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to be shocked that SIL and her kids only bath / shower once a week?

238 replies

emilytankengine · 08/06/2011 16:15

I have a shower every day, before work, sometimes twice if I've been to the gym or if we're on holiday / going out. I probably make sure the younger kids get a bath about 5 times a week and my teenage daughter has a shower every day.

SIL was outraged at this and says that she only typically has a bath or a shower once a week! She says that she has a wash every day with a face cloth (including her bottom :O - with a face cloth!!).

Maybe it's me who's odd but I was staggered at this

OP posts:
nineyearoldsarerude · 08/06/2011 23:13

My mum was also a nurse (still is). I grew up in the seventies. We had a bath on a Sunday. It was fine.
(Love the shower now though!)

CRS · 08/06/2011 23:30

Happy with my shower before bed. In the morning - quick wash and deodorant. My son is OBSESSIVE - he has to wash in the morning - it's CRAZY, imho.

CRS · 08/06/2011 23:32

My son thinks "you get dirty and smelly in bed". WHY does he think this??

theinet · 08/06/2011 23:46

Maybe she washes her shitty bum with the flannel first the does her face..... that would be shocking.

i usually shower morning and evening ( cycle to and from work) so that's 10 washes in 5 days of the week. Sometimes i don't bother washing at all at the weekend and enjoy being "dirty".

Mumcentreplus · 08/06/2011 23:52 are a dirty weekender too eh theinet?.lol

Mspontipine · 09/06/2011 00:01

Do they smell op?

BrandyAlexander · 09/06/2011 03:47

Dh and I shower every morning and dc have a flannel wash in the morning and a bath every night. I always assumed that's what everyone did as that's how I was raised!

snailoon · 09/06/2011 04:23

NOVICE why do you assume everyone does what you do?
Hair in articular doesn't get dirty if you get it used to not washing so often. Kid's hair can go several weeks easily.

IWouldNotCouldNotWithAGoat · 09/06/2011 04:35

"As a teen I insisted on a separate flannel for bum"

This has made me shriek with laughter for some reason.

sleepywombat · 09/06/2011 04:54

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TheBride · 09/06/2011 04:58

I once ran across the Sahara for 7 days (long story) and had no baths or showers or even a flannel wash the whole time, and actually, I didn't smell that bad by the end. My clothes did, but I actually didn't.

In everyday life, I do have a shower every day, but I don't think it's strictly necessary and I'm not sure it does your skin that much good. Once every few days is fine.

Iteotwawki · 09/06/2011 05:08

Boys are bathed twice a week unless they come home covered in mud (winter hockey season now so Weds night bath moved to Thurs after hockey).

DH showers most days.

I stand in the rain if I think I'm beginning to get pongy shower daily if I can, hair wash weekly.

PrincessFiorimonde · 09/06/2011 06:14

I'm another person who was brought up with one bath a week as the norm. As others here have said, this was probably (1960s) to do with the cost of heating water etc. We did wash ourselves in-between times, though.

Now that I am all grown up and have a bathroom with a shower (I honestly can't remember knowing anyone in 1960s England who had such a thing), I shower daily but can't remember the last time I had a bath. I miss that lovely feeling of luxuriating in the warm water while reading a book, but do agree with the posters who point out that this means 'bathing in your own dirt'. (Solution: have bath, then rinse yourself in the shower/with shower attachment.)

As for the OP, I agree with TragicallyHip: why does SIL have a dishwasher and tumble dryer if she doesn't want to use them?

(PS: Fifis25StottieCakes: what is a 'dickie comb', please?)

fatlazymummy · 09/06/2011 09:12

princess I presume it means a nitcomb. As in the northeast headlice are known as dickies.

Fifis25StottieCakes · 09/06/2011 09:48

Yes a nit comb Grin

tiggyfours · 09/06/2011 10:03

Yuk, flannel washes!

brass · 09/06/2011 10:14

LOL well at least she has some kind of wash. Do they smell?

Nefret · 09/06/2011 10:30

I personally couldn't go a week without a shower or a bath, I always shower every day. My children don't have a bath ecery day though, they don't go for a week without a bath though. Young children don't need to have a bath every night, they don't really get dirty.

I think I only had a bath once a week as a child as did everyone else, it was pretty normal then.

LeQueen · 09/06/2011 11:37

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Riveninside · 09/06/2011 12:04

We lie dd on her changing mat and flannel wash the important bits. She is 7 so no BO yet. But baths have to wait for a carer. Sometimes her hair get get a bit smelly if she has puked a lot but i wash it best i can.
Me and the boys shower daily. I hate baths. Sat in your own dirt. Yuck

SpecialFriedRice · 09/06/2011 12:14

I'm 25 but I can remember up until the age of 12 or so only bathing once a week - Usually a sunday night. Then we moved to a house with a shower and I reached the age of make up and stuff so showered every morning without fail.

Now I shower most mornings, sometimes I dont at the weekend if I'm not going anywhere... My hair gets washed every 7-9 days. Its NEVER greasy or smelly. In fact its in much better condition now than it used to be when washed every day. It used to be frizzy and dry. Not half as frizzy now and only a tiny bit dry at the very tips.

Dropdeadfred · 09/06/2011 12:17

I do shower every morning and often have a bath at night too, especially in winter.
possibly the cleanest I ever felt was after a hot soapy bd bath after having dd2 (and bleeding out everywhere)
I felt so sticky and dirty and could not walk to the bathroom..the nurses gave me a scrub EVERYWHERE with hot soapy water and i felt amazing!!!!


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Dippy001 · 09/06/2011 12:24

LOL. That is hilarious. One cloth for face and arse. I would stink if I washed once a week, they must smell of roses? Every day for me.

valiumredhead · 09/06/2011 13:05

Why is a flannel wash 'Yuck' Confused presumably you use a sponge in the shower? How is that different from a using a flannel?

Chandon · 09/06/2011 13:08

I flanel wash with hot soapy water some days, and actually feel very clean.

Water has to be hot and soapy though.

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