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To buy MYSELF something nice to look at and not helpful to anyone else in any way?

28 replies

Megatron · 02/06/2011 08:32

I have recently acquired some cash. Not humungous sums but enought to get the kitchen sorted, maybe the driveway done, so nice but not lifechanging.

I have seen a necklace I want so badly it makes me want to weep and I want to buy it. For ME. I never seem to buy anything unless it's practical, for the children or DH says we need it. In fact, when I look back at since the children were born I think I turned myself into a right boring mummy fucking martyr.

Should I buy the necklace? It's not hideously expensive I just seem to have gone from being someone who would buy whatever she felt like (cash permitting) to this 'oh I couldn't possibly justify buying myself something frivolous' twat.

tell me to buy it

OP posts:
prettyfly1 · 02/06/2011 10:40

YADNBU enjoy!!!!

aldiwhore · 02/06/2011 10:13

Buy it, and use the rest of the money (if there's anything left) for the family.

When I inherited a few grand from my Granny (thank you Granny!!) I was adamant to strike a balance. Granny would have wanted me to buy something to remember her by whilst I couldn't justify spending it all on me when our furniture was dying. So I bought a piece of jewellry and two sofas... balance restored.

acatcalledbob · 02/06/2011 10:12

I love Alex Monroe jewellery and have the bumblebee necklace as well as some flowery hoop earrings - definitely worth treating yourself and much better than frittering it away on clothes / shoes etc. It will last a lifetime and remind you of your windfall (pun intended)

ComradeJing · 02/06/2011 10:11

YADNBU. Good for you!

NoCarbsBeforeMarbs · 02/06/2011 10:06

Good for you!
Glad you bought yourself something lovely-enjoy it!

TrillianAstra · 02/06/2011 10:06

Not my taste but if you can afford it then get it - don'tbe a martyr, they are boring.

Mumswang · 02/06/2011 10:04

yay, well done. DP has promised me an Alex Monroe bee when i finally get this giant baby out (was meant to have one for xmas, but then we were too poor). It's beautiful and so worth treating yourself to

goeasypudding · 02/06/2011 10:01

niiiicccceee, thats a great gift to buy yourself. Good Move!

HerHissyness · 02/06/2011 09:48

It's no more than a good handbag, and a lot less than a new phone! Glad you went for it!

LisasCat · 02/06/2011 09:47

Definitely the right decision, well done you. My 'thing' for when we have a bit of spare cash (maybe once a year) is an Indian head massage at the spa. £40 to feel amazing for the rest of the day - definitely worth it. Especially when every other spare dime goes on fixing cars, getting utility bills up to date, buying children's shoes, paying for DD's dance know, the usual! The occassional treat definitely keeps you sane.

TheSkiingGardener · 02/06/2011 09:33

Glad you bought it. Motherhood involves sacrifice, but not just for the sake of it! Hope you enjoy the necklace.

youmeatsix · 02/06/2011 09:31

£120 for some personal happiness?? bargain!
nice to hear someone having a little happiness in their lives for once
enjoy wearing it (and smiling in the mirror to yourself :o)

TheRainInSpain · 02/06/2011 09:26

Good for you! Its a gorgeous necklace Smile

Firawla · 02/06/2011 09:00

£120 is not bad to treat yourself, it sounds like you hardly treat yourself so you deserve it sometimes!

beldaran81 · 02/06/2011 08:58

Not my thing, but you can always rationalise it with the thought that it may become a sacred heirloom for generations to come. Grin

ninedragons · 02/06/2011 08:54

God, I thought it was going to be some gigantic thing from Van Cleef when I opened the link. 120 quid is very reasonable for a treat, if you've come into money. Good for you!

SaggyHairyArse · 02/06/2011 08:49

Good for you!

izzywhizzyletsgetbusy · 02/06/2011 08:47

Megatron · 02/06/2011 08:46

ORDERED!!! I'm so happy it's quite tragic! I don't even feel a tiny bit selfish or guilty, my mummy martyr days are over...... I'll probably be back here next week saying I've spent all the money on handbags and shoes and care not a jot. Smile

OP posts:
missorinoco · 02/06/2011 08:45

Buy it, and then go on a shopping spree whilst you are on a roll and get a few items of clothing that would look fab with it too. Grin Be rude not to really.

RufousBartleby · 02/06/2011 08:37

Definitely buy it! Its really not much money for something you love.

aStarInStrangeways · 02/06/2011 08:36

Yes, buy it. It's not my sort of thing at all, but if you love it then you absolutely should buy it. I know that mummy martyr feeling well and it's important to counteract it wherever possible.


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JumpJockey · 02/06/2011 08:35

Do it! If you've got some cash that you acquired, getting yourself a treat is definitely fair before you start thinking of driveways and other boring ways to spend it.

AuntieMonica · 02/06/2011 08:35

hang's called 'juicy pear'

oh you really want to hang something between your boobs that's called 'juicy pear' Confused

emsyj · 02/06/2011 08:34

Just buy it.

Will look at the link now!

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