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TO SAY....its good to be back

30 replies

GabbyLoggon · 11/06/2011 15:10

Thanks to the Mumsnet Tower people who helped to put me right with
the techno stuff. (It wonderful when one understands it; and it works.)

Its a bit like have a baby, I suppose. The mum struggles in Labour and then it is all ok when a beautiful baby is born. Ditto terchnology for geezers like me. ( just for the record, the"Labour" mentioned here is non-political)

There is a massive degree of good will flowing through my veins at the moment.

A lot of big stories have been and gone since I was last here. I am inclined to let sleeping dogs lie. To recharge my batteries and go full steam ahead; a little later

Climb every mountain; stifle every fear/The mumsnet Tower ladies will put
you in the clear.

OP posts:
Hassled · 11/06/2011 17:58

gabby - I'm delighted to see you. I swear I was talking to you about potholes not that long ago, but still - it's always a pleasure.

pumpernickel10 · 11/06/2011 18:13

I Apologise for calling your scousy gabby :)
Nice to see ya back in the mad house

HerHissyness · 11/06/2011 19:28

Oh crap we have a Gabby AND a Scousey?

Paschaelina · 11/06/2011 19:31

yay Gabby Grin.

My day is complete.

FellatioNelson · 11/06/2011 21:58

PMSL at that OP. Hello Gabby. Lovely to have you back. I am always quite Confused at how much I like having you around. In a weird way, obviously.

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