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to be getting pee'd off..

29 replies

biddysmama · 01/09/2011 08:49

we went out at the weekend and needed a light buggy because theres a lot of steps and no lift, im 19 weeks pregnant so couldnt really manage lugging my loola up and down loads of stairs

my friend said i could borrow hers and leave my loola.... i picked it up and found out when we unfolded it that its knackered,leg rest bit is brokeand wont stay up , foam falling off handles and it stinks of smoke... was supposed to swap back on sunday, she messaged saying she didnt have kids so monday.. then again on monday saying her little lad loved my pram, never seen him so happy to be in a pram,i said i needed it to she said shed drop it off, then didnt. i organised with her for my husband to pick it up yesterday and she wasnt in then said she forgot

aibu to think she knows she got the best deal and is trying to keep hold of my (like new) pram?

OP posts:
FigsAndWine · 02/09/2011 21:50

Yay biddy! It must have been the threat of a MN possie turning up on her doorstep that did it! Grin

Don't have anything more to do with this cheeky bint!

plupervert · 02/09/2011 21:29


biddysmama · 02/09/2011 21:05


went round after husband finished work and she was in, it seems ok but i wont be lending her anything ever again

OP posts:
Kayano · 02/09/2011 16:32

I'm enraged and I don't even own a buggy yet, the very cheek!

Those are damn expensive. I would chin her, pregnant or not I would beat her up

EndoplasmicReticulum · 02/09/2011 16:28

Have you not got it back yet? Some people really do take the piss. Do you think she is hiding when you knock on the door?

plupervert · 02/09/2011 14:43

Great thinking, LineRunner. The small children might open the door to him, too!

SarahStratton · 02/09/2011 13:05

Yep, I'd get your OH to go round on his way to work. After all, she's got small children, she's bound to be awake.

LineRunner · 02/09/2011 13:04

I'll tell you when she'll be in. At six o'clock in the morning when your husband's on his way to work. Get him to bang on the bloody door then and take the pram back off her.

Or midnight would do, too.

FigsAndWine · 02/09/2011 12:44

Give us her address biddy - we'll get a MN possie round there to get your buggy back! Grin

biddysmama · 02/09/2011 11:26

my husband works 6am-4.30pm and i dont drive, hes coming home at dinner instead today to go round again.

OP posts:
biddysmama · 02/09/2011 11:24

ive got a 1+2 year old and 19 weeks pregnant, i'd usually stick the baby in a sling but i cant get him on my front comfortably so im stuck here!

OP posts:
WhoseGotMyEyebrows · 02/09/2011 11:23

So she's left you without a usable buggy?! I wouldn't be able to go anywhere if that was me, I'd be stuck in the house.

FigsAndWine · 02/09/2011 11:12

Shock Angry

God I'd be fucking furious!

biddysmama · 02/09/2011 10:48

still no buggy, dh went round last night and she wasnt in, trying again today!

OP posts:
patindahat · 01/09/2011 18:22

I bet if you told her you had just found £20 tucked away in her buggy she would be in.

FigsAndWine · 01/09/2011 18:12

She is taking the piss; I'd text her and tell her that her buggy is broken, stinks of smoke and is unusable, and if she doesn't return your buggy immediately then you'll consider it theft. She's no friend; I wouldn't have anything to do with her again.

biddysmama · 01/09/2011 16:19

i was supposed to swap back the day after (sunday)but she wasnt available.

OP posts:
Tsil · 01/09/2011 16:15

Where you clear with her at the start that it was only a temp swap? If so YANBU and I would wait until tea time then you or DH go and collect it. She is less likely to be out around kiddies tea/time bed time. The longer you leave it the more likely to be wrecked it is.

ConstanceNoring · 01/09/2011 16:15

You are not being childish at all, she is, and if she continues to be so then treat her like a child and TELL HER DAD !!! Wink

youarekidding · 01/09/2011 16:14

I would get DH, if he doesn't mind, to go around when you know she'll be in - ie after her LO bedtime.

That's not on. She did you a favour and is now taking the piss in a kinda of 'you owe me' way.

biddysmama · 01/09/2011 16:12

her step dad is my uncle/aunties ex husband so going to give her another chance and then contact him, childish but its mine and i need it!

OP posts:
EndoplasmicReticulum · 01/09/2011 16:11

Sounds like she is trying to keep your pram. Not sure why she thinks she can do this.

You'll have to go and get it back, then never swap prams again.


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ConstanceNoring · 01/09/2011 16:08

oh biddy she's being rotten, can you 'phone her instead of messaging? Do you know much about her comings & goings times so that you can get DH round there at the right time?

How far away is she from you?

biddysmama · 01/09/2011 16:00

shes not in to pick it up again :( im stuck in the house cos i wont put my baby in that!

OP posts:
ConstanceNoring · 01/09/2011 09:01

I'd be seriously worried she's wrecked it considering the state of hers, get it back quick don't take her bullshit. Oh and give it a jolly good airing !

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