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88 replies

AgentZigzag · 27/05/2011 20:22


Or the dogs bollocks?

OP posts:
YesterdaysPants · 27/05/2011 20:58

Maybe just killing all threads you don't find stimulating enough would do though? With inane stuff only know about?

Fnar fnar. No oldies here, no siree.

ShirleyKnot · 27/05/2011 21:00

Yesterday - I'm not sure if you're getting at me or not...

That's how intelligent I am.

AgentZigzag · 27/05/2011 21:00

So to recap, MN have a pair of drunken, big, fat hairy bollocks/piss flaps (to appease any feminists) with knobs on?

OP posts:
GooGooMuck · 27/05/2011 21:01

Do you think if we all stopped looking for the olden days inside our belly buttons then MN would be fun again?

The same shit threads used to end up funny, now they are ending up nest of vipers style... is it cyclical?

MrsGaGaGo · 27/05/2011 21:01

Well ones version of a good thread is so different to what we think is good. The threads I hate are the moaning winging ones. Give me a gun god dammit

usualsuspect · 27/05/2011 21:02

I think shes calling you a cunt Shirl .....

TheFlyingOnion · 27/05/2011 21:03

get over here for some old style fun....

ShirleyKnot · 27/05/2011 21:03

It can't be usual - I LOVEBOMBED her.

Also, she's only been her for about a week. I REFUSE TO BELIEVE IT

MrsGaGaGo · 27/05/2011 21:03

Agent your definition of MN is spot on you shall be are spokesperson

usualsuspect · 27/05/2011 21:04


YesterdaysPants · 27/05/2011 21:05

No, the strongest term was wanky Grin

I just fucking hate that kind of cliqueyness on forums. No need.

YesterdaysPants · 27/05/2011 21:05

Oh yeah, sorry, the lovebomb was nice. Thanks Smile

mummissinghermind · 27/05/2011 21:07

Yesterday what would you propose as entry requirements?

Not sure i'd get in

usualsuspect · 27/05/2011 21:07

I don't have a clique Sad

come on YesterdaysPants don't be all mardy ..have a drink, be happy

YesterdaysPants · 27/05/2011 21:10

Oh... ok then Wine

Still - it's not ongoing conversations on here, not everyone reads all the existing threads before posting. And maybe not that bright people sometimes. Doesn't make them flammable. Or that MN's going down the pan. These kind of threads pee me off.

EverythingInMiniature · 27/05/2011 21:12

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

PurveyorOfBaloney · 27/05/2011 21:16

It has been a bit bollocks lately, and it's making me ಠ_ಠ

That's a hard stare in case you are a bit flammable Grin

PurveyorOfBaloney · 27/05/2011 21:17

Bugger, bloody MN and it's useless character set Angry

MrsGaGaGo · 27/05/2011 21:17

Usualsuspect if your making the drinks mines a g&t

ShirleyKnot · 27/05/2011 21:21

No, it's cool Yesterday.

I realise that I am seen nowadays as "one of the clique" and the truth is? Yes, I have made friends on MN. I've even met some.

It wasn't always that way though, I am a relative newbe (compared to many) and actually...I'm a bit fed up with having this conversation across the internetz. Either you fit in, get on, make friends, accept the forum rules, have a laugh, dont get too far up your own fucking arse, OR you don't enjoy it, moan, bitch, and cry - either way - you can get "in a clique" (which appears to mean - MAKE FRIENDS) on the internet or not.

It's really kind of up to you. And by YOU I mean the general YOU.
AgentZigzag · 27/05/2011 21:21

Better make that two g and ts usual.

And a bag of cheesy doritos

OP posts:
mummissinghermind · 27/05/2011 21:23

Oh thank fucksey strong liquor, i'll just have gin with me gin, thanks usual


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usualsuspect · 27/05/2011 21:27

Its true what Shirl says

you do make friends or find people you click with

I try my hardest to talk to any one on here ..some people annoy the fuck out of me too

I have felt like the invisible woman sometimes ,but hey you can't get rid of me Grin

YesterdaysPants · 27/05/2011 21:27

Yeah, I hesitated before using the word clique cos people immediately say 'it's friendship' but there's just no need for deliberately derailing a thread, ripping the piss from a well-meaning poster and encouraging others to do the same. Seems cliquey to me.


But yeah I don't own MN, so feel free to ignore and post random shit if it makes you happy.

Not that it matters a hoot, but I namechange regularly so not at all a newbie.

mummissinghermind · 27/05/2011 21:28

Well i'm new here and i enjoy the banter between 'oldies' or those who know each other, never thought it cliquey.Have often thought they be talking to me

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