Might squeeze another day out of it tomorrow, so glad I have the week off work to decorate

unpa1dcar3r · 02/10/2011 16:07

Would do the same; if it wasn't totally pissing down! Still not doing the ironing though, I'll just leave it to grow...

blackeyedsusan · 02/10/2011 16:03

sod the housework. weekends like this are precious.

shebird · 02/10/2011 15:58

Cheers all! Can't believe it's the nicest weekend of the year and it's October. I reckon the extra sunshine will also help ward off the winter colds - so it's for medicinal purposes that I must sit in the sun and drink wine:)

OP posts:
Thumbwitch · 02/10/2011 15:48

YANBU! Save all the housework for when you get snowed in later this month Wink

alemci · 02/10/2011 15:48

ive been doing the same as well. have been doing washing though as it is an excellent opportunity to get stuff on the line before the weather goes again hence pillows being washed etc.

valiumredhead · 02/10/2011 15:45

I don't do housework at the weekends apart from the washing and only do that if it's desperate! Enjoy!

coccyx · 02/10/2011 15:42

yes get out there, you can do housework when its raining

LindyHemming · 02/10/2011 15:42

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usualsuspect · 02/10/2011 15:41


wankerchief · 02/10/2011 15:41

YANBU go and enjoy the sun while it lasts!

spiderpig8 · 02/10/2011 15:41

too late! well round here it is anyway.Overcast and dull :-(

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